Apple advertising Mac OS X in TIME magazine (images)

in macOS edited January 2014
Apple Computer this month took the first steps towards advocating its Mac OS X 10.4 "Tiger" operating system, placing print ads in prominent publications such as TIME magazine. Analysts expect TV ads to follow.

Pages three and four of the May 30th issue of TIME features a dual-page spread titled "Find Stuff" and "Find Out Stuff." The captions, which appear below images of Spotlight and Dashboard, have been reproduced below.

Click for larger image.

Find Stuff: Mac OS X Tiger. The world's most advanced operating system now puts even more power at your fingertips. With new features like Spotlight, Mac OS X's amazing search technology that lets you instantly find anything on your Mac - documents, e-mails, contacts, bookmarks, images, even things inside PDF files.

Find Out Stuff: And Dashboard, a whole new world of timesaving widgets. Instead of having to visit multiple websites for things like weather forecasts, stock queries, business listings or airline flights, Dashboard brings it all to you instantly, then disappears instantly so you can go back to what you were doing. Just two of Tiger's more than 200 new features that will change how you use your computer.

In addition to the print ads, Merrill Lynch analyst Steve Milunovich recently hinted that Apple plans to debut new television ads that also focus on the Mac, rather than the iPod. His comments followed a sit-down with Apple Chief Financial Officer, Peter Oppenheimer.


  • Reply 1 of 47
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    Originally posted by AppleInsider

    ...placing print ads in promenade publications...

    What in the hell is a "promenade" publication?

  • Reply 2 of 47
    screedscreed Posts: 1,077member
    Apple advertising OS X?

    Oh Thank You Jeebus!


    (all together now) Finally!!!

    Could promenade pubs mean "coffee table" mags or top tier, New York elite, those-that-get-discussed-on-the-tellie magazines?

  • Reply 3 of 47
    macslutmacslut Posts: 514member
    Worst iPod ad...ever!

  • Reply 4 of 47
    or perhaps a typo that was supposed to read "prominent".
  • Reply 5 of 47
    kasperkasper Posts: 941member, administrator

    Originally posted by KingOfSomewhereHot

    or perhaps a typo that was supposed to read "prominent".

    And the winner is.. ^
  • Reply 6 of 47
    gene cleangene clean Posts: 3,481member
    These Mac OS X ads are kind of pointless in my opinion, as no x86 user can just purchase Tiger and be running it with no problems. No. People need to buy Apple hardware, not exactly a cheap thing to do, and then they are able to run Tiger or OS X.

    Perhaps getting some mindshare is not bad, but not a lot of people are gonna buy Apple hardware just to run OS X. Some will. But not many.
  • Reply 7 of 47
    ct77ct77 Posts: 49member

    Originally posted by Gene Clean

    Perhaps getting some mindshare is not bad, but not a lot of people are gonna buy Apple hardware just to run OS X. Some will. But not many.

    Of course they will.

    When they go to Best Buy, Joe or Jane User are used to being told they have to buy new hardware to get the latest, greatest version of Windows. And most people do just that, buy an entirely new machine.

    Why would it be any different if someone was interested in OS X?

    It won't be, in my humble opinion. Mac Mini's are going to start flying off the shelf, even faster than they already have been.
  • Reply 8 of 47
    akhomerunakhomerun Posts: 386member
  • Reply 9 of 47
    nathan22tnathan22t Posts: 317member

    take it and like it!
  • Reply 10 of 47
    bergzbergz Posts: 1,045member
    Image from article doesn't load in Camino. Safari works fine.

  • Reply 11 of 47
    noleli2noleli2 Posts: 129member
    Fantastic! They should also have an Exposé ad.
  • Reply 12 of 47
    gene cleangene clean Posts: 3,481member

    Originally posted by ct77

    Of course they will.

    When they go to Best Buy, Joe or Jane User are used to being told they have to buy new hardware to get the latest, greatest version of Windows. And most people do just that, buy an entirely new machine.

    Why would it be any different if someone was interested in OS X?

    It won't be, in my humble opinion. Mac Mini's are going to start flying off the shelf, even faster than they already have been.

    Not from what I've seen in BestBuy. Mac mini is so well hidden that it's a miracle to find it. Really. And you can buy XP if you have Win2000 and get the 'latest and greatest' in the Windows world. Not so with Mac OS X.

    But I guess it's good. The more people hear about it, the more sales.
  • Reply 13 of 47
    ct77ct77 Posts: 49member

    Originally posted by Gene Clean

    But I guess it's good. The more people hear about it, the more sales.

    The new advertising is definitely a good thing.

    And hopefully those interested enough to seek out OS X will wind up in an Apple retail store, instead of Best Buy.
  • Reply 14 of 47
    macmikemacmike Posts: 96member
    I just got a new Newsweek today and the ad also appears in that magazine.
  • Reply 15 of 47
    omegaomega Posts: 427member

    Originally posted by macmike

    I just got a new Newsweek today and the ad also appears in that magazine.

    That's because it is a "promenade publication"!
  • Reply 16 of 47
    salmonstksalmonstk Posts: 568member

    Originally posted by Gene Clean

    These Mac OS X ads are kind of pointless in my opinion, as no x86 user can just purchase Tiger and be running it with no problems. No. People need to buy Apple hardware, not exactly a cheap thing to do, and then they are able to run Tiger or OS X.

    Perhaps getting some mindshare is not bad, but not a lot of people are gonna buy Apple hardware just to run OS X. Some will. But not many.

    Remember for the most part the OS and software is why you buy a computer. This ad is not meant to get people to buy Tiger but get people to buy a Mac.

    Same goes for M$ new ads. They are trying to push people to buy a new computer and hence send Billy some new money.
  • Reply 17 of 47
    carson o'geniccarson o'genic Posts: 1,279member

    Originally posted by macmike

    I just got a new Newsweek today and the ad also appears in that magazine.

    ditto Economist last week.
  • Reply 18 of 47
    the generalthe general Posts: 649member

    Originally posted by pscates

    What in the hell is a "promenade" publication?

    basically a magazine that is usually found in a promenade of a building, or also in business offices(like a dr's office,ect).
  • Reply 19 of 47
    omegaomega Posts: 427member

    Originally posted by The General

    basically a magazine that is usually found in a promenade of a building, or also in business offices(like a dr's office,ect).

    Office? Or did you mean orifice?

  • Reply 20 of 47
    jimdreamworxjimdreamworx Posts: 1,096member

    Originally posted by Gene Clean

    And you can buy XP if you have Win2000 and get the 'latest and greatest' in the Windows world...

    While that's true, I know way too many people who consider an OS upgrade one involving buying a new computer. Most of them are home consumers who just want the thing to work and would rather not bother with being sure they have a minimum configuration or need to buy more RAM or a bigger HD.

    In fact, a lot of businesses also follow this mentality. They only stick with Windoze because of back-end systems.
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