PowerMac - Anyone else waiting?



  • Reply 501 of 632
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member

    Originally posted by FallenFromTheTree

    Yes, but how do you configure the mother board AND the expansion slot

    connector pins to handle either PCI-X or PCI-Express in the same tower?

    My horrible understanding of this issue tells me that you would need one bus to handle backwards compatibility for PCI and PCI-X cards

    AND a different 16X bus to handle PCI-Express cards.

    If not, then you still need connectivity for all three types of cards in some configuration.

    My brain is oatmeal

    Look at every PC mobo. They all have both.
  • Reply 502 of 632
    So I guess all signs are pointing to Major revision

    rather than just an update unless Apple stays with

    the existing chassis.
  • Reply 503 of 632
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Only Apple knows that, but with the size of that chassis they should be able to put anything in there.
  • Reply 504 of 632
    It may take a bit more than elfen magic to refit the current

    chassis to allow for a new motherboard, 4 expansion slots,

    improved native audio support, 1 additional HD bay

    and a pair of dual core processors, but that would certainly

    have me ready to clean out my account.

    However, there's more afoot at IBM than some may realise.

    There seems to be a bit of conflict of interest here.



    When I consider the sheer sales volume potential of IBM

    also working on a new server using dual core Intel Xeon processors, I can't help but wonder how this might affect the PPC based Apple/IBM alliance to keep Apple competitive.

    I expect Intel and Dell to reveal their game plan next week at FOSE

    and hope that Apple is ready to answer with everything they've got.
  • Reply 505 of 632
    vtprinzvtprinz Posts: 25member

    Originally posted by onlooker

    Only Apple knows that, but with the size of that chassis they should be able to put anything in there.

    With newer versions of the G5, they should be able to keep it cool in smaller enclosures, yes? So with the existing tower, they could use less space for the processors while still keeping them cool, thus allowing them to throw in some extras to fill the space. An extra HD bay would be nice, but how many high-end PC towers do you see that limits you to only 1 optical bay? That's what I'd like to see expanded.


    Originally posted by FallenFromTheTree

    My brain is oatmeal

    Oatmeal is tasty.
  • Reply 506 of 632
    dobbydobby Posts: 797member

    Originally posted by FallenFromTheTree

    When I consider the sheer sales volume potential of IBM

    also working on a new server using dual core Intel Xeon processors, I can't help but wonder how this might affect the PPC based Apple/IBM alliance to keep Apple competitive.

    The PPC chip is also used on IBMs own risc based server range.

    You don't want a 32bit CPU when number crunching.

  • Reply 507 of 632
    thomazthomaz Posts: 42member
    Well the bit about agp with pciE it can happen but here the major prob.AgpXx slot will be a pci 33bit 33mhz(133mb) with the agp connector.Thats why u don't see it on Pc mobos other than a few test boards that are not being shipped yet or ever be shipped.
  • Reply 508 of 632
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member

    Originally posted by Thomaz

    Well the bit about agp with pciE it can happen but here the major prob.AgpXx slot will be a pci 33bit 33mhz(133mb) with the agp connector.Thats why u don't see it on Pc mobos other than a few test boards that are not being shipped yet or ever be shipped.

    I don't know if your referring to the same thing I was, because you didn't quote anything, but He wasn't referring to AGP, and PCI-E he was saying PCI-X, and PCI-E which all (95%) of the PC boards have, Why would anyone use an inferior Graphics port like AGP, on a board that has PCI-E?. It's silly
  • Reply 509 of 632
    This is precisely why I've waited to see what's happening next.

    What happens when you upgrade to a new PCI-Express PowerMac

    but you want to keep using your Nvidea 6800 Ultra from and existing

  • Reply 510 of 632
    thomazthomaz Posts: 42member
    If u upgrade to a pciE powermac u will have to buy a new video card.Unless apple does what i post above.
  • Reply 511 of 632
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member

    Originally posted by FallenFromTheTree

    This is precisely why I've waited to see what's happening next.

    What happens when you upgrade to a new PCI-Express PowerMac

    but you want to keep using your Nvidea 6800 Ultra from and existing


    You sell it, what else. Or keep your old Mac the choice is yours. What do you think PC users are doing? It's inevitable. There will be a new video card that comes with the PowerMac. You can't request a PowerMac w/o a video card. I've tried.
  • Reply 512 of 632
    thomazthomaz Posts: 42member
    Well yes u can sell it at a lost.But pc users an't selling this gen video cards for a PCiE version onless there made of money.Pc users moving to from agp to PCIE or PCie Sli have last gen cards GFFX or 9700/9800 or older cards.

