Apple cancels Apple Expo keynote address

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in General Discussion edited January 2014
Macworld is reporting from Apple that there will be no formal presentation at the Paris Mac Expo. The executives from Apple including Steve Jobs will be attending but there will be no Keynote presentation.


  • Reply 1 of 109
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by superted

    Macworld is reporting from Apple that there will be no formal presentation at the Paris Mac Expo. The executives from Apple including Steve Jobs will be attending but there will be no Keynote presentation.

    What we expected at Paris was a Powerbook update with the new 7448 cpu. This would be a substantial boost to keep the line alive until the switch starts.

    Now it seems that this update was postponed. Or cancelled. Or Jobs does not want to face the public (non-developers) in view of the Intel transition. Whatever.
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  • Reply 2 of 109
    looks like september will be interestin, huh? in a few days, sep 7th announcment and then sep 20th (my birthday! i'll be 27 !!) paris.

    well, also, sep 11th, 4th year anniversary. yup, 4 years on.

    anyway i have a friend from malaysistan going to visit his in-laws in the bay area for a whole month from this weekend. if apple comes up with anything good, and i beg my dad hard enough , he just might be flying back with a new ipod or powerbook dualcore 7448.... wow. the grey side clouds this upcoming moon cycle.....
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  • Reply 3 of 109
    so no keynote, maybe not such a big deal, who thinks they'll update the towers anyway, say tomorrow or next tuesday, steve wouldn't want to make a big deal of the IBM dual core anyway... why shout about technology you're about to ditch, might as well roll them out and just be at the expo to talk up the future of apple...
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  • Reply 4 of 109
    maybe because he had to "set the RDF to 11" for wwdc he has to regenerate his RDF reserves... macworld sf 2006, RDF back on full charge. hopefully \
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  • Reply 5 of 109
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by sunilraman

    ...he just might be flying back with a new ipod or powerbook dualcore 7448.... :???

    Stop dreaming, there is no such thing like dual core 7448 . 8641D is the dual core gold, but I don't see it in a Powerbook.
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  • Reply 6 of 109

    Originally posted by PB

    Stop dreaming, there is no such thing like dual core 7448 . 8641D is the dual core gold, but I don't see it in a Powerbook.


    maybe i should wish for a girlfriend for my birthday...!!
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  • Reply 7 of 109
    8641D. nice.

    dual-core "g4"

    up to 1.5ghz

    up to 667mhz bus

    2mb L2 cache (1mb each core)

    DDR2 ram

    up to 8x PCIexpress


    simply not profitable for apple though at this stage. i suspect intel can give them similar pentium M goodies for half the price?


    where are the "great powerPC products?"

    steve lied. if there were really "great PowerPC products" in the pipeline he would get his ass on stage and be announcing them in a few weeks
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  • Reply 8 of 109
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by sunilraman

    maybe i should wish for a girlfriend for my birthday...!!

    A far more realistic wish .
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  • Reply 9 of 109
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by sunilraman

    8641D. nice.

    dual-core "g4"

    up to 1.5ghz

    Why my eyes see at least 1.5 GHz per e600 core?


    simply not profitable for apple though at this stage. i suspect intel can give them similar pentium M goodies for half the price?

    I cannot see where you draw your question/conclusion from, but the problem is that the 8641D would require a complete motherboard overhaul, which has probability zero to happen in view of the transition.



    where are the "great powerPC products?"

    steve lied. if there were really "great PowerPC products" in the pipeline he would get his ass on stage and be announcing them in a few weeks

    It seems that his ass got recently... something from Freescale \ .
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  • Reply 10 of 109
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member
    Well, this must be a first for quite some time in Apple's history. People have already received their keynote badges, for an already cancelled keynote.
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  • Reply 11 of 109
    jimzipjimzip Posts: 446member
    Dear lord am I meant to understand this...

