Apple readying significant Mac mini update



  • Reply 81 of 174
    sjksjk Posts: 603member

    Originally posted by MacCrazy

    well if you're buying a computer today you'd probably be unaware of the planned updates or wouldn't be bothered about them. If you were interested you'd probably wait a couple of days. It obviously would be annoying if you found out some people were getting better computers.

    Another option is to stop reading (or being influenced by) "rumor" sites and just be satisfied with whatever you buy, possibly being surprised with it being more than you expected for whatever the reason might be.
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  • Reply 82 of 174
    at this point in time (tuesday 8.30am new york) i thought it prudent to note that apple store is up with no changes.
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  • Reply 83 of 174
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by sjk

    Another option is to stop reading (or being influenced by) "rumor" sites and just be satisfied with whatever you buy, possibly being surprised with it being more than you expected for whatever the reason might be.

    if i bought a mini today I'd be disappointed if it was anything but the new specification. We want as much for our money as possible. If I was unaware I wouldn't mind - maybe ignorance is bliss!
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  • Reply 84 of 174
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    This outrage, over not knowing which version one will receive, is pathetic.

    Apple isn't advertising the new version yet. They aren't asking you to gamble on which version you'll receive.

    Nothing dishonest or disreputable is happening here. Just as with any purchase, you get what you are promised. See the specs on your order confirmation page? That's what you'll get. (Or a few lucky people get something better)

    If you want the new model, don't place an order for the old one.
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  • Reply 85 of 174
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by dfiler

    This outrage, over not knowing which version one will receive, is pathetic.

    Apple isn't advertising the new version yet. They aren't asking you to gamble on which version you'll receive.

    Nothing dishonest or disreputable is happening here. Just as with any purchase, you get what you are promised. See the specs on your order confirmation page? That's what you'll get. (Or a few lucky people get something better)

    If you want the new model, don't place an order for the old one.

    This is obvious it's just people who've already ordered who are hearing about this will be disappointed if they don't get the new one - this isn't good for business.
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  • Reply 86 of 174

    Originally posted by dfiler

    If you want the new model, don't place an order for the old one.

    That is what I am doing. The waiting is what sucks.
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  • Reply 87 of 174
    i think apple must really be very busy with the ipod stuff and getting macintels ready. they've said, f8ck the powerbooks and powermac, fuck the paris keynote.

    however, some people/employees involved with the mac mini will probably be getting a good spanking over these screw ups... its very unapple... first a 30-day deal thingy that's yanked a few days in, then this weird "stealth" upgrade to the mac mini.

    i really cannot see any financial reasons for this, unless apple just wants to play it really safe by fully clearing the july-sep quarter before dropping prices on previous mac mini models.

    i think apple is just slightly nervous about the july-sep quarter, but when the numbers come through they'll definitely be fine. i say next tuesday (October 4th) they'll announce the updated mac minis, slash prices on older models, maybe earlier if things get too far widespread through the internet and customers discover joe/jane-next-door got a faster computer for the same price from the same bloody apple shop.

    just nerves at apple, i think, i wish them the best with announcing the mac mini updates in the clear, and addressing the ipod nano issues in a reasonable fashion. i am not apologising or berating them simply because i have no reason to at this stage, just my two cents for now.
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  • Reply 88 of 174
    remember that apple released the nano early because, yes, as steve said, to some degree, you want to get a head start on christmas but mostly because they wanted to book some strong sales in the last few weeks of september, again to make sure their july-september quarter looks good. if they fuck up july-sep (in the views of analysts) their momentum (halo, os x, ipod, macintel, iHome, iLife, iWork, etc etc...) so preciously gained these past few years will take a big hit...
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  • Reply 89 of 174
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,663member

    Originally posted by Sekio

    I'm not complaining. There's nothing I can do about it and I expected it to happen. It's just discouraging when you pay $900 for something and a few months later, you can get the same thing but better for the same price (especially after you've spent a bunch of money to bring it up to the quality it is after the upgrades)

    Don't let it bother you. This isn't a TV. Coming from the PC world you should know that computers there change much faster than they do here.
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  • Reply 90 of 174

    Originally posted by G_Warren

    Not attacking anyone, but it seems that there are a lot of users on the forum who never shut down. I wonder if anyone has any figures on how much energy is wasted by leaving a mac asleep for 10 hours a day for a month?

