iPod nano sales off to slow start



  • Reply 81 of 149
    I went into the Apple store on Saturday only because I happened to be nearby...Of COURSE they wouldn't have any to sell, but I just wanted to see one. To my surprise, and probably to many others as well, they DID have stock (not the black 4GB). This probably kept the initial demand down.

    I lusted after the 4GB white one but changed my mind when I asked myself "Why do I need ANOTHER iPod". The market may be saturated for the time being.

    Some may also want to take advantage of the free engraving...which means you have to order online.

    I am convinced this will be the most successful iPod form factor ever.
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  • Reply 82 of 149
    and i thought i was living near the ass of the world where the hell are you? they got no mighty mouse yet even? no 30" display? WTF? you're not somewhere in new zealand are you? or Tasmania?
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  • Reply 83 of 149
    heh. a Black iPod Nano is definitely going to be THE apple xmas gift this year. they introduced the nano early to lock in sales for this july-september financial quarter. if they announced it at paris it would be too late to put nano sales onto their jul-sep balance sheet. also it was steve's big F-You to motorola. heh... the engadget guys are saying in their podcast motorola execs at the event were blindsided pure StevieJ style

    anyway once apple looks at how things finish up this month and then release their earnings for jul-sep we'll have a better picture if anything is going to come out for xmas season, eg, updated iMac g5 and powerBook g4, or if there'll just be promos and we'll have to wait until macworld SF 2006 for new stuff.

    my prediction, and YOU SAW IT HERE FIRST

    iPod Mini form factor/ style makes a comeback ~ as the new iPod 20gb and iPod 60gb with bigger, clearer, better screen. possibly even video but i'm not so sure on the video thing... still just photos for 1st calendar quarter of 2006.
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  • Reply 84 of 149
    Well before Christmas, the Nano will be more than on par with the Mini, price/feature wise, I think.

    I think that Apple starts each new product with a bit too much margin, so there is some room downward in price and/or upward in production costs.

    The advantage is that when it's on the market, they can tweak it to the real market until they find the soft spot (the price/feature balance point that brings the most profit in a given period). Meanwhile, the consumer sees how it's getting better and cheaper and more worth a buy.

    The point is that if they did it differently, which is by putting their new products directly on what they expect to be the perfect price/feature balance, they take the risk that they're wrong about it in such a way that they'd have to make it less attractive in the months after the introduction. Which they simply can't permit themselves.

    This said, I think the price remains the same while the features will be adjusted, because Apple seems to be very disciplined about their price points (I suppose they know very much about the psychology and the target groups that are related to them).

    So I'm rather sure that in the beginning of december we'll see 4 & 6 GB Nanos for respectively $ 199 and $ 249.

    It's going to be a huge success.
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  • Reply 85 of 149
    I think just two colours is a mistake - if everyone gets one, how can you tell them apart?
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  • Reply 86 of 149
    the serial number.
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  • Reply 87 of 149
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member

    Originally posted by Doxxic

    So I'm rather sure that in the beginning of december we'll see 4 & 6 GB Nanos for respectively $ 199 and $ 249.

    It's going to be a huge success.

    You dreaming, man. They are not going to upgrade these in less than three months (which is what you're suggesting). This is capacity/price until at least the new year, probably until the spring.
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  • Reply 88 of 149
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    This piece says they're selling better than expected:

    Piper Jaffray said the iPod nano from Apple Computer (nasdaq: AAPL - news - people ) is "selling well."

    Available for six days, the music player is seeing high demand, based on a survey of 20 Apple retail stores, Piper Jaffray said. "No store that we checked with had black 4-gigabyte nanos in stock."

    The traffic to Apple's Web site has recently spiked to all-time highs, Piper noted, citing information from Alexa.com. "We believe that the publicity surrounding Apple's launch of the new iPod nano, and to a lesser extent, the unveiling of Motorola's (nyse: MOT - news - people ) ROKR phone, has fueled the spike in interest observed in the Web traffic data."

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  • Reply 89 of 149
    I haven't read everyone else's posts in this thread, but it seems to me Apple doesn't have anything to worry about yet.

    Heck, students everywhere got finished buying their iPods for the new school year right before the nano was released. It's still a while until the holiday season really kicks in, so there's probably a lull in iPod buying right now.

    Now if it doesn't sell well over the holidays, that's a big problem.
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  • Reply 90 of 149

    Originally posted by 1984

    No, because they could have announced new minis with color screens and 8GB or 10GB hard drives.

    Steve Jobs even admited the minis were their best selling iPods and that replacing them with the nano was a huge risk. It's not exactly logical to kill off your best selling product. There really was no reason to do so.