    "The L2 cache is fully pipelined for two-cycle throughput in the MPC7448. It responds with an 11-cycle load latency for an L1 miss that hits in L2 with ECC disabled and 12 cycles when ECC is enabled. In the MPC7448, as many as six outstanding cache misses are allowed between the L1 data cache and L2 bus. In addition, the MPC7448 supports a second cacheable store miss. The processors also provide cache locking to the L1 caches so that key performance algorithms and code can be locked in the L1 cache."

    Zoiks.. I thought I was geeky but that just blew my mind apart..

    It uh.. it does sound cool though!

    On the note of the Keynote though.. Dang it! I love watching those.. Especially when there's new products to announce!

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  • Reply 12 of 109
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member

    Originally posted by sunilraman


    where are the "great powerPC products?"

    steve lied. if there were really "great PowerPC products" in the pipeline he would get his ass on stage and be announcing them in a few weeks

    I don't know why more people are not pissed off over this. He lied to the point he can't get on stage and confront anyone because it was such a big fat lie.
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  • Reply 13 of 109
    Originally posted by PB

    "Why my eyes see at least 1.5 GHz per e600 core?"

    ah because my mind automatically computed, freescale = crap so i subconsciously changed the at least to a at most

    damn.... at least 1.5ghz per core. nice...!

    "I cannot see where you draw your question/conclusion from...."

    the word 'ass' has been used a lot in this thread already, so i shan't ramble on
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  • Reply 14 of 109
    Originally posted by aplnub

    I don't know why more people are not pissed off over this. He lied to the point he can't get on stage and confront anyone because it was such a big fat lie.

    indeed, i am somewhat disturbed by this turn of events but i'm giving it the whole month to see what turns out and why he may have chosen to do so. the fact that people have paid good money to see the keynote (if i am not wrong), a bit tragic, really... i think someone fucked up a product release that he wanted to announce on the 20th and thought, better pull the keynote now rather than a few days before or worse, announce something

    "un-shippable" on the 20th.

    you know, given this quarter is perhaps apple's "riskiest" in the past few years, something must have fucked up big for steve to say, okay, let's "cut our losses" (just a figure of speech, not saying they are going to lose money this quarter) and 86 the keynote.
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  • Reply 15 of 109
    (meh... my third post in a row, deleted it.. nothing to see here, move on)
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  • Reply 16 of 109
    My guess is that this is very bad news. My hunch is that Jobs was going to announce either/both PowerMac MPs and 7448 PowerBooks, and IBM/FreeScale cannot deliver. The expected "great powerPC products" are not showing up on schedule. This looks like FreeScale's fingerprints, so I think no more PB updates until Intel, and the IBM MPs are still on the way.
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  • Reply 17 of 109
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member

    Originally posted by aplnub

    I don't know why more people are not pissed off over this. He lied to the point he can't get on stage and confront anyone because it was such a big fat lie.

    When did he say that they were supposed to be released three months later?
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  • Reply 18 of 109
    OTOH perhaps the incredible buzz for Sept 7 caused SJ to rethink any Paris announcement(s) and move it (them) up to this Wednesday
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  • Reply 19 of 109
    gargar Posts: 1,201member

    Originally posted by PB

    A far more realistic wish .


    almost 27, living in feudal nearbytsunamistan and having his dad to pay for his hightechtoys.

    it's far more realistic to hope for a dualcore powerbook at parisexpo than someone of the opposite sex committing an act of passion to sunil in the same timeframe.

    [edit] i googled a picture of sunilraman @myMUG... can't you ditch the grandprix of malaysia and get a girlfriend instead... [/edit]
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  • Reply 20 of 109
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member

    Originally posted by PB

    What we expected at Paris was a Powerbook update with the new 7448 cpu. This would be a substantial boost to keep the line alive until the switch starts.

    Who is 'we?' Only if you've been living in a cave would you think Steve would speed-bump the Powerbooks at a keynote. He only introduces all new products. If that's all that's happening, it will come as a press release some Tuesday morning, not at a keynote. I even doubt that he'd introduce dual dual-core PowerMacs at a keynote.
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