PowerMac - Anyone else waiting?



  • Reply 561 of 632
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member

    Originally posted by gugy

    I agree, it's been too long. we all deserve a kick ass machine to pay homage to our patience.

    I lost my patience and went with an Athlon64 system running Linux. Sorry guys but I get a real 64 bit upgrade for about the price of a configured Mini.

  • Reply 562 of 632
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member

    Originally posted by wizard69

    I lost my patience and went with an Athlon64 system running Linux. Sorry guys but I get a real 64 bit upgrade for about the price of a configured Mini.


    What are you going to use this machine for?
  • Reply 563 of 632
    Chat, e-mail and general lurking on the web
  • Reply 564 of 632
    As new PM's may be right around the corner, I thought I'd run this by you all. I can Purchase a PowerMac g5 1.8 single processor with DVDr and 256mb ram from my university for $999 (they have a special deal cuz they bought a 200 unit lot). They told me today their supply would run out in 2 weeks. I kinda feel like no matter what apple releases, this is a good deal. I've had a b&w g3 350 (upgraded to g4 500) since 1999, and I'm ready for some more horse power, but being a student, can't afford the DP macs. I edit a lot with FCP HD. I figure even a mini would be a heckuva lot better performance wise, and a 1.8 is sure to have me whooping it up (with 1gb memory upgrade of course.). Anybody think I shouldn't make this purchase and hold off for the new coppertop?

  • Reply 565 of 632
    That's the price a single G5 tower should be!

    And it presents a respectable $350 price drop on the normal

    $1349 education price.

    I'd have to say it's a very tempting deal as long as you have a strong


    Essentially, you'll have a reasonably expandable LARGE headless iMac G5. for about $1200-$1500 or so when you're finally set up.

    At least you won't have the video card restrictions of the iMacG5,

    and far better access to your drives.

    Even so, I would read through these forums and consider waiting

    to see what happens with new and existing models this June.
  • Reply 566 of 632
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by onlooker

    An incremental update would be an outrage after a year. I hope they have something really big to show off because in 2 months I'm buying something.

    Much depend on what you mean when you say "incremental" or "really big". And it seems like there is no G5 machine updated in intervals less than a year, since the release of the Power Mac G5 in 2003. Perhpas the G5 iMac will prove me wrong, but I doubt it. So, with all we know until now, the update cycle for the G5 Apple machines is more likely one year rather than 6 or 9 months. Simply people need to get used to the new reality.
  • Reply 567 of 632
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by wizard69

    I lost my patience and went with an Athlon64 system running Linux. Sorry guys but I get a real 64 bit upgrade for about the price of a configured Mini.


    Great, care to post here specifications and price? Just curious.
  • Reply 568 of 632
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member

    Originally posted by wizard69

    I lost my patience and went with an Athlon64 system running Linux. Sorry guys but I get a real 64 bit upgrade for about the price of a configured Mini.


    An Athlon 64 is not a "real" 64 bit system dave. Thank God you're not running that windblow kit though. You've saved face :P
  • Reply 569 of 632
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member

    Originally posted by DHagan4755

    Intuition tells me something's coming for tomorrow...could be anything...

    Pretty good intuition, eh?
  • Reply 570 of 632
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    Not to mention the supposed rumors of powermacs being released next week at nab, from TS. I'm putting off a laptop now =)
  • Reply 571 of 632
    If Apple doesn't hurry up,

    we're gonna have to resort to more devious methods of persuasion.

  • Reply 572 of 632
    squozensquozen Posts: 66member
    Sneaking into the boardroom and tickling Jobs and Schiller until they crack?
  • Reply 573 of 632
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Man with Tiger coming I am pumped to see some new PowerMacs. I can't wait until the specs are finally reviled. I'm excited about all the new hardware coming on both sides of the fence though. AMD intel, and Apple. I hope the IBM DC processors crush'em.
  • Reply 574 of 632
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member

    Originally posted by onlooker

    Man with Tiger coming I am pumped to see some new PowerMacs. I can't wait until the specs are finally reviled. I'm excited about all the new hardware coming on both sides of the fence though. AMD intel, and Apple. I hope the IBM DC processors crush'em.

    Yeah especially if the 970MP crushes Intel on Dual core vs. single core. And then if Apple released PMs with 2 x dual core, it would be a major can of STFU!
  • Reply 575 of 632
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member

    Originally posted by FallenFromTheTree

    Chat, e-mail and general lurking on the web

    Had to laugh at that one as I do too much of that now with my old slow poke system.

    One goal with this particular system was to learn more about UNIX/LINUX systems so the route I'm going here is GENTOO. Still installing You do learn alot this way - much of what I forget imeediately afterwards being +40.

    As to other uses beyond those described, I use my systems for CAD and software development. Not that my usage of those demand everything a 64 bit machine can offer at the moment, but the generic speed increase over previous hardware is welcomed.

  • Reply 576 of 632
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member

    Originally posted by PB

    Great, care to post here specifications and price? Just curious.

    I don't have the bill of sale handy but the motherboard/processor/RAM bundle was about the cost of the Mini. I bought locally without doing a lot of shopping so the price could have been better I imagine. Interestingly the board came with a huge number of ports including Firewire, USB and RF ports.

    The board is a ASUS A8V-E, the processor an Athlon64 3200, with 1Gig of RAM. After adding a new harddrive and a new Video card the price was about the same as a tricked out Mini.

    In any event I don't want to side track this thread to much. I'm still seriously thinking about an Apple portable, but that will have to wait a bit until funds stabilize again.


  • Reply 577 of 632
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member

    Originally posted by hmurchison

    An Athlon 64 is not a "real" 64 bit system dave. Thank God you're not running that windblow kit though. You've saved face :P

    Well this is the wrong thread to argue that, it is 64 bit enough for my needs for the next couple of years though.

    As to Windblows I haven't infected my drives with anything Windows since Redhat came out with release 5. It is Apples skillfull crafting of OS/X into a very impressive OS that has me looking at their systems agian. The thing I find frustrating with respect to Apple is the total lack of transparency with respect to future hardware developments. At least with AMD I know what their future hardware plans are.

    Not that AMD's plans always result in great advances - they still don't have a viable 64 bit laptop chip - but at least I know where they are going. With Apple it is all rumors! That can be frustrating when you know what the development plans are for other hardware.

    Frankly I suspect that Apple looses more sales to their opaquness than anything else. This really hurts them when they start to loose a technology lead like they had in laptops a year or two ago. Everyone knows that Apple is slipping here, it would be nice to know that they have a plan.

  • Reply 578 of 632
    Apple Store:

    PowerMac G5 Dual - Estimated Ship: 3-5 business days


    End of waiting?
  • Reply 579 of 632
    I'd prefer to wait until WWDC.\
  • Reply 580 of 632

    Originally posted by french macuser

    I'd prefer to wait until WWDC.\

    don't worry
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