    Good question, but I think it is very small.

    As for those complaining about upgrades....grow up.

    Tom DeLay ... ha, ha, ha.
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  • Reply 91 of 174
    19841984 Posts: 955member

    Originally posted by dfiler

    This outrage, over not knowing which version one will receive, is pathetic.

    If you want the new model, don't place an order for the old one.

    I see there are a lot of Apple apologists on the forums. I keep forgetting they can do no wrong.

    The real question here is not when Apple will make the updates official but will they? They could conceivably keep this crap up until the Intel versions come out. It's not like a few days or a week can make much if any difference in stock levels. They no longer have the free iPod mini incentive going for students and this unadvertised cracker jack prize is unknown to most outside the forums. I wonder how long before these new versions start popping up on eBay at a premium.
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  • Reply 92 of 174

    Originally posted by 1984

    I see there are a lot of Apple apologists on the forums. I keep forgetting they can do no wrong.

    The real question here is not when Apple will make the updates official but will they? They could conceivably keep this crap up until the Intel versions come out. It's not like a few days or a week can make much if any difference in stock levels. They no longer have the free iPod mini incentive going for students and this unadvertised cracker jack prize is unknown to most outside the forums. I wonder how long before these new versions start popping up on eBay at a premium.

    I think you are missing the point and complaining about a lot of nuthin'. Wait for Apple to make an announcement before you go off on it ... you are like the 24 hour news cycle. I'm no apologist, but if you buy a product and you are not ripped off, why are you complaining about versions popping up on eBay?
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  • Reply 93 of 174
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,663member

    Originally posted by 1984

    I see there are a lot of Apple apologists on the forums. I keep forgetting they can do no wrong.

    The real question here is not when Apple will make the updates official but will they? They could conceivably keep this crap up until the Intel versions come out. It's not like a few days or a week can make much if any difference in stock levels. They no longer have the free iPod mini incentive going for students and this unadvertised cracker jack prize is unknown to most outside the forums. I wonder how long before these new versions start popping up on eBay at a premium.

    I think that they will have to announce the upgrade. They might wait until the old ones are out of stick. Most consumers won't be seeing these articles anyway. They just go in and buy the machine. Few consumers even know what machine they have other than (maybe) the manufacturer. This is especially true of low end PC users.

    If this article is true, and we don't yet know if it is, then Apple is most likely counting on that.

    They are selling the Mini more like a consumer device than a computer. Ever read those disclaimers? Here's one from my Linksys COMMERCIAL Gigabit 8-port workgroup switch I use here at home:

    Linksys reserves the right to revise or update its products, software, or documentation without obligation to notify any individual or entity.

    This is standard. Some even add that they are:

    not obligated to incorporate any changes or improvements into existing products.
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  • Reply 94 of 174
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member

    Originally posted by 1984

    I see there are a lot of Apple apologists on the forums. I keep forgetting they can do no wrong.

    The real question here is not when Apple will make the updates official but will they? They could conceivably keep this crap up until the Intel versions come out. It's not like a few days or a week can make much if any difference in stock levels. They no longer have the free iPod mini incentive going for students and this unadvertised cracker jack prize is unknown to most outside the forums. I wonder how long before these new versions start popping up on eBay at a premium.

    Take 1984's post with a grain of salt. He's pissed at me for a disagreement about Core Image and I think this post was a motivated by that.

    Companies do this type of thing all the time and it is infact benneficial to consumers. Once a new model has trickled through the supply chain and stocks of the old model are gone, the new model is announced. People that happened to purchase during this brief time period are pleasantly suprised if they receive something better than what they ordered.

