Live keynote coverage?



  • Reply 121 of 150
    Well, I did say the iMac G5 should be all about reaching out to those iPod buyers...and Apple went and took me literally and let them design the iMac...


    Lemon Bon Bon
  • Reply 122 of 150
    So does this mean the next generation iPod will be based on this design? Aluminum and white?

    You know what bugs me the most... the base/stand. I didn't like how it looked on the new monitors... and I don't like it here.

    It is too narrow and I don't like the triangular-ish shape. But it is a "distinctive" look. I think a lot of designers have to do that to differentiate their product in some way... even if it isn't the most elegant look. BMW/Bangle comes to mind.
  • Reply 123 of 150
    bka77bka77 Posts: 331member

    I just noticed on the inside pic of the new iMac, that the aiport extreme card seems to be smaller than the one in the powermacs.

    Could it be possible to fit one of those into an old G3 iBook, or are there some bandwith limitations of the bus?
  • Reply 124 of 150
    rolandgrolandg Posts: 632member
    Considering that

    a) the drives are mounted vertically (and even at an angle since you can tilt the machine) and

    b) the enclosure (including the display) is 2 inches thin,

    they could have easily done a headless version (vertically orientated due to airflow). Would have been perfect for office use and a perfect match for the new cinema-displays.
  • Reply 125 of 150
    dave k.dave k. Posts: 1,306member
    WTF? NO FRONT USB OR FIREWIRE. What are you thinking Apple?
  • Reply 126 of 150
    It kinda is. Chrome and white.

    Looks like 'me and mini-me' on the Apple site.

    I'd like to see the white in alu.

    Or at least offer an option for one?

    Mock-up people? Alu iMac G5 based on current design.

    I'm curious what the white would look like alu'd.

    Lemon Bon Bon
  • Reply 127 of 150
    trebektrebek Posts: 16member
    It's alright. If they're able to get the base model under $1k after they deal with the pent up demand, I think it'll sell OK.
  • Reply 128 of 150
    moazammoazam Posts: 136member
    It looks a tad fugly in the photos. It'll probably look alot better in real life though.

    Other than video card, specs are fine...and actually, even the video card isnt *that* bad. Pricing is damn near perfect.

    But...I think I'll be ordering the Dual 2Ghz G5 today instead. Duuuuaaal.

  • Reply 129 of 150


    I'd have liked £895. Drop the price by £26. Sounds lots better.

  • Reply 130 of 150
    ~ufo~~ufo~ Posts: 245member
    I like it.

    I think it i way better than the sunflower.

    hey the bottom bezel could be a bit less for aestetic reasons...

    but of course it needs to house a lot more than just the display...

    I say well done.

    but where the hell are those speakers? ? ? ? I dunna see ! !
  • Reply 131 of 150

    Originally posted by Dave K.

    WTF? NO FRONT USB OR FIREWIRE. What are you thinking Apple?

    They're thinking "How difficult is it to reach round the back of your screen? - not very" It's not like this is a tower where it sits in a hard to reach place so you need ports on the front to make them accessible. This way it's still easy to plug things in, and it doesn't clutter the front oof the machine. Also, it would probably be difficult to engineer the motherboard for ports on the back and front in such a tiny machine.
  • Reply 132 of 150
    moazammoazam Posts: 136member
    It actually looks good from this view...

  • Reply 133 of 150

    Originally posted by moazam

    It actually looks good from this view...


    Also, smart move making the design feel like the iPod - a good way to latch on to mind share. I like.
  • Reply 134 of 150
    I think Apple needs to hire a new Art Director for the photography and design of the promotional material for the new IMac. The photography is appalling, and poorly lit. The pale blue backround makes the machines look insipid. I bet they look "the nuts" in the flesh though.
  • Reply 135 of 150
    trebektrebek Posts: 16member
    The Quicktime VR of it looks good. I'm sure that it'll look better in actual photos.
  • Reply 136 of 150
    Anyone notice the Superdrive write speed got cut in half due to the vertical orientation? Form over function I guess.
  • Reply 137 of 150

    Originally posted by Razororg

    I think Apple needs to hire a new Art Director for the photography and design of the promotional material for the new IMac. The photography is appalling, and poorly lit. The pale blue backround makes the machines look insipid. I bet they look "the nuts" in the flesh though.

    Aren't alot of these actually renderings? They've started doing this alot recently on the initial introduction of products - especially the 3G ipod and ipod mini
  • Reply 138 of 150
    It looks a lot better with the keyboard in front of it. But it also looks more like the Sony vaio with the keyboard in front of it.

    Question: would you have rather had it thicker to lose that white area under the monitor?
  • Reply 139 of 150

    Aren't alot of these actually renderings? They've started doing this alot recently on the initial introduction of products - especially the 3G ipod and ipod mini

    Yeah I thought that...if that is the case then theres even less of an excuse. I bet the current products are swines to photograph due to all the reflective surfaces.

    Its the blue background that gets me...just detracts way way too much from the design...makes it look a bit "toy town".
  • Reply 140 of 150
    Head on it looks too much like an eMac
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