Intel-based Macs coming soon?



  • Reply 341 of 433
    sowellsowell Posts: 2member
    Intel-mac are coming soon, but not Apple branded. Apple is going to license the os to some well known pc-makers that will manufacture macos computers with intel inside. The processor is not x86-compatible, but will be the future processor for windows Longhorn as well as "pc"-macs. By the support from major players in the pc-field therre is going to be a great start for intelmacs, even if some software will have to wait to be compiled for the new platform. Intelmac will in the first place be marketed as consumer computers, games and iLife-type software will be debute first. Great chance for margin developers to be first to establish their programs on a new platform.

    The big catch in this case is that some major pc-makers mainly active in the indian and chinese market will adopt these and market them in asia. That will assure Apple that many applications will pop up from asian developers, and accelerate a greater marketshare of mac osx in the "forgotten" asian market. Eventually when macos on intel is well established Apple may migrate it´s hardware to intel. There is a option for Apple to cease make computers and concentrate on software and consumer product like Ipod etc.

    Bright future for macos.
  • Reply 342 of 433
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member

    Originally posted by melgross

    This new WSJ article for tomorrow morning was posted on the ARstechnica forum about this (26 pages and growing!)

    This is very detailed, and I hate to say it, sounds convincing. Click on the link and you will get to the pdf.

    Good nite folks.

    just read it

    there is something very very plausible in there but something very very wrong. the way it skirts around the details is very bizzare.

    something is up.

    ALMOST 8 HOURS TO GO before this madness is laid to rest.

    thanks melgross for the reading.
  • Reply 343 of 433
    gene cleangene clean Posts: 3,481member
    People are forgetting that x86 is only half of the story: there's also x86-64.
  • Reply 344 of 433
    brent1abrent1a Posts: 42member

    Originally posted by sunilraman

    just read it

    there is something very very plausible in there but something very very wrong. the way it skirts around the details is very bizzare.

    something is up.

    ALMOST 8 HOURS TO GO before this madness is laid to rest.

    thanks melgross for the reading.

    But what if, in 8 hours, SJ doesn't speak a single word about this rumor? Wouldn't that be ripe! \
  • Reply 345 of 433
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member

    Originally posted by brent1a

    But what if, in 8 hours, SJ doesn't speak a single word about this rumor? Wouldn't that be ripe! \

    fuck man, there'll be mass suicides/ riots/ steve-effigy-burning around the world if steve doesn't say anything
  • Reply 346 of 433
    mdriftmeyermdriftmeyer Posts: 7,503member
    I like how Bloomberg morning just updated their reference to Apple and Intel from, "It appears Apple will be switching to Intel" to, "Apple today may announce using Intel chips."
  • Reply 347 of 433
    brent1abrent1a Posts: 42member

    Originally posted by mdriftmeyer

    I like how Bloomberg morning just updated their reference to Apple and Intel from, "It appears Apple will be switching to Intel" to, "Apple today may announce using Intel chips."

    Makes you wonder what/if all the headlines will say/be modified too by 11am.
  • Reply 348 of 433
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member
    7 hours to go

    - I think Intel will be used in a new device (if at all) - not an OS X machine. I don't see Apple switching from the G5 - which according to Apple was the future road-map.
  • Reply 349 of 433
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member
    For those expecting cheaper hardware from a possible switch to Intel, please read these comments. It has some other interesting remarks too.
  • Reply 350 of 433
    franksargentfranksargent Posts: 4,694member

    Go ahead, make my day.

    Do the Linux thing, on a PowerPC!

    Let's see now, 4% market share times 4% fanboyz times 0.04% Linux on PowerPC equals?

    Wow, NO Winblows, no Intel Inside, gotta have *NIX, and NO APPZ!

    Sounds like a weiner to me!

    I will personally buy you all plane tickets to the PRC, seeing as you all would fit into a small Cessna!

    OH, and check out the real cost of a Mac versus PC, cost ratio 3:1 for mainstream hardware! Its the cost of the entire system, not just the CPU.

    Stupid, just plain stupid.

    Can't wait to see CIJ (nee David Koresh) set the compound on fire!

    Boy, I've never had so much fun in my entire life.

    I'll be back, oh let's say 12:00 PM PDT?
  • Reply 351 of 433
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    5 hours to go
  • Reply 352 of 433
    twotwo Posts: 17member

    Originally posted by franksargent

    I will personally buy you all plane tickets to the PRC, seeing as you all would fit into a small Cessna!

    Is PRC the People's Republic of China or Prescott, AZ? We have a big flight school here, just wondering. If it is Prescott, I'd like something else as that ticket would be useless to me.
  • Reply 353 of 433
    brent1abrent1a Posts: 42member

    Originally posted by franksargent

    [B] 8)

    Boy, I've never had so much fun in my entire life.

    I have, and *gasp* it happened outside of the computerworld!!!
  • Reply 354 of 433
    akhomerunakhomerun Posts: 386member
    if this crap about apple switching to x86 is true, apple should switch to AMD, not intel.

    imagine a couple of those AMD Athlon 64 4800+ dual cores in a power mac.
  • Reply 355 of 433
    akhomerunakhomerun Posts: 386member
    if apple switches to x86, people are yammering about porting applications and how difficult it would be to port from the mac version to the x86/x64 mac architecture.

    but...why not just port the windows versions of programs to mac?
  • Reply 356 of 433
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member
    4 hours to go

    to be proved wrong!
  • Reply 357 of 433
    unixpoetunixpoet Posts: 41member
    A couple of stories by the Register here.

    I'd really, really hate Apple if they put those damn "Intel Inside" stickers on the cases in exchange for marketing dollars. That would be betrayal on a grand scale.
  • Reply 358 of 433
    kim kap solkim kap sol Posts: 2,987member
    i am building intel mac plastics right now.
  • Reply 359 of 433
    hudson1hudson1 Posts: 800member
    The WSJ's and Tony Smith's take at The Register make a lot of sense to me. Over the years, Apple has been incorporating more and more PC industry standards into its hardware designs so the move to some kind of Intel provided architecture shouldn't be viewed as some huge shift in strategy--just another shift.

    What's been missing in most of the commentaries is that Intel is the only computer CPU maker who can reliably meet all of Apple's needs. So far, IBM has only been able to come up with scaled-down big iron chips. The fact that the highest clocked G5s need liquid cooling should tell us all we really need to know about IBM's current capability with desktop CPU power requirements. If a 2.7 GHz G5 needs that then it's fairly obvious that a laptop CPU is not close.

    Freescale has been a fallback supplier for Apple and one that they've been trying to get rid of for years but can't thanks to IBM's lack of progress. Freescale has done essentially nothing for Apple over the past few years.

    AMD has some advanced desktop architecture but they don't seem like the supplier of choice for laptops; Apple's bread-and-butter.

    That leaves Intel, doesn't it; and is there any doubt about whether Intel will be around 10 years from now as a leading computer CPU producer?
  • Reply 360 of 433
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member

    Originally posted by Hudson1


    Freescale has been a fallback supplier for Apple and one that they've been trying to get rid of for years but can't thanks to IBM's lack of progress. Freescale has done essentially nothing for Apple over the past few years.


    i think in hindsight, and probably already, business schools will use this as a case study --> how apple was still able to generate revenue and profits out of a CPU line that generally, circa january 2005, would have been considered DEAD.
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