Yankees deliver another ass-kicking



  • Reply 41 of 66
    Maybe I'm just an asshole, but if big city teams want to spend more money, I don't have a problem with that. For a long time, the Baltimore Orioles spent the most money in baseball, and still had a shitty team. I've said that many times, I know, but it just doesn't seem to vex me that the city with the most money in the world is spending more on their baseball team than do other cities.

    With that said, Boston puts down serious dollars as well, and I actually hope that they win now, simply because they played some excellent baseball for the past few games.

    See? The Yankees are good for baseball. If they're going to lose, at least they'll force the other team to make history in the process.
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  • Reply 42 of 66
    Bill Simmons, page 2

    ... To recap: Greatest comeback in sports history. First trip to the World Series in 18 years. First meaningful victory over the Yankees. All at the same time.

    You have to be from here to understand. You just do. It wasn't just that the Yankees always win. It was everything else that came with it -- the petty barbs, the condescending remarks, the general sense of superiority from a fan base that derives a disproportionate amount of self-esteem from the success of their baseball team. I didn't care that they kept winning as much as they were a-holes about it. Not all of them. Most of them. In 96 hours, everything was erased. Everything....

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  • Reply 43 of 66
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by applenut

    first part i don't understand. opposing player's body wasn't being used to block the base? he was certainly in the baseline. despite that, i still don't see how sliding hard into 2nd or barreling the catcher does not fall under the same rule.

    second, arod did not throw a punch, leave your exaggerations to PO. he swatted at his glove. in real time, it looks very different than in slow mo, unfortunately fox only seemed to want to show the slow mo shot a million and a half times. How many times did Pete Rose maul a catcher arms up at home and called safe?

    You don't understand it simply because you don't want to understand it. Blocking the base means the runner HAS to go through the body to try and be safe. Swatting at an attempted tag is nothing similar.

    You can't legally take a swing at anyone on the field. I'm pissed Boston didn't bean anyone.
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  • Reply 44 of 66
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member
    Didn't you see Derek Lowe 'hit' Cairo yesterday? Oh wait, the replay showed that the ball didn't hit him and wasn't that close.
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  • Reply 45 of 66
    iposteriposter Posts: 1,560member
    I'm just glad the Bankee$ finally got theirs! Excessively arrogant teams and fans piss me off!
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  • Reply 46 of 66
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member

    Originally posted by applenut

    then quit complaining.

    spend more money or shut up.

    LoL, right because look at Arod. He was indispensible. Worth every penny.

    ...for the Red Sox.

    What's the list of Yankee failures since the Yankees payroll topped $100 million?



    ----- -------- ------- ------

    2004 Minnesota Division 3-1

    Boston ALCS 3-4

    2003 Minnesota Division 3-1

    Boston ALCS 4-3

    Florida World Series 2-4

    2002 Anaheim Division 1-3

    2001 Oakland Division 3-2

    Seattle ALCS 4-1

    Arizona World Series 3-4

    Oh yeah. That's it. Sure, money helps but it isn't everything.

    Let's face it. AROD = the New Bill Buckner. (And Buckner didn't have a $252 million dollar contract). The Childish Slap That Forced A Game 7. How sweeet it is. (Bill you are forgiven. You can move back to Massachusetts from Idaho).

    Parse the rulebook all you want, until spring training. But bitchslapping the ball is just greasy kid stuff.

    Guess the Babe was mad AROD wanted to use #3 for his uniform coming to the Yankees. How cool is it that he got #13. And the Yanks want a new Stadium. Tear down the House That Ruth Built? Better rethink that move.

    Well, onto NLCS 7...and a deliciously AROD-free World Series.

    (Cue Battle Hymn of the Republic)

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  • Reply 47 of 66
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member

    "The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don't play together, the club won't be worth a dime." - Babe Ruth
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  • Reply 48 of 66
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member

    Originally posted by bunge

    You don't understand it simply because you don't want to understand it. Blocking the base means the runner HAS to go through the body to try and be safe. Swatting at an attempted tag is nothing similar.

