What do Women want ?



  • Reply 81 of 111
    wrong robotwrong robot Posts: 3,907member

    Originally posted by sammi jo

    But it sounds like you have been absorbing the (c)rap in rap. Songs are written that have content other than mysogynistic chip on the shoulder "lyrics" about milkshakes, ho's, bitches, and being "busted by the man"....usually by people who won't think for themselves, hang out in clumps, try to sound tough, and look like neo-nazis. (uncool, and a 100% turn-off).

    Reading tigerwoods post, read more like he's been listening to too much emo music
  • Reply 82 of 111
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member

    Originally posted by sammi jo

    I listen to some rap, and some of it I like. Like any variety of music, 90% is disposable pap, wallpaper, worthless, 10% shines. But it sounds like you have been absorbing the (c)rap in rap. Songs are written that have content other than mysogynistic chip on the shoulder "lyrics" about milkshakes, ho's, bitches, and being "busted by the man"....usually by people who won't think for themselves, hang out in clumps, try to sound tough, and look like neo-nazis. (uncool, and a 100% turn-off).

    And (this is a by-the-way, while I'm thinking about this)....what is this moronic fashion that so many gangbanger-wannabes are into...ie hooded tops in 100ºF heat and wearing pants round the top of the thighs...its a sure recipe for (a) heatstoke and (b) falling over when the cops give chase.

  • Reply 83 of 111
    mattjohndrowmattjohndrow Posts: 1,618member

    Originally posted by Wrong Robot

    Reading tigerwoods post, read more like he's been listening to too much emo music

    what's wrong with emo?
  • Reply 84 of 111
    wrong robotwrong robot Posts: 3,907member

    Originally posted by mattjohndrow

    what's wrong with emo?

    Nothing. a good portion of emo songs(that I've heard) are about the jerk guy that gets the girl leaving the poor nerd(and singer) alone.
  • Reply 85 of 111
    chinneychinney Posts: 1,019member

    Originally posted by Wrong Robot

    Nothing. a good portion of emo songs(that I've heard) are about the jerk guy that gets the girl leaving the poor nerd(and singer) alone.

    What's "emo"?

    As for what women want, I would also add: back and shoulder rubs...and being brought a glass of wine while they are having a soak in the bath.
  • Reply 86 of 111
    wrong robotwrong robot Posts: 3,907member

    Originally posted by Chinney

    What's "emo"?

  • Reply 87 of 111
    neoneo Posts: 271member

    Originally posted by Chinney


    What's "emo"?


    i think it's short for "Eminem the rapper"

    and don't forget those famous words...

    "You can't spell 'crap' without 'rap' "

  • Reply 88 of 111
    wrong robotwrong robot Posts: 3,907member

    Originally posted by Neø

    i think it's short for "Eminem the rapper"

    and don't forget those famous words...

    "You can't spell 'crap' without 'rap' "


  • Reply 89 of 111
    mattjohndrowmattjohndrow Posts: 1,618member

    Originally posted by Neø

    i think it's short for "Eminem the rapper"

    and don't forget those famous words...

    "You can't spell 'crap' without 'rap' "


    um...not quite...not even a little bit...um...yeah...
  • Reply 90 of 111
    giaguaragiaguara Posts: 2,724member
    women just want their soccer teams to win.
  • Reply 91 of 111
    brbr Posts: 8,395member

    Originally posted by mattjohndrow

    what's wrong with emo?

    It ruins people.
  • Reply 92 of 111
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member

    Originally posted by TigerWoods99

    Women want jerks. Someone who can treat them like shit. Verbal, mental, or physical abuse is a must. But you have to be a good looking jerk. If you arent good looking, have a fat bank account. If you're not rich, forget it no matter now nice or attractive you are. They will constantly tell you of their displeasure with these jerks, despite the fact that they are fully aware that they are a-holes. They will continue this cycle until they are in their mid 30s about, until they FINALLY realize to stop putting up with the crap and search for the nice guy that they could have had all along. Or not.

    Love - According To TigerWoods99

  • Reply 93 of 111
    tigerwoods99tigerwoods99 Posts: 2,633member

    Originally posted by sammi jo

    How many men have answered this thread I wonder? Its reminds me of the people who make the laws that affect the most fundamental functions of a womans's body, namely pregnancy (and its termination). Those people are almost all men.

    What does a woman want? What a question.

    How high is a mountain? How many rooms does a house have?

    I listen to some rap, and some of it I like. Like any variety of music, 90% is disposable pap, wallpaper, worthless, 10% shines. But it sounds like you have been absorbing the (c)rap in rap. Songs are written that have content other than mysogynistic chip on the shoulder "lyrics" about milkshakes, ho's, bitches, and being "busted by the man"....usually by people who won't think for themselves, hang out in clumps, try to sound tough, and look like neo-nazis. (uncool, and a 100% turn-off).

    Uhh....what the crap are you saying here??? How does my view of today's societal woman relate to rap?? You said...it seems like I have been "absorbing the (c)rap in rap" yet state that this is "songs that have content other than mysogynistic chip on the shoulder "lyrics" about milkshakes, ho's, bitches, and being "busted by the man"....usually by people who won't think for themselves, hang out in clumps, try to sound tough, and look like neo-nazis" ??? Actually that is the crap. If you were trying to prove some point to me, you obviously didnt have one to prove.
  • Reply 94 of 111
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    [stupid double-post]
  • Reply 95 of 111
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    Suddenly this thread has taken an aire of suckiness. Stop it now, before it's too late. Everyone knows women want something different every day, therefore the answer can never be known. Thank you and good day.
  • Reply 96 of 111
    randycat99randycat99 Posts: 1,919member
  • Reply 97 of 111
    defiantdefiant Posts: 4,876member
    shhsh now! giving out chocolate is my job, and mine only! I'm from switzerland, that gives me the power to do this. 8)
  • Reply 98 of 111
    sammi josammi jo Posts: 4,634member

    Originally posted by Randycat99


    YESSSSSSSSSS!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!! oh my god...YES!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Reply 99 of 111
    mattjohndrowmattjohndrow Posts: 1,618member

    Originally posted by BR

    It ruins people.

    you like crack don't ya? just playing man.
  • Reply 100 of 111
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member
    Google G-spot

    Go to the 6th entry, called "The GSpot and Female Ejaculation". Lots of information here.

    If you can give a woman g-spot orgasms (and you WILL be able to), she will want to *ravish YOU* night and day in return.

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