Tiger Shipment



  • Reply 81 of 88
    jabohnjabohn Posts: 583member

    Originally posted by jabohn

    What the...?!?!

    Just checked the FedEx tracking and it says it's in California? I ordered from the Apple Canada store!!

    My package arrived just shortly after 5pm. It made it from California to British Columbia just in time!

    I had problems with Mail too, then I remembered I had installed from plugins, so I trashed them and Mail worked with no problems.
  • Reply 82 of 88
    leegleeg Posts: 1member
    Mine was ordered 4/12 also, and never showed up. I was offered iLife or iWork also, but have them both - I ended up getting a free dock for my shuffle- sweet.

    Tiger should come today-

  • Reply 83 of 88
    gibagiba Posts: 99member
    Woooo got my Longhorn today! Oops, I mean Tiger.
  • Reply 84 of 88
    At least I'm not the only one that didn't get Tiger yet. My copy is still in New Jersey (for the third day now).
  • Reply 85 of 88
    greggwsmithgreggwsmith Posts: 523member
    I said screw it and bought a copy at the Apple store. FedEx can send it back to Apple if it ever arrives!
  • Reply 86 of 88
    ipodandimacipodandimac Posts: 3,273member
    it would fantastic if apple.com would work so i could order tiger. i keep getting bad requests.
  • Reply 87 of 88
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by ipodandimac

    it would fantastic if apple.com would work so i could order tiger. i keep getting bad requests.

    yeah they're website has been dodgy recently!
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