Apple releases Mac OS X 10.4.3



  • Reply 21 of 142
    dacloodacloo Posts: 890member

    I had Quartz 2D Extreme enabled (from 10.4.2). In 10.4.3 it made the Finder go beserk (everything was drawn incorrectly suddenly) and Safari was very slow. Now I turned it off, I noticed everything is fast again (odd, in 10.4.3 with Quartz2d disabled, it is just as fast as with Quartz2d enabled in 10.4.2!)

    Ooooh and watch the minimize-window effect...snappy again!
  • Reply 22 of 142
    algolalgol Posts: 833member
    It was only 56MB for me but everything seems to work fine. What is going on here?
  • Reply 23 of 142
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by Algol

    It was only 56MB for me but everything seems to work fine. What is going on here?

    It's 107MB for the combo - 97MB for the older computers (like my PowerBook 1.67 GHz (bought in January) and I assume 56MB for the new iMacs etc. but I could be wrong!

    Anyway it's installed on this and no issues so far - photoshop can now create new folders and can save to them with no problems!

    Everything else is the same.

    Do a permissions repair as someone mentioned earlier there is a lot of stuff to fix.
  • Reply 24 of 142
    97 MB for me on a 1.67 GHz PowerBook G5 (early '05 model). I previously had all updates installed.
  • Reply 25 of 142
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member

    Originally posted by Algol

    It was only 56MB for me but everything seems to work fine. What is going on here?

    Still at work, but after reading boards for the last few HRS (that is pretty much what I do when i draw evening watch when I get my homework done) I note that pemission repair is a re-occuring theme -- I say repair permittions before running SU then again after reboot, then reboot again for good mesure...then you should be good for another 6 month uptime...(so long as the hardware can take it )
  • Reply 26 of 142
    Using a Mac Mini and the machine won't boot after attempted install. First, after completing install, got an error message saying installation failed and to attempt to load from Finder. Did that and now machine starts to load, runs "Loading OS X" and then abruptly goes back to blue screen.

    Anyone else experiencing this? Any help would be appreciated.
  • Reply 27 of 142
    Interesting tid bit from:


    Disables Quartz 2D Extreme?Quartz 2D Extreme is not a supported feature in Tiger, and re-enabling it may lead to video redraw issues or kernel panics.

  • Reply 28 of 142
    sjksjk Posts: 603member

    Originally posted by MacCrazy

    Does this fix the annoying bug which changes the selected application after being in sleep mode?

    Interesting. That's been happening with 10.4.2 on my iBook G3 but not my eMac and iMac G5.

    The 1.4.3 feeding frenzy and its predicable panic reactions of assuming and blaming problems on the update is already in full swing. I'm sticking with 10.4.2 until that settles down and more sensible confirmed reports of potential issues of concern start appearing.
  • Reply 29 of 142
    Installe fine on this Mac mini - pulled a 56Mb file from Software Update. Not had a chance to check it out properly, but no issues here thus far.

    Quick question, when you get info on an app, since when did it list the architecture? Getting info on my apps now tells you it was compiled for PPC. Is that new, or have I just missed it?
  • Reply 30 of 142
    algolalgol Posts: 833member

    Originally posted by MacCrazy

    It's 107MB for the combo - 97MB for the older computers (like my PowerBook 1.67 GHz (bought in January) and I assume 56MB for the new iMacs etc. but I could be wrong!

    Anyway it's installed on this and no issues so far - photoshop can now create new folders and can save to them with no problems!

    Everything else is the same.

    Do a permissions repair as someone mentioned earlier there is a lot of stuff to fix.

    Yes, but I have a Dual 2Ghz G5 the 8 ram slot model. Anyone else with this model getting a 56MB download? What the heck is going on here lol!
  • Reply 31 of 142
    lupalupa Posts: 202member

    Originally posted by G_Warren

    Quick question, when you get info on an app, since when did it list the architecture? Getting info on my apps now tells you it was compiled for PPC. Is that new, or have I just missed it?

    I think that is new... nice catch.

    [EDIT] I also got a 56 mb download, 800 Mhz G3 iBook (kickin it old skool)
  • Reply 32 of 142
    cakecake Posts: 1,010member

    Originally posted by Algol

    Yes, but I have a Dual 2Ghz G5 the 8 ram slot model. Anyone else with this model getting a 56MB download? What the heck is going on here lol!

    I got the 56'er too.

    Dual 2.5 here.
  • Reply 33 of 142
    97mb download for my 867mhz 2003 spec PowerBook 12"

    And no problems whatsoever in 10.4.3 Although my system icons defaulted, so a swift run (and update) of Candybar was called for to get back to sweet World of Aqua.

    After running Disk Utility to repair permissions, I see what you lot have been talking about. Updates forever leave a trail of those. Would be nice if they were fixed automatically as part of the update procedure...

    As for the poor fellow with the Linksys wifi router - seriously, I've got an Airport Express running here which I've had since a week after it came out and it "just works", be nice to your Mac and leave your cieling alone!
  • Reply 34 of 142
    I was 56 as well with an 800Mhz G4 iBook.

    After startup, I got the whole welcome to Mac OS X deal asking me to register. Weird, I've never had that before. :/
  • Reply 35 of 142
    56mb on my 1.33ghz PB G4 12"...Weird.

    I have another weird problem with keychains now. It asked me if I wanted to convert the pw keychains to the new higher version in every single program that uses a password. It also forgot the keychain pw i entered for Mail 5 times in a row (had to keep re-entering it). I already repaired permissions... Weird problem...seems buggy.
  • Reply 36 of 142
    I'm very much liking this update.

    Spotlight, after the first search, is extremely fast. I'll actually use it now and even switch on Applications in it's prefs.

    Dashboard is faster and they've got rid of the horrible G5 PowerMac background in it's 'dock'. Also seems to be faster at dropping the widgets on the dashboard before the wave starts.

    The squeeze buttons on the mighty mouse also seem to fire dashboard more reliably.

    iPhoto5 now no longer beachballs if I switch applications (Yeah! that's been like that since 10.3.9). That's my favourite fix.

    Safari is even more standards compliant and seems teh snappy

    Overall it all feels teh snappy and I'm pretty sure it's not placebo.

    My only minus point goes to not fixing the sync menu icon to launch isync before syncing phones.
  • Reply 37 of 142

    Originally posted by aegisdesign

    Dashboard is faster and they've got rid of the horrible G5 PowerMac background in it's 'dock'. Also seems to be faster at dropping the widgets on the dashboard before the wave starts.

    What do you mean?

  • Reply 38 of 142
    It's pale blue on mine...

  • Reply 39 of 142
    still like the g5 for mine...
  • Reply 40 of 142
    What is the deal with that?!?!?! Maybe its because I had the 56MB version

    grrr. Anyone else with this problem?!??!?!
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