G5 Trinity @ WWDC

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Yes, Steve is gonna keep the things he promised.

Mono PPC 975 Ã* 2,2 GHz

AGP 8x

FSB 1,1 GHz


Dual PPC 975 Ã* 2,6 GHz

PCI-Express 16x

FSB 1,3 GHz

Superdrive Extreme

Dual PPC 975 Ã* 3 GHz

PCI-Express 16x

FSB 1,5 GHz

Superdrive Extreme


[Edited by AppleInsider]

Please be aware that this website fuels false, fabricated rumors. Reports that appear to have panned out have either been altered to look that way following announcements, or have been a result of information first published by other publications.

[Edited by AppleInsider]


  • Reply 1 of 492
    jubelumjubelum Posts: 4,490member
    <O Fortuna! theme...>

    If this is legit, it should put to rest all the caterwauling in AO about the existence of God. All of that in one box for a top-end G5? FOUR hard drive slots? TWO optical bays? Miracles. Amazing Miracles.

  • Reply 2 of 492
    bill mbill m Posts: 324member
    This french site has the upcoming powermac as codename "trinity". If I recall correctly, that was the codename for the G4 Cube, right? This alone dismisses their credibility, seems totally made up to me.
  • Reply 3 of 492
    ensign pulverensign pulver Posts: 1,193member
    tomk, something wrong with this thread?
  • Reply 4 of 492

    Originally posted by Bill M

    This french site has the upcoming powermac as codename "trinity". If I recall correctly, that was the codename for the G4 Cube, right? This alone dismisses their credibility, seems totally made up to me.

    Yep, the cube was Trinity. Highly doubtful they would reuse the same codename for a different project...

    I think they are trying to play on the fact that the original PM G5 was called Neo...
  • Reply 5 of 492

    Originally posted by The Placid Casual

    Yep, the cube was Trinity. Highly doubtful they would reuse the same codename for a different project...

    I think they are trying to play on the fact that the original PM G5 was called Neo...

    Maybe a re-use of the codename to make us rumor-mongers sceptic?
  • Reply 6 of 492
    Or maybe they are going to make it a cube form factor...

    The cube is back! The cube is back!!

  • Reply 7 of 492
    chris vchris v Posts: 460member

    Originally posted by The Placid Casual

    Or maybe they are going to make it a cube form factor...

    The cube is back! The cube is back!!

    Except, this time, it'll be a 18x18x18 cube, in order to fit all the drives and slots.

  • Reply 8 of 492
    taoofmarstaoofmars Posts: 11member

    Originally posted by The Placid Casual

    I think they are trying to play on the fact that the original PM G5 was called Neo...

    One Neo (Mac) for several thousand Smiths (PC).. sounds about right.
  • Reply 9 of 492
    concordconcord Posts: 312member

    Sounds way too good...

    ...to be true.

    Codename Trinity? - been done.

    FireGL video cards? - unlikely, it'd push the price into the stratosphere.

    I'm hoping though that they *do* come out with a tower with an extra bay for removable media and dual layer capable superdrives!

  • Reply 10 of 492
    ensoniqensoniq Posts: 131member
    The way I read the article, they are saying specifically that the PROCESSOR, not the machine, is codenamed "Trinity". Which makes sense if you look at it like:

    1 - PPC 970

    2 - PPC 970 FX

    3 - PPC 975

    3 = Tri = Trinity

    Whether or not the other specs are correct, only time will tell...
  • Reply 11 of 492

    Originally posted by Ensoniq

    The way I read the article, they are saying specifically that the PROCESSOR, not the machine, is codenamed "Trinity". Which makes sense if you look at it like:

    1 - PPC 970

    2 - PPC 970 FX

    3 - PPC 975

    3 = Tri = Trinity

    Whether or not the other specs are correct, only time will tell...

    I think you are clutching at straws here a bit...
  • Reply 12 of 492
    tmantman Posts: 66member

    Originally posted by Concord


    Sounds way too good...

    ...to be true.

    Codename Trinity? - been done.

    FireGL video cards? - unlikely, it'd push the price into the stratosphere.

    I'm hoping though that they *do* come out with a tower with an extra bay for removable media and dual layer capable superdrives!


    Steve knew last year that the 3ghz he promised within a year would be based on the 975 chipset. Apple and IBM roadmap this stuff out well in advance. The mid-year bump was scratched because of problems with the 970FX but the 975 is right on schedule and is producing very reliable yields a 3ghz. The PCIe is incorporated into the new design but only for replacement of AGP for now. Don't know if it will be available in all three models or only the 3ghz.
  • Reply 13 of 492
    programmerprogrammer Posts: 3,467member
    And here I thought the obvious one was Trinity = 3 GHz. I think you guys are slipping.
  • Reply 14 of 492
    cubistcubist Posts: 954member
    Or maybe trinity because there are three of them, altho Trio would be a better name for the group.

    Dual 3GHz 975's... that's going to be one powerful machine. Still, I doubt we'll be able to clutch it to our bosoms before we say goodbye to 2004.
  • Reply 15 of 492
    123123 Posts: 278member

    Originally posted by tman

    The mid-year bump was scratched because of problems with the 970FX but the 975 is right on schedule and is producing very reliable yields a 3ghz. The PCIe is incorporated into the new design but only for replacement of AGP for now. Don't know if it will be available in all three models or only the 3ghz.

  • Reply 16 of 492
    soiresoire Posts: 5member

    Originally posted by Jubelum

    <O Fortuna! theme...>

    If this is legit, it should put to rest all the caterwauling in AO about the existence of God. All of that in one box for a top-end G5? FOUR hard drive slots? TWO optical bays? Miracles. Amazing Miracles.

    Great musical reference! I'm not a classical music connesieur but I would like to find more music like that Carmina Burana stuff.

    Anyways, I find these frenchies hard to believe after their first failed prediction back in March. If the updates come with the most top of the line graphics card standard, I'm suspicious. Haven't the PMs always had the option to upgrade to the better graphics card? Why would apple suddenly include the best possible card, and jack up the price? Just my "2-cents"...
  • Reply 17 of 492

    Originally posted by Soire

    Anyways, I find these frenchies hard to believe after their first failed prediction back in March. If the updates come with the most top of the line graphics card standard, I'm suspicious. Haven't the PMs always had the option to upgrade to the better graphics card? Why would apple suddenly include the best possible card, and jack up the price? Just my "2-cents"...

    Actually, that exact thing you notice here, are the same thing they said when they posted their march rumor!
  • Reply 18 of 492
    tuttletuttle Posts: 301member

    Originally posted by tman

    the 975 is right on schedule and is producing very reliable yields

    I must have missed that news item, have a link?
  • Reply 19 of 492

    Originally posted by Tuttle

    I must have missed that news item, have a link?

    Now what would a link mean in rumorland? It's "anything goes" around here.
  • Reply 20 of 492
    nerudaneruda Posts: 440member

    Originally posted by Tuttle

    I must have missed that news item, have a link?


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