    6800 Ultra is the fastest card out there on macs and its is expensive.Bad enough you goin to spend 2,3,4k for a new power mac and can't use the fastest card for mac at the same time that u own.
  • Reply 513 of 632
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member

    Originally posted by Thomaz

    Well yes u can sell it at a lost.But pc users an't selling this gen video cards for a PCiE version onless there made of money.Pc users moving to from agp to PCIE or PCie Sli have last gen cards GFFX or 9700/9800 or older cards.

    6800 Ultra is the fastest card out there on macs and its is expensive.Bad enough you goin to spend 2,3,4k for a new power mac and can't use the fastest card for mac at the same time that u own.

    Well it wont be the fastest once the PCI-E version is released. What did you expect? And you can throw that "at a loss" thing in the can along with your argument. Put a PowerMac on ebay isn't like putting a PC on ebay. The resale value of a Mac one generation out is incredibly high, and with good components is about 85% to 90% of what you paid for it. Unlike PC's which are more like 50%. Use that money and put it back into your new Mac. Once you buy something, anything the second it's off the showroom floor the value is instantly decreased. Your lucky it was Mac. If it were a car you would have lost $5000 the second you drove it off the lot.
  • Reply 514 of 632
    thomazthomaz Posts: 42member
    Well on the power mac part yes they don't loose the value fast.I know ppl on ebay still want alot most of the time for a 400 or 500mhz g4pm.

    My at a "lost" part was about the the 6800 ultra as FallenFromTheTree asked.

    When the pciE based powermac comes out a good chance the 6800 ultra agp is still goin to be still the top card or 2nd just by being a % points slower but nothing major if it just the 6800 ultra PCIE is goin to be out for mac at the time .Nv and ati next gen an't goin to be out till around xmas this year or later and still they be dx9.0C based.
  • Reply 515 of 632
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    You still shouldn't loose that much on it. Just up your reserve price by $500 to $550 for the cost of the card, and make sure you list it in the header, and remind people how much it is, and how kick ass it is in your auction details. It'll be a hot item with that card. Remember to advertise in every Mac BB you know of. Put - "My Power mac For sale at ebay" in your signature with a link to your auction page, and you'll get that much more traffic. Try and post in a lot of threads, and sign up to some new message boards. You'll get a fair price for it.
  • Reply 516 of 632
    What still has me wondering about this is that Apple usually

    supports backwards compatility to keep their heavily invested

    users content for a reasonable amount of time.

    I suppose they could offer either configuration BTO, depending on the users needs or simply offer OPTIONAL PCI-Express in the top towers only.

    So if I have this right, you're saying that Apple CAN NOT build a motherboard with some sort of dual GPU bus that supports all three types of cards?

    Or that it's just unlikely?

    Thinking about a new application.


    It wakes you ONLY when there's an official update
  • Reply 517 of 632
    brendonbrendon Posts: 642member

    Originally posted by FallenFromTheTree

    What still has me wondering about this is that Apple usually

    supports backwards compatility to keep their heavily invested

    users content for a reasonable amount of time.

    I suppose they could offer either configuration BTO, depending on the users needs or simply offer OPTIONAL PCI-Express in the top towers only.

    So if I have this right, you're saying that Apple CAN NOT build a motherboard with some sort of dual GPU bus that supports all three types of cards?

    Or that it's just unlikely?

    I think what is being said is why woulld they do that? AGP has no place along side PCI-E. If someone buys a mac and later upgrades the video card then why should apple work to protect their parts? If a person buys a mac and wants to sell it but keep the card then why? It would appear that the best option is to sell the mac and card as the package it is, then buy a new computer. I don't see apple offering different busses on different models. The cost of producing the MB is high enough, offering two MBs only doubles your costs and cuts in half any money that could be made off of the respective MB. Ain't gonna happen.
  • Reply 518 of 632
    brendonbrendon Posts: 642member

    Originally posted by FallenFromTheTree

    This is precisely why I've waited to see what's happening next.

    What happens when you upgrade to a new PCI-Express PowerMac

    but you want to keep using your Nvidea 6800 Ultra from and existing


    You don't, sell it on e-bay if you had to buy the card with the display.
  • Reply 519 of 632
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member

    Originally posted by Brendon

    You don't, sell it on e-bay if you had to buy the card with the display.

    Why do you say that? The card works with more than just the 30" display. It's currently their fastest card.
  • Reply 520 of 632
    jwdawsojwdawso Posts: 393member

    Originally posted by onlooker

    Why do you say that? The card works with more than just the 30" display. It's currently their fastest card.

    It's an AGP card, which is not compatbile with PCI-E.
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