10.4 Tiger Feature Request
I guess it might be a little early for this, but I think we'll be seeing a preview at WWDC, and that's not too far off. Anyways, what are your major feature requests? We all know that Spoken Interface is gonna be the Exposé of Tiger, but there are a lot of other things that warrant a major update to OS X.
My feature requests are all centered around Exposé. Before I start, let me say that I have all my hot-keys from F1 to F3 cause I'm already on that side of the keyboard for Photoshop and Final Cut. I think Exposé, more than anything, puts OS X decades ahead of Windows, and a few tweaks could make it perfect. First, I resize my windows a lot, and I hate having to grab that tiny triangle on the bottom right. It'd be nice if I could just hit F4 (or F12 in default cases) when the top window is selected and it would instantly grab the re-sizer and I could adjust accordingly. A simple click when the desired window resize is finished would end the action.
Also, I think virtual desktops need to be built into OS X. I use Desktop Manager, and it's awesome, but I always feel better having components like integrated into Finder rather than having a 3rd party program running.
I know there are a couple more things I want, but I can't think of them right now, and this is sufficient to start a discussion. Type away!
My feature requests are all centered around Exposé. Before I start, let me say that I have all my hot-keys from F1 to F3 cause I'm already on that side of the keyboard for Photoshop and Final Cut. I think Exposé, more than anything, puts OS X decades ahead of Windows, and a few tweaks could make it perfect. First, I resize my windows a lot, and I hate having to grab that tiny triangle on the bottom right. It'd be nice if I could just hit F4 (or F12 in default cases) when the top window is selected and it would instantly grab the re-sizer and I could adjust accordingly. A simple click when the desired window resize is finished would end the action.
Also, I think virtual desktops need to be built into OS X. I use Desktop Manager, and it's awesome, but I always feel better having components like integrated into Finder rather than having a 3rd party program running.
I know there are a couple more things I want, but I can't think of them right now, and this is sufficient to start a discussion. Type away!
Originally posted by ipodandimac
I guess it might be a little early for this, but I think we'll be seeing a preview at WWDC, and that's not too far off. Anyways, what are your major feature requests? We all know that Spoken Interface is gonna be the Exposé of Tiger, but there are a lot of other things that warrant a major update to OS X.
My feature requests are all centered around Exposé. Before I start, let me say that I have all my hot-keys from F1 to F3 cause I'm already on that side of the keyboard for Photoshop and Final Cut. I think Exposé, more than anything, puts OS X decades ahead of Windows, and a few tweaks could make it perfect. First, I resize my windows a lot, and I hate having to grab that tiny triangle on the bottom right. It'd be nice if I could just hit F4 (or F12 in default cases) when the top window is selected and it would instantly grab the re-sizer and I could adjust accordingly. A simple click when the desired window resize is finished would end the action.
Also, I think virtual desktops need to be built into OS X. I use Desktop Manager, and it's awesome, but I always feel better having components like integrated into Finder rather than having a 3rd party program running.
I know there are a couple more things I want, but I can't think of them right now, and this is sufficient to start a discussion. Type away!
Virtual desktops are jointly taken care of by Expose and Fast User Switching. I personally have a problem with multiple desktops; I think it breaks the continuity of your workflow and is confusing in general.
The only Expose change I want is for there to be optional sound effects; a la a 'whoooosh!' when you hit F9 and all the windows glide across the screen.
One other UI improvement I want is for there to be a choice to have a system-wide 'professional' theme, like those used in Final Cut/Soundtrack, or the new one used in Motion. Graphite just depresses me.
Virtual desktops are jointly taken care of by Expose and Fast User Switching. I personally have a problem with multiple desktops; I think it breaks the continuity of your workflow and is confusing in general.
Have you used a virtual desktop before. I have in BeOS and I can tell you Fast User Switching is not going to suffice. It's too slow. With a VD you need something that's available immediately, no passwords required.
I'd love to see OSX 10.4 have a framework setup up for multimedia. Making it easy for a developer to add HTPC features.
I'd like to see a DVD player that is optimized for computer screen viewing and NTSC.
I'd like to see the fabled support for Linux apps. That would be a killler feature for the Enterprise to be able to prepare linux code for running on OSX.
I'd like to finally see a working implementation of OpenGL 2.0 and support for a high end card(Quadro or 3Dlabs)
improved network performance
ftp in the finder that really works, then sftp in the finder
I want to be able to set up profiles that can include preferences for all applications and System Prefs. I don't want Mail checking for email every minute when I'm connected via GPRS. I can change the location, but that doesn't have any impact on Mail. I also use my laptop as my alarm clock in conjunction with MP3 Alarm Clock, so when I set my profile to Night, it sets the display to turn off after one minute, set's the volume to maximum, and changes iChat's status to away.
Basically, what I want is for OSX to support dynamic shifting of multiple preference files based on my choices. If that doesn't make any sense I can try and explain it better.
Originally posted by HOM
The only thing I can think of is profiles. It's like network Locations, but much more advanced. It's kind of like virtual desktops or multiple users, but different.
More like OS9's Locations then... there were modules that would interact with various system settings or application preferences and change them based on the Location you selected. Been waiting for that in OS X...
Originally posted by Kickaha
More like OS9's Locations then... there were modules that would interact with various system settings or application preferences and change them based on the Location you selected. Been waiting for that in OS X...
I'd buy that for $129.
