any news on updated ibooks?...



  • Reply 121 of 135
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member

    Originally posted by BKKloppenborg

    I gave up guys, besides i don't even think they will update them becuase then ibooks would be to close to Powerbooks... My guess is Powerbooks and ibooks will both be updated in Paris in Sept or whenever it is....

    I am going to call Apple now and order my Powerbook 12" screen 1.5 ghz and Superdrive...

    You do realize that this is the longest the iBooks have gone without being updated?

    Paris in September is way too long. That would put the iBooks on an 11 month update time... that won't happen. iBooks are THE BIGGEST selling computer for apple right now. They are not going to let that momentum die... just like the iPod.

    Long as you didn't order an iBook you're fine. So I won't rag on you too much .
  • Reply 122 of 135

    Originally posted by emig647

    You do realize that this is the longest the iBooks have gone without being updated?

    Paris in September is way too long. That would put the iBooks on an 11 month update time... that won't happen. iBooks are THE BIGGEST selling computer for apple right now. They are not going to let that momentum die... just like the iPod.

    Long as you didn't order an iBook you're fine. So I won't rag on you too much .

    lol i know but i ordered this OH YA my first Laptop link
  • Reply 123 of 135
    When Jobs announced the year of the laptop I didn't realise it was the year we would be stuck with no decent upgrades.

    Tiger on a 256mb Ram iBook?
  • Reply 124 of 135
    dutchboydutchboy Posts: 12member
    Hopefully at WWDC in a few weeks we can all celebrate with a new line of notebooks. I can only wait so long and 4 months is about long enough. Luckilly by current PC Desktop is still churning.
  • Reply 125 of 135
    cubistcubist Posts: 954member
    iBooks on 7448 at 1.67 and 2GHz! Yay!

    PowerBooks on Cell at 2.0 and 2.4GHz! Yay!

    <disclaimer>I am making this up.</disclaimer>
  • Reply 126 of 135
    Just to point it out, but Cell would suck at 2 (or even 2.4) GHz. Cell needs to run really fast to do good. Think of it like a Netburst (Pentium 4). A Pentium 3 or G4 at equal clock speeds does a better job then a P4, but the P4 scales so much higher it doesn't matter. Of course it if stops scaling? You get stuff like the Pentium M which is a heavily tweaked P3.

    AFAIK a 3.2 GHz Cell running in order code would be roughly equal to a pair of 1.4-1.6 GHz G4+'s (like the 7447b's currently in Powerbooks). The dual processor bit is because Cell has SMT (like Intel's Hyperthreading, but much much better). Of course when Cell runs into out-of-order code it's weak, and with poor branch prediction/large penalty for misdirect. That ignores any SPE's, and applies only to the central PPE.

    On the other hand most Mac code is still designed for G3's or G4's (not G4+, think the early 7400 model G4's that were basically a G3+Altivec) and those were fairly in order processors unlike the G4+ and G5. So most Mac code would be fine on Cell, but not totally fine, and newer code would suck.

    There are always trade offs.
  • Reply 127 of 135
    makkemakke Posts: 16member
    Hi there, I am currently planning to buy an iBook during my stay in Palo Alto from June 5 to June 10 (I live in Belgium). My plan was to buy one on Sunday June 5, but I guess I'll wait for the keynote speech by Steve on Monday

    I have a question: should Steve Jobs announce changes to the laptop line, would they be immediately available in stores. I want to use the opportunity of my stay to buy, much cheaper as in Europe ...
  • Reply 128 of 135
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member

    Originally posted by Makke

    Hi there, I am currently planning to buy an iBook during my stay in Palo Alto from June 5 to June 10 (I live in Belgium). My plan was to buy one on Sunday June 5, but I guess I'll wait for the keynote speech by Steve on Monday

    I have a question: should Steve Jobs announce changes to the laptop line, would they be immediately available in stores. I want to use the opportunity of my stay to buy, much cheaper as in Europe ...

