G4 or G5?



  • Reply 61 of 68
    i recently (3 days ago) went to the apple store at the mall of america. i asked one of the employees there about several things, and the G5 powerbook came up. he said the new G4 powerbooks were coming out january, probably announced at macworld 2005. he said it was VERY unlikely that they'll have a g5 in the PB before summer-ish next year. because logically, the imac is 2 inches thick. the screen takes up relatively little of that space, and the disc drive the same. I/O ports add little space, and otherwise many other parts can be shrunk only so much. so the PB would be at least 1.5 inches and would have terrible battery life and crap for weight. so if you're deciding whether to wait for the G5 or not, don't wait, buy now or in january
  • Reply 62 of 68

    Originally posted by exhibit_13

    i recently (3 days ago) went to the apple store at the mall of america. i asked one of the employees there about several things, and the G5 powerbook came up. he said the new G4 powerbooks were coming out january, probably announced at macworld 2005. he said it was VERY unlikely that they'll have a g5 in the PB before summer-ish next year. because logically, the imac is 2 inches thick. the screen takes up relatively little of that space, and the disc drive the same. I/O ports add little space, and otherwise many other parts can be shrunk only so much. so the PB would be at least 1.5 inches and would have terrible battery life and crap for weight. so if you're deciding whether to wait for the G5 or not, don't wait, buy now or in january

    why would they announce g4 speedbumps at mac world? especially since the new freescales wont be available for a few months afterwards?
  • Reply 63 of 68

    Originally posted by Peter North

    why would they announce g4 speedbumps at mac world? especially since the new freescales wont be available for a few months afterwards?

    Agreed!, Apple historically does not do this - new models of significance are announced but not spec updates.

    Which has me thinking?, the PB and for that matter the ibooks are due for an update , but if they are not updated in October - could it be that we see a PB G5 at MWSF!.

    I doubt it - im expecting a G4 update in October and expect to see the PBG5 by WWDC 05.

    Just my 2 cents.
  • Reply 64 of 68
    The only G4 bump that might be shown in an apple event is a dual core G4. But, that won't be around intill WWDC '05. We have to admit it now that the G4 is dying. It is a shitty CPU. I would rather have an IBM G3 then a G4 with comparable speeds.
  • Reply 65 of 68

    Originally posted by quagmire

    The only G4 bump that might be shown in an apple event is a dual core G4. But, that won't be around intill WWDC '05. We have to admit it now that the G4 is dying. It is a shitty CPU. I would rather have an IBM G3 then a G4 with comparable speeds.

    Your entitled to express your opinion, but the announcements from Freescale suggests that the G4 at least for the ibook/eMac are very positive for future updates of these products.

    As a low power high performance cpu - there very comparable to the Pentium M 'Banias' which powers most of the Centrino class machines. The 'Dothan' however, is awesome - and requires a G5 to be comparable in performance.

    Thankfully, the Dothan is VERY expensive and is not used in many laptops - i think only laptops that are much more expensive than apple's 17". So apple does have some time before these prices come down and the PC folk take advantage of them.

    We'll just have to wait and see - but its only matter of time before we see G5's in PB's and faster G4's in ibooks/emacs.
  • Reply 66 of 68
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member

    Originally posted by Towel

    Apple has itself said that the G5 PowerBook is not around the corner. Considering they were willing to pre-announce the iMacG5, I'd take that as reasonable assurance you won't see a PBG5 before the new year, if not next summer.

    It may be a mistake to reference Apples behaviour with respect to the iMac simply because they didn't have any sales to amount to anything with respect to the iMac2. This is just the opposite of what is happening with the portables which still sell well and are atleast reasonably competitive with the rest of the world.


    What's telling is that's the exact same thing many of us were saying last year at this time. So I really don't think the PBG5 is close enough to be worth waiting for. If you want a PowerBook now, buy a PowerBook now. They're sweet machines, and you can get $200 off an iPod, too.

    The trick here is to define your needs and then don't look back. If you really need the G5 in a laptop, then wait for it to come. It may take awhile or be here tommorrow. If you just want a G5 then I have to ask why you bothered to post.

    The thing is if you needed a portable (I mean truely need one) you would go out and buy it tommmorrow when you woke up. The only reason to wait is if you truely need a G5, so you have to ask just what do I need that chip for. Heck if you really needed it quick, with fast hardware, you might get a laptop running linux on i86 hardware. In sense the chip doesn't mean much, it is the ability of the unit to solve problems or meet your needs that should be considered.




    Apple's marketing guru, August 31

  • Reply 67 of 68

    Originally posted by wizard69

    The trick here is to define your needs and then don't look back. If you really need the G5 in a laptop, then wait for it to come. It may take awhile or be here tommorrow. If you just want a G5 then I have to ask why you bothered to post.

    The thing is if you needed a portable (I mean truely need one) you would go out and buy it tommmorrow when you woke up. The only reason to wait is if you truely need a G5, so you have to ask just what do I need that chip for. Heck if you really needed it quick, with fast hardware, you might get a laptop running linux on i86 hardware. In sense the chip doesn't mean much, it is the ability of the unit to solve problems or meet your needs that should be considered.

    Right, here is my beef. I've always had this philosophy about portables and power. Your can't have both, in their truest most potent form. Its like a balancing act, between power and portability. Water cooled this, 12" GPU that, multi-drive RAID this, multi-processor that. Power has historically been stationary.

    And after going to CompUSA today and looking at the x86 notebooks the 17", super-thick, loud blower models don't appeal to me at all. Now the 13.3" wide-screen slim models however hmmm.

    Suppose Apple needs to gauge interest in a G5 PowerBook; how it compares with current models. Then go from there, if they haven't already.
  • Reply 68 of 68
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member

    Originally posted by IonYz

    Suppose Apple needs to gauge interest in a G5 PowerBook; how it compares with current models. Then go from there, if they haven't already.

    I have no problem with Apple offering its cusotmers what they want. If it is a G5 portable by all means go for it even if it ends up three feet thick. What I don't want to see disapear is the slim, light PowerBook of today. I specifically don't want to see a hot, short battery life machine with the weight of a line backer behind it.

    Now I believe that Apple has plans for a G5 in a PowerBook type portable but apparently a few things happened to derail it. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if the first 64 bit laptop from Apple makes use of a custom processor. A SoC or whatever the chic term at the moment is. If IBM has slipped as badly as some information indicates punting and grabing another play out of the play book might be a reality.

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