Your favorite ice cream flavor, please.



  • Reply 41 of 137
    defiantdefiant Posts: 4,876member
    I know who you sleep with, bunge. Something about coffee?muhahaa
  • Reply 42 of 137
    daverdaver Posts: 496member
    *peeks in*

    Chocolate, and the more chocolatey, the better.
  • Reply 43 of 137
    lucaluca Posts: 3,833member

    Originally posted by Carol A

    If you know anything about females, and I'm sure you do, you know that it drives us crazy when someone starts to say something and then changes his mind about saying it.

    So I feel compelled to drag it out of you, Luca.

    However, if you are going to embarrass me, I would appreciate it if you would tell me what you were going to say in a PM; then I can be embarrassed with only 'you' knowing why I'm feeling that way. Okay???? \

    Okay good. Glad that that's settled. I'm waiting for your pm.

    It doesn't just bug women. Women do that to men too, and it's annoying. This is more of an issue with forums because you can't delete your own posts, you can only edit them.

    I don't feel like tellin', though. And, when I said embarrassing, I meant for me, not for you.
  • Reply 44 of 137
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member

    Originally posted by Luca Rescigno

    It doesn't just bug women. Women do that to men too, and it's annoying. This is more of an issue with forums because you can't delete your own posts, you can only edit them.

    I don't feel like tellin', though. And, when I said embarrassing, I meant for me, not for you.

    Don't worry, you are funny
  • Reply 45 of 137
    fangornfangorn Posts: 323member
    Moose tracks.

    it's probably an Alaska exclusive, but I couldn't say for certain. It's vanilla ice cream swirled with fudge and miniature peanut butter cups. yum! yum! yum! They've also started making it with chocolate ice cream--even better.

    Otherwise, anything chocolate flavored is my undoing.

  • Reply 46 of 137
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by Luca Rescigno

    It doesn't just bug women. Women do that to men too, and it's annoying. This is more of an issue with forums because you can't delete your own posts, you can only edit them.

    I don't feel like tellin', though. And, when I said embarrassing, I meant for me, not for you.

    Damn, damn, damn!

    Oooo. You are a tease.

    If you tell me in a pm, only *I* will know about your embarrassment. Surely you can live with that? No one else will know!!!! OHHH PULEEEEASE tell me!!!

    My curiosity will plague and torment me endlessly. Only *you* can prevent that, Luca. Only you.

    Pretty please. Sugar-coated. With honey on top.

    When you typed "nevermind", you sealed your fate. You knew you would torment me with that. You are therefore destined to reveal all. In private. Just the two of us. heh.

    Oh well. I give up.
  • Reply 47 of 137
    lucaluca Posts: 3,833member

    Originally posted by Carol A

    Damn, damn, damn!

    Oooo. You are a tease.

    If you tell me in a pm, only *I* will know about your embarrassment. Surely you can live with that? No one else will know!!!! OHHH PULEEEEASE tell me!!!

    My curiosity will plague and torment me endlessly. Only *you* can prevent that, Luca. Only you.

    Pretty please. Sugar-coated. With honey on top.

    When you typed "nevermind", you sealed your fate. You knew you would torment me with that. You are therefore destined to reveal all. In private. Just the two of us. heh.

    Oh well. I give up.

    This is fun . I've never been able to drive a woman nuts before
  • Reply 48 of 137
    billybobskybillybobsky Posts: 1,914member

    Originally posted by Fangorn

    Moose tracks.

    it's probably an Alaska exclusive, but I couldn't say for certain. It's vanilla ice cream swirled with fudge and miniature peanut butter cups. yum! yum! yum! They've also started making it with chocolate ice cream--even better.

    Otherwise, anything chocolate flavored is my undoing.


    Not Alaska exclusive fortunately... which brings me to my main contention with ice cream, my favorite, peanut butter chocolate, can be had at the chains and some of the national brands. But all of those kinda suck compared to Mayfield's peanut butter and chocolate and I haven't found it anywhere but in Asheville, NC.
  • Reply 49 of 137

    Originally posted by Carol A

    Damn, damn, damn!

    Oooo. You are a tease.

    If you tell me in a pm, only *I* will know about your embarrassment. Surely you can live with that? No one else will know!!!! OHHH PULEEEEASE tell me!!!

    My curiosity will plague and torment me endlessly. Only *you* can prevent that, Luca. Only you.

    Pretty please. Sugar-coated. With honey on top.

    When you typed "nevermind", you sealed your fate. You knew you would torment me with that. You are therefore destined to reveal all. In private. Just the two of us. heh.

    If there was any chance of getting an answer, you've probably blown it now. Begging gives the guy the edge. He's got the power now and it'll just be too much fun not to abuse it.

    Current favorite flavor: Starbuck's Coffee Almond Fudge
  • Reply 50 of 137
    billybobskybillybobsky Posts: 1,914member

    Originally posted by Luca Rescigno

    This is fun . I've never been able to drive a woman nuts before

    Must not have been trying very hard ...
  • Reply 51 of 137
    lucaluca Posts: 3,833member
    Okay, okay, I'll tell. Come to think of it, it's really not that embarrassing anyway.

    Carol, you're a Strumpet if ever there was one.
  • Reply 52 of 137
    billybobskybillybobsky Posts: 1,914member
    first mistake Luca... you could have had this thing going months, years even...

    ah well... it ends here now...
  • Reply 53 of 137
    lucaluca Posts: 3,833member
    I got bored already.
  • Reply 54 of 137
    billybobskybillybobsky Posts: 1,914member
    t'aint a good sign...
  • Reply 55 of 137
    nebulousnebulous Posts: 193member
    Mmm... ice cream. Most of my favorite flavors are kind of weird, but so so so tasty:

    1. Rose flavored - I've only seen this once. It was in The Jewel of India restaurant. Look it up if you're near Manhattan - it's the best Indian food you will EVER taste (outside of India, that is). This ice cream had a really delicate, sweet flavor - not at all like rose soap, which how I expected it to taste.

    2. Anything with coconut, mint, or giant chocolate chunks (like that narrows it down at all...).

    3. Green tea ice cream is usually yummy.

    All this talk of ice cream has me thinking I'm going to herd my friends over to Ben and Jerry's later today... Yay for spring!
  • Reply 56 of 137
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by Luca Rescigno

    Okay, okay, I'll tell. Come to think of it, it's really not that embarrassing anyway.

    Carol, you're a Strumpet if ever there was one.

    Luca -

    Thanks for humiliating me in my own thread.

    I knew it was something mean, and I was right. You don't think that's embarrassing for me? Wow.

    Well, fvck you, Luca. Your solution to being bored it to hurt someone's feelings?

    And btw, thanks for using a public forum to humiliate me instead of a pm as I asked. It's always nice dealing with gentlemen.
  • Reply 57 of 137
    billybobskybillybobsky Posts: 1,914member

    Chill? I don't think he meant anything by it. He is still young... He is from MN... I don't have any other excuses for him... but I am trying...

    Relax, find his charicature on that website and post it back... or better yet I will...Lonely Guy
  • Reply 58 of 137
    ganondorfganondorf Posts: 573member
    Jeez. PMS.
  • Reply 59 of 137
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member
  • Reply 60 of 137
    wrong robotwrong robot Posts: 3,907member

    Originally posted by Ganondorf

    Jeez. PMS.

    Private Message system?

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