Apple introduces Aperture



  • Reply 461 of 537
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by melgross

    Apple says 128MB.

    Where? On the spec page it just says it needs one of many graphics cards, it doesn't mention how much VRAM is needed.


    Have you installed it on a machine with less? The compatibility app seems to give the wrong answere too often.

    I have a 128MB GPU so the test would work on my machine.
  • Reply 462 of 537
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,659member

    Originally posted by MacCrazy

    I have a 128MB GPU so the test would work on my machine.

    I was told this at the Photo Expo by Apple personel, and just yesterday, while in the SoHo store when I was buying an iSight. I checked out Aperture there, and asked.

    I hope that's wrong, as so many who don't have 128 seem to want it, but even if it did install, it wouldn't work well with such a small amount of memory.
  • Reply 463 of 537
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by melgross

    I was told this at the Photo Expo by Apple personel, and just yesterday, while in the SoHo store when I was buying an iSight. I checked out Aperture there, and asked.

    I hope that's wrong, as so many who don't have 128 seem to want it, but even if it did install, it wouldn't work well with such a small amount of memory.

    Well the Apple website doesn't mention it, it just mentions the card. Did you happen to use Aperture on a PowerBook by any chance? I was wondering how fast it is?
  • Reply 464 of 537
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member

    Originally posted by gregmightdothat

    I'll say, there's only 12 months in the year :P

    It'll probably get bumped up though.

    Sorry 12/15. In the french fashion it's 15/12.
  • Reply 465 of 537
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member

    Originally posted by melgross

    Maybe they're using European dating?

    The 15th of December? Still sounds a bit late, but it is possible.

    Yes, but in this case, why a customer who made one of the first order, will recieve it after customers who made an order just now ? especially if we consider that Aperture is an english only software.
  • Reply 466 of 537
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by Powerdoc

    Sorry 12/15. In the french fashion it's 15/12.

    My college ordered it when it came out, as I asked them too! Other than it slowing down their entire order it should be a good move. It's set to arrive next week. This is the UK by the way, so should be the same as France.
  • Reply 467 of 537
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by Powerdoc

    Yes, but in this case, why a customer who made one of the first order, will recieve it after customers who made an order just now ? especially if we consider that Aperture is an english only software.

    Because the US receives it first.
  • Reply 468 of 537
    jbljbl Posts: 555member
    I have been thinking about upgrading the graphics card on my first generation G5. What would be the best graphics card for running Aperture that is compatibile with the original G5s (Dual 2 GHz)?
  • Reply 469 of 537
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,659member

    Originally posted by MacCrazy

    Well the Apple website doesn't mention it, it just mentions the card. Did you happen to use Aperture on a PowerBook by any chance? I was wondering how fast it is?

    No, I didn't. There didn't seem to be one at the show, though later I read somewhere that there was a PB running it, and though it worked, it was slow. Th Apple reps at the show didn't seem to want to talk about performance on a PB, just whether it would run.

    Rob Galbraith, a photographer who also has a very good photo website got a pre-production version. He tried it on the latest PB. He said that it was usable, but that people would use it for basic organization in the field, and the do the rest of the work in the studio on a dual PM.
  • Reply 470 of 537
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,659member

    Originally posted by JBL

    I have been thinking about upgrading the graphics card on my first generation G5. What would be the best graphics card for running Aperture that is compatibile with the original G5s (Dual 2 GHz)?

    The fastest card with the greatest amount of VRAM. Either a 6800 series Nvidia, or an 800 series ATI.
  • Reply 471 of 537
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by melgross

    No, I didn't. There didn't seem to be one at the show, though later I read somewhere that there was a PB running it, and though it worked, it was slow. Th Apple reps at the show didn't seem to want to talk about performance on a PB, just whether it would run.

    Rob Galbraith, a photographer who also has a very good photo website got a pre-production version. He tried it on the latest PB. He said that it was usable, but that people would use it for basic organization in the field, and the do the rest of the work in the studio on a dual PM.

    That sucks - I'll have to try it out on the PowerBooks at the Apple store myself to see if it's acceptable performance. My college is installing it on the iMac G5 for some reason and not their PowerMac G5s crazy - maybe I'll have a word with the technician.
  • Reply 472 of 537
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,659member
    A lot iof you guys have probably seen this article, but for those who haven't, it's worth reading.
  • Reply 473 of 537
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,659member

    Originally posted by MacCrazy

    That sucks - I'll have to try it out on the PowerBooks at the Apple store myself to see if it's acceptable performance. My college is installing it on the iMac G5 for some reason and not their PowerMac G5s crazy - maybe I'll have a word with the technician.

