Aluminum Display - (Apple slideshow leak?)
I attended an "event" recently and during several of the presentations, a slide was shown that showed a 23" or larger aluminum display beside an Apple Tower.
I asked someone about the display and they said, "I don't know what that is... (name deleted) put this slide show together and no telling where ____ pulled that image from..."
I've recreated the image below, (the original had a black background like the G5 images)
I saw the sllide for about 2-3 secs and an Apple guy clicked right by it without flinching. In case your wondering if a bunch of people stood up immediately and said "HEY! AN ALUMINUM DISPLAY!!!!", this was not the case, the room was full of mac users but not any hardcore future hardware types like me. Was mostly an older crowd wanting to know hot to start using OS X, etc, you get the idea.
Things to note, i couldn't remember the height in comparison to the tower but it was at least a 23 inch display, maybe bigger.
There was no support foot in the middle back showing.
Here it is: Higher res version
I realize that WrongRobot posted the image below in another thread..
But as you can see here, this is just a current Cinema Display, although with an odd looking support from underneath the G5.
At any rate , just thought I'd do a mockup of what I saw.
No buttons on the front were showing. and the image looked very "official" especiallly on the black background...
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Here's a closer looking example of what I saw, although I added the headline.
High -Rez
I asked someone about the display and they said, "I don't know what that is... (name deleted) put this slide show together and no telling where ____ pulled that image from..."
I've recreated the image below, (the original had a black background like the G5 images)
I saw the sllide for about 2-3 secs and an Apple guy clicked right by it without flinching. In case your wondering if a bunch of people stood up immediately and said "HEY! AN ALUMINUM DISPLAY!!!!", this was not the case, the room was full of mac users but not any hardcore future hardware types like me. Was mostly an older crowd wanting to know hot to start using OS X, etc, you get the idea.
Things to note, i couldn't remember the height in comparison to the tower but it was at least a 23 inch display, maybe bigger.
There was no support foot in the middle back showing.
Here it is: Higher res version
I realize that WrongRobot posted the image below in another thread..
But as you can see here, this is just a current Cinema Display, although with an odd looking support from underneath the G5.
At any rate , just thought I'd do a mockup of what I saw.
No buttons on the front were showing. and the image looked very "official" especiallly on the black background...
************************************************** *******************
Here's a closer looking example of what I saw, although I added the headline.
High -Rez
Originally posted by Matsu
A mock story and pic, excellent!
Tell us how you *really* feel.
Sorry, as fun as it is to have it match the G5, I rather suspect it will not have the exact G5 love handles. Too flat and immovable.
One would hope they could iMac-ify the displays with optional beefed up swing arm, but also allow a fixed semi adjustable stand (i.e. no built-in legs YUCK) - plus - allow it to be wall mounted!
So make it flat backed, no built in legs, optional iMac arm and base (sold separately!) and I'll be happy.
My dream desk is bar style with wall mounted display.
I'd like to see apple making something like the iMac arm for the displays (I have no idea how, but I'm sure apple can engineer something that everyone else can copy).
I'd like to see wall mountable too- but how is that any more adjustable than the current displays? I'd say its even less.
I'd also like to see a TV tuner built in because I'm never buying anything with a tube again. My next computer display is going to be used as my TV (I'm planning on getting the 20" apple and maybe an eyeTV or a tuner card for my 3GHz G5).
My parents got the gateway 42" plasma last summer and it rocks (yes I know if doesn't have the best black display, but the color saturation is great after some color tuning and a progressive scan DVD player with some Monster component video cables)! So I'm planning on getting something wide and flat for my next TV/Computer monitor. Hopefully a 20", wall mountable, iMac arm, aluminum, apple display to match my shiny new dual 3GHz G5!
1. iMac-like arm/base (optional, sold separately), super adjustable
2. Included external stand, moderately adjustable
3. Wall mounted, non-adjustable.
All 3 would be possible in one unit.
Non-built-in legs makes it attractive as 1 or 3 (currently it's hideous, IMHO, in those situations although fine by itself as intended). 3rd party arms with current displays looks goofy to me, sorry. And a wall mounted Cinema display with little legs sticking out would of course be visually asinine.
Making the iMac are/base optional would save a lot on shipping since it would need to be very heavy. Since not everyone would use it, keep it optional.
Originally posted by tacojohn
Yes- I love the look of these displays, but they're not adjustable enough.
I'd like to see apple making something like the iMac arm for the displays (I have no idea how, but I'm sure apple can engineer something that everyone else can copy).
for the record, apple didn't actually engineer the imac swing arm. it was engineered by a palo alto company called function. a friend of mine worked as a mech engineer on the team (they also did the cubes underside spring-handle, the magnetic powerbook latch, and the original adjustable stands for the cinema displays. luckily, he said they didn't have steve lording over them saying "you call THAT a SUNFLOWER??!!??"
not sure if apple still uses function, as function removed every shred of evidence they did work for apple from their on-line portfolio right after the flat-panel imac was released. apple is still listed in their range of clients. function has also done some cool engineering like danger's hiptop case and hinge display and the fold-out palm portable keyboard.
Originally posted by rok
for the record, apple didn't actually engineer the imac swing arm. it was engineered by a palo alto company called function. a friend of mine worked as a mech engineer on the team (they also did the cubes underside spring-handle, the magnetic powerbook latch, and the original adjustable stands for the cinema displays.
not sure if apple still uses function, as function removed every shred of evidence they did work for apple from their on-line portfolio right after the flat-panel imac was released.
That's fairly normal in the industry though isn't it? See XBOX and Microsoft or Gillette razors etc. Usually a 3rd party design firm is in the mix somewhere.
Originally posted by johnq
That's fairly normal in the industry though isn't it? See XBOX and Microsoft or Gillette razors etc. Usually a 3rd party design firm is in the mix somewhere.
well, yeah. i just think some folks (myself included) get led to believe that apple does all the cool stuff, whereas they just go to places like function and say "um, steve wants a sunflower. make it happen..."
Originally posted by rok
well, yeah. i just think some folks (myself included) get led to believe that apple does all the cool stuff, whereas they just go to places like function and say "um, steve wants a sunflower. make it happen..."
True. That's marketing for ya.
What then of HP:Invent?
Since Apple contracted out for iPod and HP is licensing iPod from Apple it seems like the biggest joke is HP's logo/slogan.
Should be HP:License
Originally posted by oldmacfan
Ok, what is wrong with the first link...
Did it get yanked, ala "steve'd"?
Originally posted by oldmacfan
Ok, what is wrong with the first link...
It's "http://http//". Just remove the last "http//", and you have a perfectly functioning link. :-)
Originally posted by Zapchud
It's "http://http//". Just remove the last "http//", and you have a perfectly functioning link. :-)
Noticed that the link is fixed now. Thanks for pointing out the problem.
Originally posted by MacJedai
Noticed that the link is fixed now. Thanks for pointing out the problem.
Masker, sweeeet mockup. I still would like adjustability of the screen. Not sure if the iMac arm is "the" answer, but something that allows that amout of flexibilty would sure be nice.
I go along with the idea for the display to have no built-in legs, be wall mountable, and have at least one desktop base.
we need a new metal.