G5 - The truth



  • Reply 81 of 489
    [quote]Originally posted by FormerLurker:


    Again, YUP

    Seybold is, from a marketing perspective, the BEST place to announce a kickass new PowerMac G5.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I whole heartedly agree. And if Apple can make it to where almost every three months or so that they release a new product or an upgrade to an existing product that would really make it FEEL like they are on top of the ball.

    And I agree, what better place to announce new chip archeticture then at Seybold.
  • Reply 82 of 489
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    K, I'm naive to the Mac convention schedule, when's Seinbold?

    I know shows in Jan, March, July, and the Paris show in Aug...
  • Reply 83 of 489
    rraburrabu Posts: 264member
    I don't see any reason why the iMac and tower can't both have a G4 at the same time (running at different speeds). After all, they both had a G3 at the same time in the past. For what was it, a whole year? two?
  • Reply 84 of 489
    The performance difference between consumer and pro will be achieved by different bus architecture and no ddr-ram. In my opinion there really may G4 iMacs in Jan.

    Announcing the G5 at Seybold sounds comprehensible. Perhaps in combination with the rumored 19"racked 1U server.
  • Reply 85 of 489
    [quote]Originally posted by Dorsal M:

    <strong>Apple has been so kind as to send some advanced information on their hardware roadmaps. Normally this is so uncommon as to be unheard of! But there are such diverging hardware plans for the upcoming year(s) that it has been made necessary.


    Apple would never, never send out information like Dorsal is suggesting. Partly that's because Apple itself doesn't know what it's going to do years in advance - a lot depends on how things shake out in the industry. Apple can't afford to be wrong anymore when it comes to this sort of design decision, so they'll have to trail the technology curve a bit.


    bundled gadgets suited for specific uses (for example: an iPod bundled with an iMac where the iPod would slide in a slot in the imac made for it) depending on the desktop system it comes with. Some of the examples cited indicated to me atleast, that Apple want's to expand it's core business from just consumer and professional graphics artists to business and media creation.


    This is just sheer crack smokery. Why the fook would they make an iMac that had an iPod slide into it? It's a frickin' firewire device. There's no benefit to wasting any space on a specialized internal docking port. And since apparently Dorsal was asleep the last few years, Apple already has expanded into media creation (hmm, iMovie, iDVD, Final Cut Pro, et al) some time ago. It'd be nice if they could crack the business market, but that's so far out of reach now it would be pointless wasting any resources specifically trying to do it.
  • Reply 86 of 489
    [quote]Originally posted by jethro:


    Apple would never, never send out information like Dorsal is suggesting. Partly that's because Apple itself doesn't know what it's going to do years in advance - a lot depends on how things shake out in the industry. Apple can't afford to be wrong anymore when it comes to this sort of design decision, so they'll have to trail the technology curve a bit.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    It's not uncommon to send out road maps about what a company 'plans' to do in the future. It's just not common for for Apple to do so, but they have done it. But lately on the software side they've been doing a lot of it, may be Steve does actually have something planned for us in the upcoming 24 months.
  • Reply 87 of 489
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    Uhhh Mods,

    if you could stop side-stepping the question, how exactly did you go about confirming that this is the real dorsal?
  • Reply 88 of 489
    addisonaddison Posts: 1,185member
    I would assume that since he uses annonomiser (SP) the user (Dorsal M) has set his account with the same user name and password. That is something only the real "Dorsal" could do.
  • Reply 89 of 489
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    Matsu, maybe this Dorsal M used the same email addy for registration as the Dorsal from old AI did. IP's come and go. But you usually keep the same email address for a while.
  • Reply 90 of 489
    jrcjrc Posts: 817member
    [quote](iMac type machines and modular machines) will have bundled gadgets suited for specific uses (for example: an iPod bundled with an iMac where the iPod would slide in a slot in the imac made for it)[/QB]<hr></blockquote>

    I've always thought a palm/visor cradle built-into a keyboard would be great. Allows the user to use the typwriter to key into the palm device DIRECTLY or into Palm Desktop or BOTH simultaneously. Perhaps even allow preferences to bring up the palm desktop when the device was put into the keyboard.

    Similar thoughts could be used for iPod. Put in in the keyboard (which is the only thing guaranteed to be near the user, really.) and up pops iTunes. Can edit/type directly to iPod OR itunes, if you decide to change things around somewhat.

    Many options along this line.
  • Reply 91 of 489
    Well I was banned once for using the "dorsal" name. Pretty ridiculous considering I never said anything offensive. Ban me once, ban me twice, I could care less. At least Belle thought my last post was kinda funny. Believe what you want, just realise that Jonathan and AI control what you do and do not see.

    dr. Dorsal D XIV
  • Reply 92 of 489
    This is all major bullshit with Dorsal. No way in hell does he get a road map, and his last post is almost laughable.

    Who cares what MHz the G5 come in at. As long as we have something over a GHz they better ramp the sucker up for production. If anything Apple can give us downclocked G5s in order to ensure they have a working supply to ship by Febuary/March.

    Want real info? I suggest you listen if i ever get in touch with a Motorola employee I knew. Since I'm not under any NDA and if he shows up, perhaps I could get some hard core facts on the G5. I'm just sorry that I can no longer get in touch with him and give the AI community some info.

    Anywayz, I think that post just confirms it's not Dorsal. Are you listening mods?
  • Reply 93 of 489
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    Once again, I'd like to know exactly how the dorsal identities were verified, especially since the previous dorsal was rumored to always anonymize himself. Did you communicate with him personally? Checking the IP would not, I think, lead you anywhere.

    I think you could provide a reasonable explanation without disclosing any top secret details. What gives?
  • Reply 94 of 489
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    PS. i think the dorsal banning is a little silly (as is the name squatting) since no one really knows rumor from truth from identity to impersonation here anyway. just my two cents which, in rapidly declining Can$, soon won't amount to any cents at all.
  • Reply 95 of 489
    othelloothello Posts: 1,054member
    just chill out everyone with this dorsal thing. part of the 'fun' of appleinsider [if indeed it is fun] is all the guessing about new releases and was that post true or not.
  • Reply 96 of 489
    This "Dorsal M"'s style of writing is totally different from the original Dorsal (the old AI).

    He never used smilies, never joked around and hardly ever responded to anyone directly. He seemed much more serious and really knew a lot about computer architecture.

    This seems fishy to me.
  • Reply 97 of 489
    We've never banned ANYONE for using a "dorsal" derivative.

    Dorsal M = the only one that has the same collaborating evidence (i.e. IP addresses) as the old one.

    I've not banned any Dorsal derivatives. Anyone suggesting that is spouting pure horseshit.
  • Reply 98 of 489
    And Matsu, I explained the whole "why we think one dorsal is right and the other one isn't in a private message to you. Might want to check it.
  • Reply 99 of 489
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member
    [quote]Originally posted by FormerLurker:


    YUP </strong><hr></blockquote>

    A G3 with altivec is basically a G4. Dont see the interest to design a new chip that already exist !

    G4 (7400 AND 7410) = G3 + ALTIVEC + better FP unit (25 % more performant) with better memory performance (Altivec need this stuff in order to work).

    Perhaps we can see a G4 like made by IBM, a chip with a SIMD unit with the emulation of ALTIVEC.
  • Reply 100 of 489
    daverdaver Posts: 496member
    Dorsal M is not the real Dorsal. Besides the silly fiction he's passing off as "inside info" in his last few posts, his writing style is completely different to Dorsal's.

    Dorsal M posts = bunk
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