    Here's a quote from a post to that article I just sent in:



    Reged: 06/10/04

    Posts: 4

    Loc: USA

    Re: Adobe: Aperture is a Photoshop alternative, not a rival [re: News]

    11/28/05 04:47 PM\t

    Edit \t Reply

    I received a copy of Aperture this morning. I keep a large collection of digital photographs in iPhoto, which has lost parts of the collection without notice in the past. So, I was very eager to have an industrial strength system for managing photographs. Imagine my surprise to find that Aperture will not install on my PowerBook G4 because it only has a 1GHZ processor.

    Hunting through the information at the Apple Store online, I see there is now a note that 1.25 GHZ is the minimum processor speed for a PowerBook.

    This is a grave disappointment to me, as I use Adobe Photoshop CS2 perfectly comfortably.

    Post Extras:
  • Reply 475 of 537
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Apart from the Network volume these all seem to be ok.
  • Reply 476 of 537

    Originally posted by melgross

    ... Imagine my surprise to find that Aperture will not install on my PowerBook G4 because it only has a 1GHZ processor.

    Hunting through the information at the Apple Store online, I see there is now a note that 1.25 GHZ is the minimum processor speed for a PowerBook.

    This is a grave disappointment to me, as I use Adobe Photoshop CS2 perfectly comfortably.


    So? That's an almost-3-year-old notebook. That it can't run a bleeding-edge, realtime app is a given. If it did run Aperture, we'd hear nothing but complaints from this fellow about how slow it was.

    Hurray for him that he can run PS CS2 on it. Aperture does what PS CS2 can't do.

    Nothing new here. Move along.
  • Reply 477 of 537
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,659member

    Originally posted by bikertwin


    So? That's an almost-3-year-old notebook. That it can't run a bleeding-edge, realtime app is a given. If it did run Aperture, we'd hear nothing but complaints from this fellow about how slow it was.

    Hurray for him that he can run PS CS2 on it. Aperture does what PS CS2 can't do.

    Nothing new here. Move along.

    Seeing as people here have asked that very question, even though you don't care, it's of interest.

    You don't have to be elitist in your response.
  • Reply 478 of 537
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member
    I really do like the friendly attitude of the AppleInsider forum. Why do people have to spoil it with needless put-downs. If you feel a post is irrelevant raise it with a mod or PM them, don't post just to insult people.

    I think the 1GHz G4 PowerBooks don't have a good enough GPU anyway which is another factor - along with the low-clock speed.
  • Reply 479 of 537

    Originally posted by melgross

    Seeing as people here have asked that very question, even though you don't care, it's of interest.

    You don't have to be elitist in your response.

    Not sure why that's being interpreted as elitist. It seems very matter-of-fact to me. It just seems that the performance issue has been beaten to death in this very thread.

    I do care, and it is of interest to me. It's just that the question has been answered before. FWIW, my current hardware won't run Aperture, and it's less than a year old. I feel the pain, believe me.

    But I also understand what Aperture can do, and why it needs that horsepower.

    Now, if you want to discuss an interesting topic--why does a new G4 Powerbook run Aperture, but (technically, at least) a dual-G4 Power Mac can't--even with upgraded RAM and video card? Is there a technical reason for that? If so, it's not obvious to me.
  • Reply 480 of 537
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,659member

    Originally posted by bikertwin

    Not sure why that's being interpreted as elitist. It seems very matter-of-fact to me. It just seems that the performance issue has been beaten to death in this very thread.

    I do care, and it is of interest to me. It's just that the question has been answered before. FWIW, my current hardware won't run Aperture, and it's less than a year old. I feel the pain, believe me.

    But I also understand what Aperture can do, and why it needs that horsepower.

    Now, if you want to discuss an interesting topic--why does a new G4 Powerbook run Aperture, but (technically, at least) a dual-G4 Power Mac can't--even with upgraded RAM and video card? Is there a technical reason for that? If so, it's not obvious to me.

    Apple simply decides (somewhat arbitrarily) that a certain speed processor or video card won't give the experience they would like people to have for that product. As you say, people would complain about its speed.

    They often put these restraints in a pList, installer, or other place telling the program whether the machine has what they want it to have.

    If you know where to look, you can go to terminal and change the requirements yourself.

    When I bought motion, it said that it needed a G4 of at least 867MHz. I installed it into my dual 2GHz G5. But then, just to check, tried to install it into my not yet upgraded Digital Audio 733MHz G4.

    It wouldn't let me. But it did install into my dual 533MHz G4 Digital Audio.

    Way too slow for the dual G4. Still too slow for several functions with the dual 2 G5.

    A review said that the dual 2.7 was too slow for motion 2, though Apple had speeded it up considerably.

    Oh, people don't read back more than a few posts. so the same information has to be repeated, over, and over.
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