    If we are Apple appologists on this subject, we must also be appologists for just about every other company in existance.

    Example: I ordered the 04 version of Avid Juicy 7 hydraulic disc brakes for my bicycle. When they arrived I discovered that they were infact the 05 model and that they were even better than what I ordered.

    Example2: The same thing happened when I ordered an HDTV tuner online, I was shipped a new and improved model.

    How dare companies give you something for free.

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  • Reply 95 of 174
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member
    That's true and it's how other computer companies that I've dealt with work. There's always the chance you could get a better component but you'll never get less than you're promised. It's been my experience with Dell and some local companies as well.

    So is all this bitching gonna become the norm if Apple suddenly adopts this approach?

    Damn that Apple for not updating enough!

    Damn that Apple for updating too often!

    Damn that Apple!!
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  • Reply 96 of 174
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,663member

    Originally posted by Bancho

    That's true and it's how other computer companies that I've dealt with work. There's always the chance you could get a better component but you'll never get less than you're promised. It's been my experience with Dell and some local companies as well.

    So is all this bitching gonna become the norm if Apple suddenly adopts this approach?

    Damn that Apple for not updating enough!

    Damn that Apple for updating too often!

    Damn that Apple!!

    I think the problem here is that there are several fairly big updates all at once. Now that people know about them they will be pissed if they buy a machine and don't get what they figure might be in the very next box on the shelf.

    That's understandable. It goes to show why Apple is so upset at the websites that blab this information out.

    If we didn't know about this in advance, bought a machine and found that it was better than we expected, we would be thrilled. Now if we buy it, we expect to get the upgrade, and will be pissed instead if we don't.

    Big difference.
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  • Reply 97 of 174
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by melgross

    I think the problem here is that there are several fairly big updates all at once. Now that people know about them they will be pissed if they buy a machine and don't get what they figure might be in the very next box on the shelf.

    That's understandable. It goes to show why Apple is so upset at the websites that blab this information out.

    If we didn't know about this in advance, bought a machine and found that it was better than we expected, we would be thrilled. Now if we buy it, we expect to get the upgrade, and will be pissed instead if we don't.

    Big difference.

    Ignorance is bliss
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  • Reply 98 of 174
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,663member

    Originally posted by MacCrazy

    Ignorance is bliss

    Yes, it is.
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  • Reply 99 of 174
    19841984 Posts: 955member
    Sorry, I have no idea who you are. I don't keep track of who I agree with and who I don't. As for Core Image, I never said the Mac mini doesn't support it, only that it is the only model that does not have a GPU that supports accelerating it. Someone kept going on about how the Mac mini does support it which was not being disputed. Maybe that was you. I don't know.

    Buying a Mac mini and finding out a week later that you now get more memory standard is one thing. This is quite another. Here, two people can buy an identical Mac mini (according to it's description) and one will get a faster processor, faster hard drive, improved wireless, better graphics support and a vastly superior DVD drive.

    Whenever I have bought a Mac or PC in the past they always stuck the new specifications on the box when they changed significantly. Yeah, I'm going to wait but there are going to be a lot of ticked off people who didn't know any better. How could they? There was no announcement.

    You also have to wonder how the Apple retailers feel about this. There are already complaints that Apple has been screwing them over by delaying shipments and reducing quantities in favor of their own stores. Many have gone out of business. It sounds like Apple may be the only one to have these improved Mac mini models so perhaps this is just another tactic to kill of the remaining Apple retailers.

    There have been a lot of changes at Apple this year. For better or for worse the old Apple is gone.
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  • Reply 100 of 174
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    This reminds me of taking little kids out to eat...

    Johnny and Suzzie both order a sandwhich and medium fries. When the waiter brings the meals to the table, Suzzie sees that Jonnie got a large fries even though he ordered a medium.

    Waaaa! waaaa! How come he got more?
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