    You can't legally take a swing at anyone on the field. I'm pissed Boston didn't bean anyone.

    you're better at arguing politics....and that isn't saying much.

    a hard slide into 2nd base on the left or right side of the bag does not involve blocking the basepath. yet it is legal. putting your arms up, is legal. barreling the catcher, despite causing serious risk, is legal.

    You're pissed Boston didn't bean anyone? Are you that dumb? they bean someone, that's another baserunner. good thing you aren't anywhere near a ballfield.


    What's the list of Yankee failures since the Yankees payroll topped $100 million?

    by failure you mean World Series appearances? Or by failure are the red sox last 85 years exempt? make some sense.
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  • Reply 49 of 66
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
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  • Reply 50 of 66
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by applenut

    You're pissed Boston didn't bean anyone? Are you that dumb? they bean someone, that's another baserunner. good thing you aren't anywhere near a ballfield.

    Some things are more important than winning.
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  • Reply 51 of 66
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by applenut

    you're better at arguing politics....and that isn't saying much.

    At least I'm better at arguing than you, and that isn't saying much either I guess.

    From mlb.com:

    "A runner who is adjudged to have hindered a fielder who is attempting to make a play on a batted ball is out whether it was intentional or not. If, however, the runner has contact with a legally occupied base when he hinders the fielder, he shall not be called out unless, in the umpire's judgment, such hindrance, whether it occurs on fair or foul territory, is intentional. If the umpire declares the hindrance intentional, the following penalty shall apply: With less than two out, the umpire shall declare both the runner and batter out. With two out, the umpire shall declare the batter out."
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  • Reply 52 of 66
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member

    Originally posted by applenut


    classy fans


    Most of the tens of thousands of fans had a good peaceful time.

    Blaming all fans (of any city) for the actions of a few thugs is the same as condemning a race or nation or religion for the actions of a few. Collective punishment = bullshit.

    Blame individuals not groups.
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  • Reply 53 of 66
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by johnq

    Blame individuals not groups.

    Blame that cop, not the lady that was cracked in the head by the cop's weapon.
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  • Reply 54 of 66
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member

    Originally posted by bunge

    Blame that cop, not the lady that was cracked in the head by the cop's weapon.

    Are you referring to the student that was shot in the head with a pepper pellet and died?

    She was an innocent bystander. Cops should have rubber batons and shields only. The myth of these 'non-lethal' projectiles is just perpetuated by the companies that sell them. Projectiles kill.

    It was certainly an accident and no cop should be held criminally responsible.

    But the policy of the BPD should change to not use rubber bullets/pepper pellets or whatever projectiles they might have, at least for crowd control. In close quarters or situations where a steady shot can be taken, that's one thing. But to blindly shoot it off into a crowd is bullshit. The cops think 'non-lethal' means shoot it at anything that moves, it's fine. That needs to change.

    For that matter using flashbang stun grenades is reprehensible. Those are -not- for crowd control, but can only cause stampedes and needless injuries.

    Someone might die from a baton but at least you know you are using the least force possible considering the situation.

    Can you stop the crowds and the violence? Yes. Not by shutting the bars down. Not by closing liquor stores. Not by having a blackout of the game in bars. Those will all exacerbate the problem. They will get drunk anyway, see the game anyway and go out anyway. Instead you need manpower, show of force. The old fashioned kind. Riot squads, clubs and shields and wagons. Period. Screw the newfangled gadgets like sticky foam and tazers and pellets.
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  • Reply 55 of 66
    I have to say that the biggest reason why I don't like the Red Sox is the asshole-density of their fan base. You can claim that it is low overall, but relative to other teams', it's many times higher.

    The post by buckeye exemplifies this. Boston is probably a fun place to be right now, and unlike Red Sox fans who fall into that dense-asshole category, the rest of the world, New York included, is a bit quicker to realize that it's just a game, and its purpose is entertainment value. English soccer may be the only league with more retarded fans.

