New wave of bad ads



  • Reply 81 of 102
    torifiletorifile Posts: 4,024member
    Anyone else notice that images are loading SLOW tonight? The only way I could read anything is to stop the loading. (whatever happened to "alt" tags for images so I can reply???)
  • Reply 82 of 102
    torifiletorifile Posts: 4,024member

    Originally posted by torifile

    Anyone else notice that images are loading SLOW tonight? The only way I could read anything is to stop the loading. (whatever happened to "alt" tags for images so I can reply???)

    Nevermind. It appears that Safari is screwy for some reason. And firebox is so sickly fast I may have to suck it up and deal with the appearance (and misspellings).
  • Reply 83 of 102
    ebbyebby Posts: 3,110member

    Originally posted by torifile

    Anyone else notice that images are loading SLOW tonight? The only way I could read anything is to stop the loading. (whatever happened to "alt" tags for images so I can reply???)

    Me too. Good thing I memorized the layout or I wouldn't be able to reply. Seems to only be this site. Others work fine.
  • Reply 84 of 102
    Actually, the slowness is due to one of the ads, specifically the JavaScript code for one of them.

    Another message has been dispatched.

    A temporary solution is to disable JavaScript.

    Another fix if you are using PithHelmet:

    1. Add to the "block" set "appleinsider\\.com"

    2. Add to the "allow" set "forums\\.appleinsider\\.com"

    3. Click Save. Click Reload.

    4. Browse happily.
  • Reply 85 of 102

    Originally posted by Brad

    Actually, the slowness is due to one of the ads, specifically the JavaScript code for one of them.

    Another message has been dispatched.

    A temporary solution is to disable JavaScript.

    Another fix if you are using PithHelmet:

    1. Add to the "block" set "appleinsider\\.com"

    2. Add to the "allow" set "forums\\.appleinsider\\.com"

    3. Click Save. Click Reload.

    4. Browse happily.

    Holy Huge Difference Bradman!

    I was pulling my hair out trying to figure what was borking my browser.

    Let us know who to aim retribution at.

    You get a cookie

  • Reply 86 of 102
    zozo Posts: 3,117member
    is anything going on with this insane java script thing??

    Mac... crawls... to... grinding... halt... when... posting....
  • Reply 87 of 102

    Originally posted by ZO

    is anything going on with this insane java script thing??

    Mac... crawls... to... grinding... halt... when... posting....

    Incoming message from the overlords:

    "We' had major server issues over the last two days, and I assume this is what your experiencing. It is not the code."

    So, I can only suggest you block the server itself as I described above. That's the only thing that will really fix this. \
  • Reply 88 of 102
    Would someone please kindly inform the overlords on the proper usage of your/you're. God that drives me batty.
  • Reply 89 of 102
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    Mac Achaia (Ars):

    "It is against rules to block ads! DO NOT EVER BLOCK THEM EVER EVER!!"


    "**** our ads. Here is detailed information on how to block our ads."

    I love this place.

  • Reply 90 of 102
    I found the evil site that offers people the option of creating talking banners. it's called Site Pal
  • Reply 91 of 102
    ebbyebby Posts: 3,110member
    // Finds old pitchfork and begins to collect kindling, waiting for the stroke of midnight.
  • Reply 92 of 102
    dmband0026dmband0026 Posts: 2,345member

    Tina is back, but she's different. She no longer identifies herself as Tina, but I would recognize that voice and face anywhere, and she still does that weird thing where she looks at your mouse (horrid misuse of cool technology)...

    She's gotta go. Make it stop!!!
  • Reply 93 of 102

    Originally posted by Ebby

    The ads changed again. More annoying than ever. At least you could move popups but these cover text!

    See for yourself:

    Bad ad #1

    Bad ad #2

    Bad ad #3

    I know AI needs money, but is there perhaps a better ad server out there? \

    Use Privoxy!
  • Reply 94 of 102

    Originally posted by DMBand0026


    Tina is back, but she's different.

    As always, please include links here when you have problems. That makes it a lot easier for us to track it own.
  • Reply 95 of 102
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    all i see on windows with mozilla firefox is a banner across the top, not nearly as intrusive or annoying as the ads that you have posted, I wouldnt ever drop names but there is software availible for mac and windows that pulls all ads from a website before you see it, i dont use it, lost the file but do some footwork and whala...or just use mozilla
  • Reply 96 of 102

    Originally posted by a_greer

    all i see on windows with mozilla firefox is a banner across the top, not nearly as intrusive or annoying as the ads that you have posted, I wouldnt ever drop names but there is software availible for mac and windows that pulls all ads from a website before you see it, i dont use it, lost the file but do some footwork and whala...or just use mozilla

    We'll drop names. Try pithHelmet for Safari.
  • Reply 97 of 102

    Originally posted by Ichiban_jay

    I found the evil site that offers people the option of creating talking banners. it's called Site Pal

    I just got one today for the first time...

    AI don't make me disable flash just to take care of this!!!

    I mean I can live without
  • Reply 98 of 102
    noooo! not more talking banners! got a new one today, comes up saying "What do you want me to say, type anything you want"
  • Reply 99 of 102
    and I had her say, "f*** you, bitch." Because that is what I had just said to her. And adding the lines mentioned above to pithhelmet doesn't seem to have blocked her. What the crap?

    Edit: Nevermind. I figured out why PithHelmet wasn't taking care of it. I fixed the problem, and all is now right with the world (or at least with my messageboard).

    Edit: Ok, I was wrong apparently wrong, because she's back again. Damnit!
  • Reply 100 of 102
    For the 100th time, folks:




    There's *nothing* I can do about this unless you tell me where the problem ads are originating. Please!
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