Macrumors: PowerMac/display updates imminent



  • Reply 81 of 151

    Originally posted by Ensign Pulver

    In fact I think it's obvious that the current G5 graphic is intended to roll directly over into the rev. B announcement next week, and Apple doesn't care about pissing anyone off. Anyone stupid enough to buy a rev. A G5 right now deserves what he gets anyway.

    Hope you're correct, Pulver (I really want to pick up one of these new-fangled G5 thingies), but I tend to believe that moving the G5 creative to the main page has been done in order to sustain interest in the current crop of towers ... perhaps for another month or three?

    Who knows, maybe we'll hit 3.0 with the next upgrade ... which won't arrive until July/August?

  • Reply 82 of 151
    maskermasker Posts: 451member

    Originally posted by Ensign Pulver

    Told ya, pscates.

    (Seriously, props for admitting you were wrong. This place would be a lot better off if everyone did that.)

    Okay, I'll step up... I too admit pscates was wrong.

    There. I feel better.

  • Reply 83 of 151
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
  • Reply 84 of 151
    gsxrboygsxrboy Posts: 565member
    So d00ds do we start hyping up the 30th now ! This is somewhat frustrating, I am in the mood for spending !
  • Reply 85 of 151
    Well, judging by the Powerbooks being offered by the European Store (allegedly refurbed) today (24/03/04), Apple is clearing the channel.

    All of the models in all the sizes is strange enough!

    The fact that six models are still in stock at 13:00 GMT implies they've got more than a few boxes they want cleared.

    Of course, the European store is only open on Wednesdays 10:00-24:00 - but go and have a look here
  • Reply 86 of 151
    I also noticed that ALL sizes of studio displays are on sale in the refurb section of the US Apple Store. This is the first time I've actually seen ANY refurb displays for sale.
  • Reply 87 of 151

    Originally posted by Ensign Pulver

    Told ya, pscates.

    It was actually me who suggested the Xserve would be promoted next, so don't lay the smackdown on Mr. Scates for arguing the point. In my defense, the Xserve WAS featured on when it was introduced, so there is precedent. And crimony, it OUGHT to be featured! It's the only piece of honest-to-God computer hardware we've seen in THREE MONTHS!
  • Reply 88 of 151
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Exactly. I was thinking about this yesterday, comparing the hardware/software releases during the first three months of 2003 to the first three of 2004...for this to be the 20th anniversary year, it's been pretty damn quiet!

    Where are the new G5s? New redesigned displays that don't look like G4s? New iMacs that hit Anderson's "sweet spot"? Revved iBooks (been almost 6 months)? New eMacs (only product remaining to not sport USB 2.0)?

    Honest to goodness, it really, really feels sometimes like Apple is hanging EVERYTHING on the iPod and the iTMS. It's the only thing that seems to get any play or real attention and promotion.

    "Computers? Bah...we've got the iPod!"

    Last year felt like an "anniversary celebration"...seemed like something was coming out every other week.

    This year? Pretty much MWSF and the iPod minis...and that's it. Whoop-di-do. For all the hype and talk about the G5 and IBM, it's pretty much following a G4-esque course of updates. What, June 23 of 2003? Not counting that small "dual 1.8" release late last year. But here we are, going on 9 months (just like before) with nothing.

    So much for Jobs' own statement about "we'll be celebrating in a big way...we have some amazing things planned for 2004..." during the keynote.

    I guess they're going to save them all up until November or something?

  • Reply 89 of 151

    Originally posted by pscates

    So much for Jobs' own statement about "we'll be celebrating in a big way...we have some amazing things planned for 2004..." during the keynote.

    Well, to be fair, there are only three months gone, and we can assume that every line will be revised at least once during the rest of the year. If some of those revisions really knock us on our cans (G5 iMacs and PowerBooks, 3GHz Power Macs, whatever other surprises Apple will spring this year), we'll forget all about this dry stretch.

    The silence out of Cupertino is so deafening, SOMETHING big has to be afoot.
  • Reply 90 of 151
    jubelumjubelum Posts: 4,490member
    <crickets chirping>

  • Reply 91 of 151
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    Originally posted by BrunoBruin The silence out of Cupertino is so deafening, SOMETHING big has to be afoot.

    That is the one encouraging thing, actually. The calm before the storm, so to speak.

    Yes, if G5 PowerBooks and iMacs and 3GHz G5s and revved iBooks and eMacs and iPods all make an appearance in 2004 (along with OS X 10.4 and other software goodies), I'm more than willing to forget January-March.

  • Reply 92 of 151
    plan-bplan-b Posts: 36member
    blah blah blah........

    all updated at one.....blah blah

    hugh wwdc ....blah blah blah


    imacs...blah blah blah

    screens blah blah

    powerbooks blah blah
  • Reply 93 of 151
    ipodandimacipodandimac Posts: 3,273member
    apple literally cannot survive as a compny if they dont release new computers. theyre coming.
  • Reply 94 of 151
    plan-bplan-b Posts: 36member

    Originally posted by ipodandimac

    apple literally cannot survive as a compny if they dont release new computers. theyre coming.

    absolutely....... correct
  • Reply 95 of 151

    Originally posted by ipodandimac

    apple literally cannot survive as a compny if they dont release new computers. theyre coming.

    Hello, no tech product can survive without being upgraded.
  • Reply 96 of 151
    ipodandimacipodandimac Posts: 3,273member

    Originally posted by oldmacfan

    Hello, no tech product can survive without being upgraded.

    exactly, but some people are crying b/c they dont think apple will ever release updates to current products.
  • Reply 97 of 151
    smirclesmircle Posts: 1,035member
    I know, I am childish right now, but please, someone tell me Apple is going to release PowerBook G5's in the next weeks, damnit.

    I know, Powerbooks are among the stronges selling machines they offer, but heck, I don't understand it. They are so freaking underspecced.... *grmbl*
  • Reply 98 of 151
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member

    Originally posted by Smircle

    I know, I am childish right now, but please, someone tell me Apple is going to release PowerBook G5's in the next weeks, damnit.

    I know, Powerbooks are among the stronges selling machines they offer, but heck, I don't understand it. They are so freaking underspecced.... *grmbl*

    I wouldn't count on the g5 pb's being released in the next few weeks... They aren't that bad compared to pc laptops unless you count price .

    Apple could easily milk these books for another 5-7 months. Then the g5 powerbook would toast any pc laptop out there.
  • Reply 99 of 151
    smirclesmircle Posts: 1,035member

    Originally posted by emig647

    I wouldn't count on the g5 pb's being released in the next few weeks... They aren't that bad compared to pc laptops unless you count price .

    Part of my despair comes from the fact that I had to buy myself a Centrino for work. I did compare it to one of the current crop of Powerbooks. Let's just say it was an ugly result, it tore the Mac to pieces...

    They are really really seriously bad compared to most current PC laptops. I wish, I could look at Apple with pride again...
  • Reply 100 of 151
    jadejade Posts: 379member

    Originally posted by Smircle

    Part of my despair comes from the fact that I had to buy myself a Centrino for work. I did compare it to one of the current crop of Powerbooks. Let's just say it was an ugly result, it tore the Mac to pieces...

    They are really really seriously bad compared to most current PC laptops. I wish, I could look at Apple with pride again...

    Absolutely: the only place the powerbooks win are in looks. The centrinos smoke powerbooks in battery life and performance.

    If apple wants to charge such a huge premium, they better rise up to the challenge!

    And while we are at it whatever happened to bundling a word processor with pro machines. Erveryone has to write letters...add in Appleworks. For $2600 you deserve it!
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