Yankees deliver another ass-kicking
Tonight the Yankees won, I drank two pitchers of Warsteiner, and Tom got no sex.
I figure that there are so many anti-Yankees people out there, that I may as well help the balance and be a Yankess fan, even though I'm not exactly a New Yorker. I spent some time in Jersey, though, so I was exposed for a while.
I'm also a Man City fan, for those of you who know what that entails.
But more importantly, the Yankees invented the damn sport. No reason to hate the baseball god, especially when the "local" team of my hometown spends more money and always sucks ass. (Baltimore is full of crack whores, but DC didn't have a team, so that's the story there). Plus, Don Mattingly had an amazing mustache during my formative years. It made Magnum PI look like a fucking poof.
So here's to the Yanks. I hope they pull it off it 4. I have a wonderful photo of my friend Tom's girlfriend (taken a few hours ago), a San Diego native who moved to Boston to do the Harvard MD-PhD crap. She claims that she "was born a Red Sox fan, but didn't know it," and she likes Varitek, which annoys Tom to no end. Why isn't anyone outside of the fan base "born a Yankee's fan?" Hell, It must suck to be born a loser.
I also want the Cardinals to beat the Yankees in the World Series this year. It wouldn't be the same if the Yankees didn't get to 'PWN' the Red Sox first though.
Schilling, if you're going to say you're going to shut up 55,000 NYers you better make sure you are healthy and capable of doing so.
who's your daddy
Cards-Astros got the prime time spot tonight because even the idiots at FOX realized that it's a helluva series.
Yankees fans watch carefully, as whoever comes out of the NLCS will be handing you your ass in the Series. My vote is for the Astros (I will be cheering them on tonight at the former Enron field).
Originally posted by Gizzmonic
Cards-Astros got the prime time spot tonight because even the idiots at FOX realized that it's a helluva series.
Actually it's because the TV schedulers were hedging their bets. There was a very good chance of the ALCS not even going to 5 games until after midnight this morning...
Seriously: why waste an at-bat with a pitcher. It's better for the game, and for the fans.
How greatly do I benefit from watching 9 decent hitters vs 8 decent hitters? The NL game must find ways to make the pitcher's spot useful, whether by putting speed on the bases before him, using the sacrifice bunt, or by using the bench late in the game.
Plus it's a lot more gratifying when the pitcher actually does get a crucial hit. They rarely ever get on base so they try to make the most of it. It's great watching big burly relief pitchers scoring all the way from first base.
Another solution...find pitchers who can hit. Kerry Wood, Russ Ortiz, Mike Hampton, etc.
But I realize why Boston still won't win the World Series, especially if they get past the Yanks in this ALCS: emotional fatigue. They put so much emotion and effort into scraping by the Yankees, it would be really hard to keep your emotions up, your hearts into it after that. Until Boston can get over their fixation on beating the Yankees, they're going to make their pursuit of another championship more difficult for themselves.
Still, you just know what's going to happen in game 7!
god - do I crack myself up.
This is EXACTLY why I don't get all cocky when my team gives the oppositions a drudging at the start of an important series. I just keep my f*cking mouth shut, and pray to god they can pull it through.
HAHAHA - Who's yo' daddy now? LOL
god - do I crack myself up.
This is EXACTLY why I don't get all cocky when my team gives the oppositions a drudging at the start of an important series. I just keep my f*cking mouth shut, and pray to god they can pull it through.
Perhaps, but it's more fun to jeer the opposition when you can, and if you end up losing, it's not hard to just buy the guy a beer and wait until next time.
Originally posted by the cool gut
HAHAHA - Who's yo' daddy now? LOL
god - do I crack myself up.
This is EXACTLY why I don't get all cocky when my team gives the oppositions a drudging at the start of an important series. I just keep my f*cking mouth shut, and pray to god they can pull it through.
um.... unfortunately for you, red sox fans are notorious for dealing exactly what you are criticizing.
Before applenut comes in here and cries about the officiating
im not going to cry about anything. the right call was made both times.
1. How does sliding hard into 2nd or ramming a catcher differ from what Arod did? All are "unsportsmanlike" and all can be seen as cheap
2. Interference rules state the runners return to previous base. How does that make sense? ground ball, intereference or not, jeter would have been at 2nd safely. that is a stupid rule
Originally posted by Splinemodel
Perhaps, but it's more fun to jeer the opposition when you can, and if you end up losing, it's not hard to just buy the guy a beer and wait until next time.
You sir, are both a gentleman and a poet. I drink Heineken.
Finally, I get to see my team in the World Series!
Originally posted by applenut
1. How does sliding hard into 2nd or ramming a catcher differ from what Arod did? All are "unsportsmanlike" and all can be seen as cheap
The difference is that the opposing player's body wasn't being used to block the base. Also, dickrod threw a punch. Not cool.
Jeter should have been on second.
There is a God.
Originally posted by bunge
The difference is that the opposing player's body wasn't being used to block the base. Also, dickrod threw a punch. Not cool.
Jeter should have been on second.
first part i don't understand. opposing player's body wasn't being used to block the base? he was certainly in the baseline. despite that, i still don't see how sliding hard into 2nd or barreling the catcher does not fall under the same rule.
second, arod did not throw a punch, leave your exaggerations to PO. he swatted at his glove. in real time, it looks very different than in slow mo, unfortunately fox only seemed to want to show the slow mo shot a million and a half times. How many times did Pete Rose maul a catcher arms up at home and called safe?
Originally posted by applenut
first part i don't understand. opposing player's body wasn't being used to block the base? he was certainly in the baseline.
Arroyo was reaching to tag Alex R. his body was never impeding Rodriguez. http://slam.canoe.ca/Slam/Baseball/P...0/m102024A.jpg
How many times did Pete Rose maul a catcher arms up at home and called safe?
The difference was already explained to you. No comparison between a tag at first and a collision play at the plate where the catcher is purposely trying to block the plate/the runner from touching the plate.
Schilling, if you're going to say you're going to shut up 55,000 NYers you better make sure you are healthy and capable of doing so.
who's your daddy
Funny. Not healthy and he still did it.
just got to hope the national league can do well.
Originally posted by johnq
let me remind you, the curse has jackshit to do with beating the yankees. you still have a ways to go. don't get too big of a head or you might get clubbed and killed before you know it.
should be a fucking insane weekend in boston, head of the charles and the world series. gotta love it.