Originally posted by your_ad_here
HOM, do you mean something similar to profiles on a cell phone? If so i'd have to second that as a useful addition.
Yes, but I don't want a set of defined options that can changed like my T616.
Originally posted by Kickaha
More like OS9's Locations then... there were modules that would interact with various system settings or application preferences and change them based on the Location you selected. Been waiting for that in OS X...
I loved the Locations system in Mac OS 9, but if I remember correctly there were some limitations that frustrated me. I can't remember them now because it's been so long since I've used Mac OS 9. Of all the features from Mac OS 9 that I wanted to see make the migration this was it.
Eye candy 8)
I would like Image capture to support Canon RAW format. Even if it is a Canon proprietary format, it doesn't have to read/build thumbnails, just copy the files without crashing.
The new UPS option in energy saver is good, but my G5 always says "[ ] (unknown)" in the top menu, even after calibrating it. (completely charge/discharge) I would like it to say a estimated battery time is power should happen to fail.
I've had audio problems with iTunes, Quicktime, Unreal tournament 2004, and Audio Hijack. If one of these programs Pans audio (from left speaker to right speaker) sometimes the audio will not reset to it's normal values if you try to undo what you did. The opening animation to UT2K4 always causes a problem. When the Spider jumps up and explodes, it sends the character off the right side of the screen and the audio pans to the right, jumps entirely to the left speaker for a few seconds, and returns to center. Volume has also had problems but not to the same extent. Unreal tournament may have a bug, but the fact that it also happens in apple products leads me to believe it is a bigger problem and the common link is CoreAudio.
That reminds me, can we have system-wide EQ's pretty please?
I would like to see compressor support more video/audio codecs. Perhaps use quicktime (or plugins) to add AVI, OGG, and a bunch of others. All codecs in one easy-to-use interface that integrates into FCP , DVDSP, and all the other apps that use compressor.
And finally if it is possible, a option to reinstall only the core OS software along with the "install and archive" and "restore" options. I would like to keep all my preferences and plugins, without restoring them one by one from the archive.
Bluetooth (Where available)
IR (Where available)
Edit: by this point in my life you'd think I knew the difference between left and right. \
Originally posted by HOM
Oh, there is one more feature I would like to see make it to 10.4. I want the envelope menu
Routing menu. And yes, that'd be slick. I think we'll see things like pop up more often with Services, with a retooling of that concept.
Originally posted by HOM
The only thing I can think of is profiles. It's like network Locations, but much more advanced. It's kind of like virtual desktops or multiple users, but different.
I want to be able to set up profiles that can include preferences for all applications and System Prefs. I don't want Mail checking for email every minute when I'm connected via GPRS. I can change the location, but that doesn't have any impact on Mail. I also use my laptop as my alarm clock in conjunction with MP3 Alarm Clock, so when I set my profile to Night, it sets the display to turn off after one minute, set's the volume to maximum, and changes iChat's status to away.
Basically, what I want is for OSX to support dynamic shifting of multiple preference files based on my choices. If that doesn't make any sense I can try and explain it better.
Yep. The OS 9 Location Manager was quite ahead of its time, and I really miss it.
Originally posted by HOM
The only thing I can think of is profiles. It's like network Locations, but much more advanced. It's kind of like virtual desktops or multiple users, but different.
I want to be able to set up profiles that can include preferences for all applications and System Prefs. I don't want Mail checking for email every minute when I'm connected via GPRS. I can change the location, but that doesn't have any impact on Mail. I also use my laptop as my alarm clock in conjunction with MP3 Alarm Clock, so when I set my profile to Night, it sets the display to turn off after one minute, set's the volume to maximum, and changes iChat's status to away.
Basically, what I want is for OSX to support dynamic shifting of multiple preference files based on my choices. If that doesn't make any sense I can try and explain it better.
I like that.
Originally posted by HOM
The only thing I can think of is profiles. It's like network Locations, but much more advanced. It's kind of like virtual desktops or multiple users, but different.
I guess this is one of the most sought after features in OS X - and will be for a long time. Since Apple once had something similar, I don't quite understand why they dropped it and why there is no third party developer to change this situation.
Another feature I'd like to see is some kind of admin tool that lets you (in SU-mode) set-up exactly what programms another user should be able to use (already done form what I could see) and that lets you edit the programmes' and system's preferences.
The best way to do this is to have a "preferences framework" - not the messy MS registry approch but maybe all pref files put in one location with a nice GUI. This would also benefit HOM's "advanced locations" idea.
Further work on the text system would be cool as well... things like support for footnotes/endnotes and headers/footers would be nice, as well as support for more file formats (OOo/Staroffice and Clarisworks would be at the top of the list). Support for slightly more impressive graphics embedding in text documents would be nice too: proper support for text wrapping would be a good start.
OpenGL 2 would be nice?
Better Finder
New Dock architecture/system
Combine the strengths of iChat AV and Adium X
Increased resolution in-dependancy, with new high dpi monitors.
Better Disk burning capabilities in Finder
iTunes 5
Fully integrated Linux application support
G5 optimized
Bigger iDisk with more .Mac integration/features
Virtual Desktops
Open GL 2.0
Quicker animations, more Genie-like effects that can be controlled individually
a LOT more options in system preferences. Also could contain links to utilities programs like Disk utilities and Airport admin, making the System prefs the place to go when you want to monitor/tweak your system.(Centralized system level control)
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