    Hi Makke,

    Well. it depends on the update. If its a new processor (e600, 7448, 970gx, etc) than expect at least a 4 week delay for shipping. If its just an updated 7447b, expect it to be available immediately.
  • Reply 129 of 135
    hi all,

    First of all, APPLE is REALLY testing my patience =_=". I'm a PC(windows) user who's sick and tired windows(WHY DO I HAVE TO TWEAK THE BLOODY THING JUST TO GET IT LOOKING DECENT) and is really excited about joining the apple family. As I'm a nooby, I'm looking at purchasing an ibook to start off. But after reading all these posts about the updates I've decided to WAIT. I know that none of us are sure about whether or not updates will be seen during the june conference (forgot the name WWC or something). But really, I'm already sick of waiting. I WILL however wait til after that conference. But if no updates are shown, should I keep waiting? and for how long?

    and also, does anyone have an idea of the likelyhook of apple upgrading the gfx card for the ibook? that's really my main concern regarding the books at the moment.

  • Reply 130 of 135
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    Welcome wingk1314...

    First off, I feel your pain. I sold my g4 (last year) to wait for the newly updated powermac g5's (rev b)... I waited 7 months for my new powermac. That was hard. But I'm glad I waited. It was worth it to have the updates.

    In your case, it really depends what you do. Right now I'm on a cube g4 450 with a geforce 2mx and 352mb ram 7200 60gb hard drive. An iBook would stomp on this machine except for the hard drive bottle neck. Right now I'm running Tiger 10.4.1 on it without much hassle. I am a Cocoa programmer and Web developer. It suits me fine right now. I actually have a 3.6ghz p4 sitting next to me and I haven't touched it in weeks. The cpu maxes out on me more than i'm used to (since I just came off of a dual 2.0ghz g5 which I sold... long story). I have my pc for games so I'm not too worried about graphics on the mac. With that being said...

    If you have a pc for gaming, or don't care about gaming... then an iBook would suit you just fine. You aren't going to miss much in tiger except a few "extras" that well all lived without the last 5 years anyways. Only thing I notice is I don't have a ripple effect in the dashboard. Of course this is now... Things are bound to change for the upcoming updates of OS 10 and I would recommend that you have a better graphics card eventually for Core Image/Video. iBooks are RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER and it wouldn't hurt to wait if you absolutely don't need it right now. If you need it, that's another story because you're losing money waiting.

    They will be here soon... you can count on that. I wouldn't doubt that they are ready to ship as we speak, but i'm sure apple is pushing the date back as far as possible for the powerbooks not to be overtaken by the ibooks.

    Lay down your needs and we'll tell you if you should wait or not. Don't get caught in the waiting game, otherwise you'll wait forever or sell a perfect machine like I did.
  • Reply 131 of 135
    Thanks for the fast reply,

    well, I'm a university student doing a design course. I don't play much games although i can't really imagine going through every month without them. But I've already did some slight research on available games for the mac and i'm reasonably satisfied so that's not much of a problem. The main concern is whether or not the current gfx card is capable of copping with the Tiger os(as well as the games). As I was going through the line of apple products I noticed the page for the PowerMacs said something about having core image/video capabilities for tiger. Now, after reading through these threads i've realised that the gfx card on ibook does not have that support. I'm planning to use the ibook as a replacement for my computer needs. I ofcourse will be keeping my PC just for the sakes of some programs that i use. But I'll hopefully use the ibook for as much as i can since i really don't want to be facing my PC all day. RAM wise i can just add extra's, but the gfx card i can't. That's why it's a concern to me especially if apple decides to update it's tiger and add in alot of new extra's that will drain the gfx card. For some reason, if that happens i don't really see tiger running on the ibook very smoothly. Well, graphics wise.


    I guess i will wait a BIT longer after that conference(because i want to be on an ibook by semester 2). But i'll be damn P*SSED if the new ibooks(even worse if they have a new design) come out a week later. Damn this is killing my patience. What to do -_-.
  • Reply 132 of 135
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    If you plan on using this as a replacement computer I would definitely wait until the next iBook revs. This will (100% without a doubt) sport a tiger / Core XXXX graphics card.

    As I said I'm getting by without one currently... but I don't see this happening in another year. If you want this computer to last longer than that... definitely wait... or get a powerbook
  • Reply 133 of 135
    i see, *sigh* well i guess i'm in with the waiting game then.

  • Reply 134 of 135
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member

    Originally posted by wingk1314

    i see, *sigh* well i guess i'm in with the waiting game then.


    Lol... good luck. And be weary of this board. It has a tendency to make you always want the next great thing. Ignore it and get the next rev and live with it... it will always be great for the next few years . Look at me... i'm on a 5 year old machine and its still be productive.
  • Reply 135 of 135
    cubistcubist Posts: 954member
    As an alternative, get a refurb at a cheap price and don't worry about it. That's what I did...
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