Howard Stern not welcome in Texas!
This is a great example of the consrvative spirit alive and well in this country. We are going to fight like heck to keep Stern off the radio in Houston. Conservative Americans and especially Texas stand for what is right and we fight for it.
I wonder if Stalin knows that . .
First Amendment at work here folks:
This is an important issue. Stern must be stopped. He is the Michael Moore of radio. We don?t need his gutter trash talk in our community. We especially don?t need anyone who is out to get the President to be allowed air time in our city. We owe it to the President to fight for him in our town and watch his back.
Paraphrase "We don't like what you say so YOU should be prohibited from saying it!"
Too funny.
Originally posted by Common Man
Yet another gem...
What a dirty old man. We have a duty to protect our wives and daughters from perverts like him.
How arrogant the secularists are. They think they have a right to corrupt our clildren
The first comment below that "political cartoon". How ironic that the non-secularist thinks he has the right to impose his view onto others yet feels the secularist are arrogant... If you block something then no one has the ability to access it. If you don't block something then everyone can access it. Those that disagree though still have the right to choose not to access it. See the difference there "common man"? The "secular" response is not arrogant, the non-secular respondant is.
[edit]Had secular and non-secular swapped in las sentence.
Originally posted by Common Man
Common Troll -
It's time to expand your horizons a bit. How about some different websites?
Or should we just do a "whois" on this piece of crap website to find out who you are and then solve this waste of time.
Originally posted by Existence
I don't understand why you people are defending Howard Stern. Some of his commentary on the air is the most misogynist crap I have every seen.
Freedom of speech is freedom of speech. I will defend anyone's right to say stupid, offensive things. As soon as we allow for "freedom of speech except for stuff I really find offensive" we have lost that right entirely.
That is materially different than denouncing, arguing against, or deploring what gets said, which is where my freedom of speech comes in.
I love it. Beautifully apt name.
Hint: "common": Having no special designation, status, or rank; Not distinguished by superior or noteworthy characteristics; average: the common spectator; Of no special quality; standard; Of mediocre or inferior quality; second-rate; Unrefined or coarse in manner; vulgar.
Unfortunately they are also widespread/prevalent.
Originally posted by Existence
I don't understand why you people are defending Howard Stern. Some of his commentary on the air is the most misogynist crap I have ever seen.
So you are a regular listener?
Originally posted by Common Man
Stern can say whatever he wants to say within legal limits without being halled away by the Gov. That is his right. We the people also have our right to say that we don't want him and his trash in our town. We have the right to boycot his sponsors and his station. We have the right to stand up for what WE believe. Freedom of speech does not protect him or anyone from the wrath of the people .
You'd make a fabulous Communist. You are aware of that, are you not?
Keep writing, this is precious.
Originally posted by Existence
I don't understand why you people are defending Howard Stern. Some of his commentary on the air is the most misogynist crap I have ever seen.
I defend Common Man and Howard Stern and my right to free expression all equally.
This isn't about particulars. People get mired in the details too much. If Howard Stern is so bad for women then what about Hooters and Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders and Coors beer ads? Puhleez. Leave it all alone, let the market decide.
Don't like it? Stick to channels you like and quit using the TV as a babysitter. Your kids will surely look to TV for role models if all they see is your fat ass on the couch. ("your" not directed at anyone).
Common Man on the other hand wants to silence n number of people.
I want to silence no one. They can yap all they want. I just want our legal system to not be over run with censors and squelchers and intimidators of free expression.
I do allow for the FCC to set certain standards for daytime within reason.
That's far different from the far Right trying to make use out of all that extra duct tape they have squirreled away in their basement shelters.
Some of you need oppression, any oppression, real or not, to justify the Worker's Revolution. Raise those fists and red flags a little higher.
Stern, Limbaugh, Franken, Hannity... whatever. If they cannot play ball, let 'em go find a new job. I know free market capitalism is painful for many on this board... I sympathize. I did not want to play baseball in the fourth grade. Life is tough.