The Swingle Singers

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Just came across this newly released album. Check it out!

I think it's pretty amazing and such a great price (almost 40 songs for 9.99)

What do you guys think?


  • Reply 1 of 64
    NO ONE?????
  • Reply 2 of 64

    Originally posted by stevegongrui

    NO ONE?????

    a cappella classical music. hmm. not my thing.
  • Reply 3 of 64

    Originally posted by billybobsky

    a cappella classical music. hmm. not my thing.

    what's wrong with a cappella classical music?

    are you saying it's distasteful?

    what music do you listen to? care to share?
  • Reply 4 of 64

    Originally posted by billybobsky

    a cappella classical music. hmm. not my thing.

    But it's 10 bucks for 39 songs.. sweet deal
  • Reply 5 of 64
    akumulatorakumulator Posts: 1,111member
    I think my Grandma would like this.
  • Reply 6 of 64
    baumanbauman Posts: 1,248member
    No, it's still ten bucks for one CD. Each of those songs is under two minutes long...

    Ah, well. It don't matter much anyways.
  • Reply 7 of 64

    Originally posted by Akumulator

    I think my Grandma would like this.

    Then your grandma has better taste than you do
  • Reply 8 of 64
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    No, she doesn't taste nearly as good as your Grandma does.


    Err.. has.

    Sorry, that music fried my ****ing mind.

  • Reply 9 of 64
    wotanwotan Posts: 106member
    The Swingle Sisters have been around for a long time, so I think thats probably a re-release of an earlier album. I might be wrong on that but I'd be surprised to know that their still recording.

    And don't fret stevegongrui, your not the only one around here with good taste in music. Frankly, I feel a bit sorry for people who haven't yet discovered the genius and brilliance of J.S. Bach. And the Swingle Sisters have certainly produced some very fresh and original interpretations of his work throughout their careers.

    Thanks for introducing this under-appreciated gem to these unenlightened souls.
  • Reply 10 of 64
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    If you like the Swingle Singers, you should also like Chanticleer.


    Thanks for introducing this under-appreciated gem to these unenlightened souls.

    Could you two be any more overbearing?
  • Reply 11 of 64
    akumulatorakumulator Posts: 1,111member

    Originally posted by Wotan

    And don't fret stevegongrui, your not the only one around here with good taste in music.

    Taste is subjective as you two have clearly demonstrated.
  • Reply 12 of 64

    Originally posted by Akumulator

    Taste is subjective as you two have clearly demonstrated.

    Yes, taste is subjective, but when you diss J.S. Bach, it isn't about taste subjectivity.

    It's more a question of art objectivity.

    Some people say they don't like mercedes-benz and prefer a shitty american car like Ford...

    A question of taste? I guess, but what is it founded on?


    A better example is saying I like the look of Dell computers over Apple Macs. I'm sure you all know what that's like.

    People that like dell are usually close minded and haven't come to discover Apple.

    Same here. Get out of your noisy punk music (that stupid song: "I fought the law" that everyone seems to be blindly downloading) and educate yourselves more.

    Look beyond your pop culture/country. There's another world out there.
  • Reply 13 of 64

    Originally posted by Wotan

    Thanks for introducing this under-appreciated gem to these unenlightened souls.

    I think it's actually a new release of a new recording. The last albums are from the 80's and do not hold these songs. Moreover, the recording quality is excellent.

    I really don't understand you guys. When I heard them I thought their take on bach was so distinct and beautiful I could not imagine people could say such nasty things.

    And why do you all choose to react so strongly against it when I didn't?
  • Reply 14 of 64
    Hey, I'd forgotten all about them. Great stuff. Thanks!
  • Reply 15 of 64
    mlnjrmlnjr Posts: 230member
    I think it would be the same situation if someone here started a thread to point AI members to a punk band's new album, asking everyone, "Isn't this this a great album?" (waits for responses to pour in) "NO ONE??"

    You've made the argument that taste is subjective, but if someone prefers a "shitty" American car to a Mercedes, that taste is based on ignorance. That's a fairly elitist thing to say, don't you think? You're now the arbiter of good taste?

    People are free to like what they want to like, and they're free to point others to those things too--music, books, movies, web sites, etc. But they shouldn't get too upset if not everyone agrees with their tastes.
  • Reply 16 of 64
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    Oh, man, I touhght this thread was for swinging singles!
  • Reply 17 of 64
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    You are free to like whatever you want, but if it isn't what steve likes, you are ignorant.

    Or something.
  • Reply 18 of 64

    Originally posted by stevegongrui

    what's wrong with a cappella classical music?

    are you saying it's distasteful?

    what music do you listen to? care to share?

    i dont really listen to music. i am not tone deaf just i dont understand the attraction to it. silence IS golden especially when driving long distances.

    its not distasteful. i like classical music fine, a cappella i could do without but its not like i have a gut renching hatred of either of them. i just dont like the combo at all.
  • Reply 19 of 64
    Well, reasons for hating the swingle singers?

    If you have VALID reasons then I'll respect your tastes.

    For example, I do not necessarily respect punk music because of it's simplistic nature of musical makeup. Green Days songs sound mostly the same because they use very limited chord progression and just mix around notes to seemingle change the song. Yeah, the words are different, but so what. Moreover, although the praise of dissonance can be regarded as elevated, there is no way elevation can be associated with it's use in punk music for the very reason that dissonance's purpose is to convey just energy.

    I never said you should all embrace the swingle singers but why such mean comments against them even before I said anything?
  • Reply 20 of 64

    Originally posted by segovius

    Maybe if you wanted to get these reprobates turned on to some kulchur it would be better to go with Bond - they don't sound much worse than the SS and they certainly look a hell of a lot better...

    Wtf has Bond got to do with any of this? Bond is dance music.
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