Macrumors: PowerMac/display updates imminent



  • Reply 121 of 151
    More news from France just to add to the confusion?

    The refurbished products section of the Apple Store (France) has been

    open 3 days on the trot - usually its only open wednesdays from 11am

    (and thats if we're lucky!)

    Theres a serious lot of stock clearing going on here throughout the entire

    Apple product range, and that usually happens 2 or so weeks before new

    product releases. My guess is new products (software and hardware) to be

    released around the same time as the NAB conference (new software features

    better displays and optimised hardware, thus faster benchmarks which are

    important for creative professionals) and not for the end of Apple's financial


    Then again I could be wrong like so many others
  • Reply 122 of 151
    Same in the UK and I've never ever seen that happen before

    something BIG IS coming now I'm sure of it
  • Reply 123 of 151

    Originally posted by Thereubster

    Same in the UK and I've never ever seen that happen before

    something BIG IS coming now I'm sure of it

    Yep, I have to agree.
  • Reply 124 of 151
    donny1donny1 Posts: 33member

    Originally posted by The Placid Casual

    Yep, I have to agree.

    Also have to agree. The UK refurb store is never open on Thursdays and never has products like the 15" Powerbook still available to order at 12.45pm. These things are usually sold by 11.00am, if not sooner. Not to mention there is never so much refurb stock either.

    So, something BIG is coming, but when?
  • Reply 125 of 151

    Originally posted by Mark- Card Carrying FanaticRealist

    Well, judging by the Powerbooks being offered by the European Store (allegedly refurbed) today (24/03/04), Apple is clearing the channel.

    All of the models in all the sizes is strange enough!

    The fact that six models are still in stock at 13:00 GMT implies they've got more than a few boxes they want cleared.

    Of course, the European store is only open on Wednesdays 10:00-24:00 - but go and have a look here

    And just to prove that something is going on?

    The store is open today (Thursday) and has items that were not available yesterday. Normally the store is only open on Wednesdays.

    Interestingly, Apple seems to want to clear iPods as well

    Could it be that the story here about not much product to sell in April includes the 3G iPod?

    The simple solution would be that Apple is reducing stock for the quarter end.

    But iPods being discounted in a market where they normally walk out the store at full retail value tends to make me think that we're about to have an interesting month or two.

    Last G4 Powerbooks

    New 'speed-bumped' iBooks

    Rev B G5 PowerMacs

    New Displays

    New iPods
  • Reply 126 of 151
    epromeprom Posts: 11member

    But iPods being discounted in a market where they normally walk out the store at full retail value tends to make me think that we're about to have an interesting month or two.

    And about bloody time it is too.....
  • Reply 127 of 151
    plan-bplan-b Posts: 36member

    Originally posted by eprom

    And about bloody time it is too.....

    here here.........
  • Reply 128 of 151
    tchwojkotchwojko Posts: 139member
    <rain target=parade>

    Could the clearing of refurbished iPods be a result of this delay: Apple Delays IPod Mini Global Launch

    No mini's in Europe for a while, so have lower priced iPods to fill the demand?

  • Reply 129 of 151
    messiahtoshmessiahtosh Posts: 1,754member
    Using a good bit of critical thinking I have come up with the following predictions. Of course, a lot of it may turn out to be total crap, but enjoy.

    PowerMac revisions will occur Tuesday March 30th.

    Dual 2.2 GHz $1700

    Dual 2.6 GHz $2400

    Dual 3.0 GHz $3200--May ship later than the "lesser" of the 3 configs.

    iMac revisions in early to mid April.

    1.6 GHz G5 w/15 inch display. Combo drive-$1000

    1.8 GHz G5 w/17 inch display. Superdrive-$1500

    2.0 GHz G5 with 17 or 20 inch display. Superdrive. $1800 or $2200

    PowerBook revisions to G5 in mid April.

    12'' 1.4 GHz G4. $1600

    15'' 1.6 GHz G5 $1900 and higher config option for $2500

    17'' 1.8 GHz G5 $3000

    iBook revisions at or before WWDC in June.

    12'' 1.25 GHz G4 $1000

    14'' 1.33 GHz G4 $1400

    This is what we are dealing with in terms of changes in price and speed...

    PowerMacs were from 1800-2500-3000 dollars. I'm knocking the two lower end models down by $100 each and bumping up the top end by $200.

    The iMac was from 1300-1800-2200 dollars. Now I have the low end $300 less to hit the "sweet spot". The middle of the line iMac is $300 less, the top end is either $400 less or the same, depending on the choice of screen size.

