Richard Clarke



  • Reply 341 of 401
    northgatenorthgate Posts: 4,461member
    CHARACTER ASSASSINATION....Here's a tidbit from Krugman's latest column that I hadn't seen before:


    That's why the administration responded to Mr. Clarke the way it responds to anyone who reveals inconvenient facts: with a campaign of character assassination....On CNN, Wolf Blitzer told his viewers that unnamed officials were saying that Mr. Clarke "wants to make a few bucks, and that [in] his own personal life, they're also suggesting that there are some weird aspects in his life as well."

    They're a real bunch of sweethearts, aren't they? I wonder what "weird aspects" these cowards are whispering about behind his back?

    UPDATE: My bad. Wonkette reports that the "weirdness" is pretty much what you might think it is from this gang. I must have been out of the loop yesterday.

    What a disgusting gang of thugs and cretins. Hell, I hope they do go public with this, just to show the country their true colors.

    From the Washington Monthly

    If he's gay, as is being pushed around the rumor mill, then I say great! Let the outings begin! I'd love to spend a few weeks discussing closeted gay Republicans.
  • Reply 342 of 401
    northgatenorthgate Posts: 4,461member
    Next thing you know, they'll be discussing his plans to take his next vacation in Paris.
  • Reply 343 of 401
    naplesxnaplesx Posts: 3,743member
    I really think this admin. predicted all along that this would happen and let the dems get worked up in a tizzy, which by the way they did, all along planning to go public just to take away yet another talking point. The old pope-a-dope, political style.

    The dems, or should I say bush's opponents have really revealed what this whole thing is about now, so this public questioning will be very easy to predict. I think that was the point in waiting though.
  • Reply 344 of 401
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member

    Originally posted by NaplesX

    I really think this admin. predicted all along that this would happen and let the dems get worked up in a tizzy, which by the way they did, all along planning to go public just to take away yet another talking point. The old pope-a-dope, political style.

    The dems, or should I say bush's opponents have really revealed what this whole thing is about now, so this public questioning will be very easy to predict. I think that was the point in waiting though.

  • Reply 345 of 401
    naplesxnaplesx Posts: 3,743member

    Originally posted by addabox


    You want I should walk you through it?
  • Reply 346 of 401
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member

    Originally posted by NaplesX

    You want I should walk you through it?

    God, no.
  • Reply 347 of 401
    homhom Posts: 1,098member
    Well Richard Clarke is going to be on The Daily Show tonight. It promises to be the best interview yet. I highly recommend that everyone watches it.

    I love the promos by the way. "I guess we're no longer a fake news organization."
  • Reply 348 of 401
    naplesxnaplesx Posts: 3,743member

    Originally posted by HOM

    Well Richard Clarke is going to be on The Daily Show tonight. It promises to be the best interview yet. I highly recommend that everyone watches it.

    I love the promos by the way. "I guess we're no longer a fake news organization."

    Why would clarke want to go on the Daily show, if he really wanted people to take him seriously?

    I am really trying to understand this one.
  • Reply 349 of 401
    dviantdviant Posts: 483member

    Originally posted by NaplesX

    Why would clarke want to go on the Daily show, if he really wanted people to take him seriously?

    I am really trying to understand this one.

    No kidding. Who the hell told him that was a good idea? Maybe he should do Letterman and Leno next!
  • Reply 350 of 401
    dviantdviant Posts: 483member

    Originally posted by addabox

    God, no.

    LOL I think thats one of the first times I've seen someone be funny in all these damn political-bickering-as-addictive-as-crack threads.
  • Reply 351 of 401
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member

    Originally posted by addabox

    God, no.

    lmao Two words have never said more. On AO that is.
  • Reply 352 of 401
    homhom Posts: 1,098member

    Originally posted by NaplesX

    Why would clarke want to go on the Daily show, if he really wanted people to take him seriously?

    I am really trying to understand this one.

    Well Karen Hughs is going on the next day so does that mean she's a joke too?

