Richard Clarke



  • Reply 401 of 401
    dmzdmz Posts: 5,775member
    Let me be more clear giant. I really respect the work and significant time that you spend reasearching these things out. I think you are intelligent, and have an analytical mind.


    You are something of a "humanist" (insert non-believing type, pagan, Atheist, pluralist, Agnostic, etc. here). As a "humanist" you are under a compulsion to seek an integrated existence in the "one".

    Essentially, the state holds meaning for you. On an essential, basic, level the state orders and reorders your world. It has the answers to moral problems (or it should--or is working towards them) and if it does not, it holds the promise of an eventual salvation, through improved scientific theory, more data, etc.

    9/11 was much more traumatic for a humanist than for a Christian. For you, giant, the state (or man's collective understanding) has failed you horribly. Since the state is the final answer in controlling human experiece---and cannot in its essence be flawed---some PERSON must have screwed up the system.

    A witch hunt ensues, not unlike the denouncements of China, and the purges of Stalin.

    Hey! It's not the system---it's GOT to be incompetitence or WORSE sabotage!!!

    Round up the usual suspects!!

    Giant, we could have had 25 low-orbit chemical laser platforms focused on Manhattan, and the Pentagon, with omniscience, and omnipresence, and a Partidge in a Pear tree---what you do not believe or understand is that these things are in the hand of God---"our times are in Thy hands."

    Find Mr. Groupthink and put him in front of that hearing table.

    From JMH:

    A little indian brave who before he was ten,

    Played wargames in the woods with his indian friends

    And he built up a dream that when he grew up

    He would be a fearless warrior indian cheif

    Many moons past and more the dream grew strong until

    Tomorrow he would sing his first warsong and fight his first battle

    But something went wrong, surprise attack killed him in his sleep that night

    And so castles made of sand melts into the sea, eventually..............
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