    PowerBooks, the same on the low end. The middle end is $100 less for the two 15'' configs. The high end is the same.

    iBooks drop $100 on the low end model. They drop $100 on the top end.
  • Reply 130 of 151
    messiahtoshmessiahtosh Posts: 1,754member
    I think I am on to something.
  • Reply 131 of 151

    Originally posted by Messiahtosh

    I think I am on to something.

    Like what?
  • Reply 132 of 151
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Based on what, exactly?

    Onto something, or ON something?

    If these are just numbers you pulled out of the air (or what YOU'D like to see), then I doubt you're onto anything at all. If, however, you've seen some internal, secret documents or you've tapped into Jobs' e-mail, we'd be interested in hearing. Otherwise, you're simply treading Plan-B territory.

  • Reply 133 of 151
    messiahtoshmessiahtosh Posts: 1,754member
    I'm not treading plan b territory, I explained where I got these numbers. I just said, I thought about it logically. I believe I could be very close, based on good thinking.
  • Reply 134 of 151

    Originally posted by Messiahtosh

    Dual 2.6 GHz $2400

    Oh mommy, please let this one come true, because I have about $5,000 to spend on two Power Macs before June 30 and this would make me the happiest pixel-pusher in the world.
  • Reply 135 of 151
    plan-bplan-b Posts: 36member

    Originally posted by pscates

    you're simply treading Plan-B territory.

    heh heh

    think about now is the tme to make an appology

    but 3200 for a 3ghz..... i doubt they will have a 3 ghz till later on like end of summer

    i would like to see these prices or even close to them

    cos i think if the g5s hit the imacs then the price with be high....shame really..... plus how far do they go with the imacs they cant push them to to high a spec cos they will start to cut away at powermac sales i would have a reasonably price imac with a 1,8 or 2gz g5 over a dual 2.6.... ( not the case if money wasnt an object of course)

    would like to see hat happen but is not that likely though..... but hey more likley than all at once.... might see powerbooks and the 3ghz at the same time tho
  • Reply 136 of 151
    leonardleonard Posts: 528member

    Originally posted by Messiahtosh

    Using a good bit of critical thinking I have come up with the following predictions. Of course, a lot of it may turn out to be total crap, but enjoy.

    PowerMac revisions will occur Tuesday March 30th.

    Dual 2.2 GHz $1700

    Dual 2.6 GHz $2400

    Dual 3.0 GHz $3200--May ship later than the "lesser" of the 3 configs.

    I think you have the day right and I think you have the shipping right (some configs won't ship till late April or early May maybe), but I think you're a bit optimistic on the configs. I could see the highest config being a Dual 2.6. I don't think it's likely we'll see a Dual 3.0 announced on March 30th.
  • Reply 137 of 151
    machemmachem Posts: 319member
    There is usually (I want to say "always", but I'm too lazy to check) overlap between revs, meaning the new low end will be 1.8 or 2.0 duals. Even with a different die/chip, I'd assume that the 130nm are available, if not being produced still.

    Other than that, keep the 3/30 fires stokin' for me.
  • Reply 138 of 151
    Who cares about new displays unless they add sizes. IMHO, a 20" flat panel in plastic is just as good as a 20" flat panel in Al.
  • Reply 139 of 151
    hasapihasapi Posts: 290member

    Originally posted by Messiahtosh

    Using a good bit of critical thinking I have come up with the following predictions. Of course, a lot of it may turn out to be total crap, but enjoy.

    PowerMac revisions will occur Tuesday March 30th.

    Dual 2.2 GHz $1700

    Dual 2.6 GHz $2400

    Dual 3.0 GHz $3200--May ship later than the "lesser" of the 3 configs.

    iBook revisions at or before WWDC in June.

    12'' 1.25 GHz G4 $1000

    14'' 1.33 GHz G4 $1400

    Your Powerbooks and iMacs look right (at least to me anyway). But here's my take on your PMacs/iBooks.

    Single (or Dual) 2.0G

    Dual 2.5G

    Dual 3.0G

    Its very possible that Apple may well go stratight to 3G and not update the product twice a year but now just once a year with larger bumps?, on the other hand I could be wrong and Apple does a historically typical update?

    Single 2.0G

    Dual 2.2G

    Dual 2.5G

    The ibook would more than likely be 12" 1G G4, and the 14" 1.25.

    Still anything is better than what we have - outclassed Powerbooks/iMacs!.
  • Reply 140 of 151
    ionyzionyz Posts: 491member

    Originally posted by blackbird71

    Who cares about new displays unless they add sizes. IMHO, a 20" flat panel in plastic is just as good as a 20" flat panel in Al.

    I'd care to have a display with delay times on par with the rest of the market.
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