    Despite the jokes, Jon Stewart is one of the best, if not the best, interviewer on TV. His depth of knowledge and insight into current affairs continues to astonish me. I knew he was the best on TV when he asked Madeline Albright what it was like to be the last Westerner in North Korea and if they were as dangerous as they were being made out to be. When was the last time you heard a thoughtful question like that on the national news? Similarly if you read the Newsweek cover story on Mr. Stewart over the summer you would know that the Daily Show has quickly become one of the most important TV shows to go on if you're involved with politics or the government.
  • Reply 353 of 401
    naplesxnaplesx Posts: 3,743member

    Originally posted by dviant

    No kidding. Who the hell told him that was a good idea? Maybe he should do Letterman and Leno next!

    here is an interesting thing:

    Clarke's publisher has not even booked him on one FNC show! It apparently is a big mistake, because they are known to sell a ton of books. He would choose TDS over FNC?

    I think we know the leaning of the daily show. I have watched them hatchet this president. That is why he went there, they will let him do it.

    Pretty simple IMO.
  • Reply 354 of 401
    homhom Posts: 1,098member

    Originally posted by NaplesX

    here is an interesting thing:

    Clarke's publisher has not even booked him on one FNC show! It apparently is a big mistake, because they are known to sell a ton of books. He would choose TDS over FNC?

    I think we know the leaning of the daily show. I have watched them hatchet this president. That is why he went there, they will let him do it.

    Pretty simple IMO.

    Your posts continue to amaze me. The point of The Daily Show is to do a hatchet job on everyone in politics or did you not watch when they ripped into Kerry? I think the one thing that reasonable people here in AO can agree on is that The Daily Show is an equal opportunity offender. Kerry does or says something stupid he gets ripped. Bush says or does something stupid and he gets ripped. Time to take the ditto head 8) off for a minute.
  • Reply 355 of 401
    naplesxnaplesx Posts: 3,743member

    Originally posted by HOM

    Your posts continue to amaze me. The point of The Daily Show is to do a hatchet job on everyone in politics or did you not watch when they ripped into Kerry? I think the one thing that reasonable people here in AO can agree on is that The Daily Show is an equal opportunity offender. Kerry does or says something stupid he gets ripped. Bush says or does something stupid and he gets ripped. Time to take the ditto head 8) off for a minute.

    So you think that they will rip Clarke?

    I really don't think so. But hey I may be wrong.

    Why do you guys do that "Ditto head" thing? I rarely listen to Rush Limbaugh, he gets on my nerves after an hour or so, if I even am in my car that long.

    I am going to start labeling post with the tactics employed.

    That last one was marginalizing.
  • Reply 356 of 401
    there is a pretty even sided piece in the new newsweek, some of his contemporaries brand him as a "sky is falling" flake.

    the clinton administration gave him full reign and the bush administration reigned him in, which chaffed him and he started a bunch of pissing matches with ms. rice in particular.

    i'm reading the book (or starting it at least) tonight.
  • Reply 357 of 401
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member

    Originally posted by superkarate monkeydeathcar

    there is a pretty even sided piece in the new newsweek, some of his contemporaries brand him as a "sky is falling" flake.


    The sky fell.
  • Reply 358 of 401

    Originally posted by addabox


    The sky fell.

    that's exactly the point. did you ever read the fable?
  • Reply 359 of 401
    homhom Posts: 1,098member

    Originally posted by NaplesX

    So you think that they will rip Clarke?

    No. I think that Jon will ask his intelligent questions pertaining to the issues at hand.


    I really don't think so. But hey I may be wrong.

    Watch and find out.


    Why do you guys do that "Ditto head" thing? I rarely listen to Rush Limbaugh, he gets on my nerves after an hour or so, if I even am in my car that long.

    Maybe because you continue to push an ideology even in the face of contradicting information and continue to push talking points without engaging in a reasonable discussion. I find the 'ditto head' label apt when a person just repeats what they heard from one of their partisan 'news' sources without questioning their motives or goals.


    I am going to start labeling post with the tactics employed.

    That last one was marginalizing.

    It's so easy to marginalize stuff that's already in the margins.
  • Reply 360 of 401
    naplesxnaplesx Posts: 3,743member

    Originally posted by HOM

    Maybe because you continue to push an ideology even in the face of contradicting information and continue to push talking points without engaging in a reasonable discussion. I find the 'ditto head' label apt when a person just repeats what they heard from one of their partisan 'news' sources without questioning their motives or goals.

    What ideology am I pushing, exactly?

    I really did not know I was "pushing" anything, please clarify..
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