    There's nothing bandwagon about it. I'd rather have the Yankees in the World Series, but just because the Red Sox beat them, it doesn't mean that I'm not going to watch it. Furthermore, if I were in Boston next week anyway, I wouldn't avoid going to sports bars to have a beer and watch the game. I guess part of being in the Boston-Philly asshole alliance involves having a disturbed sense of priority. It's too bad that Boston drags most of the baseball watching country to their level whenever they play the yankees.
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  • Reply 56 of 66

    Originally posted by applenut

    then quit complaining.

    spend more money or shut up.

    Speaking of asshole-density ...
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  • Reply 57 of 66
    dogcowdogcow Posts: 713member

    Originally posted by applenut


    classy fans

    Boston Police took full responsibility of the death today. She was hit in the eye with a pepper spray pellet thing. Surveillance tapes showed no riotous behavior in the area when it happened. It was purely an accident.

    But yea, there were some idiots that decided to use the win as an excuse to be destructive. For 80,000 drunk people in the streets at 1 am they were mostly well behaved.

    Anyway, huge weekend for Boston sports. World Series at Fenway, Patriots, BC-ND football, and Head of the Charles.

    Someone posted this on Slashdot:

    "Per standard video game rules, once the Red Sox beat the big boss and win the World Series, they need to travel back in time and take on the 1986 Mets, the ultimate boss character.

    Then, and only then, do they get the really cool ending with the epilogue where Pedro Martinez finally avenges the death of his father and Johnny Damon meets up with Eliza."
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  • Reply 58 of 66
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member

    Originally posted by Splinemodel

    I have to say that the biggest reason why I don't like the Red Sox is the asshole-density of their fan base. You can claim that it is low overall, but relative to other teams', it's many times higher.

    The post by buckeye exemplifies this. Boston is probably a fun place to be right now, and unlike Red Sox fans who fall into that dense-asshole category, the rest of the world, New York included, is a bit quicker to realize that it's just a game, and its purpose is entertainment value. English soccer may be the only league with more retarded fans.

    You're just bitter that in any AL (sometimes NL) stadium the Sox go to, close to 1/2 of the people are rooting for the Red Sox and not the home team. I can see being intimidated if your half empty stadium is half filled with Sox fans.

    Besides, please cite what assholishness Red Sox fans have perpetrated at games in relevant recent history? That's pure shit-talk. Booing doesn't count. Every fan base has troublemakers. Fenway itself is really mellow and family friendly of late. And the worst we do at other parks is - *gasp* chant for our team and show enthusiasm. That must suck if your team is doing badly. Last I checked, there is no etiquette that says you must sit demurely so as to not embarrass the host team. "Golf claps for the Devil Rays, boys."

    The people here the other night were not necessarily even regular Red Sox fans, but they ARE the same students that get drunk and cause trouble EVERY Friday and Saturday night. The SAME number of troublemakers are out every weekend here in Allston/Boston during college season, the only difference this time were the cops/bystanders being increased. 20 thugs mixed into 80,000 bystanders and 2,000 cops or 20 thugs alone. What's the difference? One makes headlines, one doesn't. Same trouble gets caused.

    Many of the thugs had no Red Sox gear on, weren't drunk and were just out for the rioting and to screw with cops and I bet my last dollar they were from other states. Boston is where all the college kids come to live off of daddy's Visa, buy a personality, such as Jock or Anarchist or Gansta Thugg for 4 years before they have to go back home and explain why they failed even B.U.

    A Red Sox hat or shirt does not a Red Sox fan make.
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  • Reply 59 of 66
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member
    So how much money do you think the Yanks will throw at Beltran?
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  • Reply 60 of 66
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member

    Originally posted by Flounder

    So how much money do you think the Yanks will throw at Beltran?

    $18M/year average over 5+ years. Sure there are currently a ton of players making more, but I doubt he'll hit the $20M mark like A-Rod, Manny, etc.

    Vladdy (AL MVP candidate) was a steal with Anaheim at $12M last off-season.
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