    The regular iPod form factor should have been ditched in favor of using the Mini form factor as the 'regular' iPod...
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  • Reply 91 of 149
    Anybody with concerns about how durable the Nano is, should read this review - the Nano is without a doubt the most durable iPod yet...

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  • Reply 92 of 149
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  • Reply 93 of 149

    Originally posted by OrbitPink

    Most AppleInsider stories are retarded

    Looks like Kasper just got bitch-slapped.

    Nuttin' but love for you, K.
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  • Reply 94 of 149
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member

    Originally posted by 1984

    No, because they could have announced new minis with color screens and 8GB or 10GB hard drives.

    Steve Jobs even admited the minis were their best selling iPods and that replacing them with the nano was a huge risk. It's not exactly logical to kill off your best selling product. There really was no reason to do so.

    For whatever reason, Apple doesn't have a whole lot of similar products in the same price bracket. For example, a beefier high end iBook and low end Powerbook could share the same base price, but they don't. Only rarely have the base price ranges of the various desktop models overlapped, the exception being the 20" iMac G5 was more expensive than the one processor PowerMac G5.

    The mini is a mature design needing little to no work to update, the last update only lasted a little over six months when they made changes to increase battery life, which is a pretty short life for such a significant revision. It would definitely need a color update, otherwise it would look silly being a mono model between two models with color screens.

    Are the 8GB and 10GB Mircodrives available yet? I tried looking but can't find them.
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  • Reply 95 of 149
    Okay, so Apple, for once, put enough stock in the stores prior to launch that they actually HAVE some product on hand. If this had been a typical Apple product launch, and they'd run out of nanos in 6 hours, with nobody having a clue as to when more would be in, then we'd all be complaining about THAT, I guess.

    I see it as a good thing that they managed to keep the thing on the shelves for a week, black 4GB aside.
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  • Reply 96 of 149

    Originally posted by Messiah

    Well I didn't bother going to buy an iPod nano because I knew that:

    1. the shops wouldn't have received any stock yet

    2. the shops who had received stock would have sold out

    3. the shops who had received stock and sold out wouldn't be able to tell me when they were able to get more stock

    4. what's an iPod nano? We've just received our first shipment of the iPod mini.

    I've become so used to not being able to get my mits on Apple kit that I don't even bother going out and looking for the new stuff. Maybe this is what a lot of the other people are thinking. 'Yeah it's a great new Apple product but you won't be able to get your hands on one for a few months'. If so, Apple have only got themselves to blame.

    None of my local Apple dealers has ever had a 30" Cinema Display, and none of them have had a single Mighty Mouse yet.

    shop online, I got my iPod nano from there today. (yes, its white)
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  • Reply 97 of 149
    I saw the nano at the local Apple store. It was very impressive. However, there didn't seem to be any crowd around that table. People were spread out all over the store. Most of the nanos were sitting idle on the table.

    I think it will take a few weeks for nano sales to ramp up. The mini was kind of a no brainer. It was basically a regular iPod but thinner and lighter and with color. The nano is a different beast. It is so thin and light it seems to be in a different category.

    Personally I won't get one because of the lack of FW.

    Perhaps the mini will be resurrected with slightly larger HDs and a color screen? That would be nice.
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  • Reply 98 of 149
    the black nano is now up to shipping in 5-7 days even on the online apple store.
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  • Reply 99 of 149
    I mistakenly posted this on the post below this.....sorry!

    I'm still waiting for my white 4 gig Nano to arrive.......man, i'd be ticked if they lowered the price 50 bucks......

    I could see the price going down due to technology...that's a given eventually, but right away because they are not yet FLYING off the shelves?? COME ON!

    GEEZ.......most people including myself have not even seen one yet! Give them a chance!

    I'd consider it a slap in the wallet if this happened. It would tick off the loyal Apple faithful who buy without seeing first. I'd be VERY irked!!

    I agree that the appleinsider article was premature at best and wrong at worst. These people should be more careful and think about the influance they have before writing such articles.

    I am surprised at the black ones being more popular. I think it looks cool, but thought because of scratches, fingerprints, white ear pieces, etc, that for me the white one would be the one I buy. I guess i'm just more of a tradition type guy.

    My 4 gig white Nano should be here by Friday....can't wait.

    Frank D.
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  • Reply 100 of 149
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member

    Originally posted by ruud

    the black nano is now up to shipping in 5-7 days even on the online apple store.


    I'm considering it, but I want to wait until the tubes are for sale to see what they feel like, tubes would go well with white, but not black, IMO.

    Given that the standard iPods are easy to scratch, I'm almost considering sandblasting if I get a nano, protecting the jacks, screen, engraving, hold switch and scroll wheel, of course.
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