Apple releases Mac OS X 10.4.3



  • Reply 121 of 142

    Originally posted by MasonMcD

    The permissions keep showing up as information, not as a problem. This is similar to previous updates when Apple modified the permissions on other items, and Disk Utility would throw up an informative note "blah blah app is using special permissions. They are now using blah blah blah."

    I guess it's important to developers or something to know that something their app may integrate with uses different permissions.

    Duly noted.

    Here's an update though: OMFG! Dashboard doesn't take up 100% cpu when in the foreground now on my way before Core Image PowerBook! Relief. I used to take it for granted that something was being done in software that my archaic GeForce 4Go just couldn't handle. Maybe it still is, but 10.4.3 has optimised it to the extent that Dashboard is now no longer an instant pita (except during widget startup in the first instance of course).

    The one downside - I can no longer just press F12 to get a boost of lap warming power!

    I guess it's 10/10 for this update for me then. It would be over 10 if there were notable neat new features, like the widget manager last time.
  • Reply 122 of 142
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Oh Man, 10.4.3 broke my hacked FrontRow. I was really enjoying having it too. I hooked my G5 up to my plasma over the weekend and have been using FrontRow exclusively as my media player. When is Apple going to release it as an iApp? Bummer, I?m sure someone will figure it out eventually, any suggestions?
  • Reply 123 of 142
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by Relic

    Oh Man, 10.4.3 broke my hacked FrontRow. I was really enjoying having it too. I hooked my G5 up to my plasma over the weekend and have been using FrontRow exclusively as my media player. When is Apple going to release it as an iApp? Bummer, I?m sure someone will figure it out eventually, any suggestions?

    Appleinsider is not permitted to help with pirate software - which is effectively what a hack is.

    I would recommend reading this
  • Reply 124 of 142
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member

    Originally posted by MacCrazy

    Appleinsider is not permitted to help with pirate software - which is effectively what a hack is.

    I would recommend reading this

    I could kiss ya!
  • Reply 125 of 142
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by Relic

    I could kiss ya!

    Watch it!
  • Reply 126 of 142

    Originally posted by Relic

    I could kiss ya!

  • Reply 127 of 142
    xoolxool Posts: 2,460member
    Just upgraded my G5 at the office and for some reason .mac calendar syncing has stopped working. Looking at the DotMacTranslator.log and my network activity, it appears that no server connection is made and that the sync process times out. I even tried resetting my calendar sync to pull a fresh version from .Mac but that didn't help.

    My other macs sync fine and if I disable calendar syncing, the rest of my sync works fine.

    Anyone else have this problem or have any suggestions?
  • Reply 128 of 142
    A perfect upgrade for me. 2 Days now and not a single problem. I fact I think it may have actually solved a printing problem I was having with airport express (really really slow) Printed 10 pages last night and zoom.
  • Reply 129 of 142
    This is really weird. I seem to be the only one that was screwed with this update. I have a 1Ghz 12" iBook with 768MB of RAM. Tiger has always worked great for me with both the .1 and .2 updates. But now with this, it really doesn't work. System Preferences doesn't work, Spotlight doesn't work, iCal doesn't work, and there is a line of dead pixels right across the middle of the screen. It makes no sense why any of this happened and I have tried restarting multiple times. There are probably other programs that don't work too, I just havn't tried them all. When I try iCal and System Preferences, they just open and the close instantly with the little dialog box saying that the program unexpectedly quit and if I want to Reopen it or Close it or Report the problem. Spotlight doesn't find anything and is not reindexing either, it just doesn't work. Not only this, but other programs freeze constantly. For instance, no matter what browser I use (Camino, Firefox, Safari, Opera) I can't upload a file or the browser crashes. Anybody have any idea what the problem is?
  • Reply 130 of 142
    regreg Posts: 832member
    Try taking out the extra ram. Leave only the one that came with your machine, even if it is only 256. See how things are then. If that does not do it you might try a clean install.

  • Reply 131 of 142
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member
    Has anyone noticed the address book application change in 10.4.3. When you add a picture for a person it has a "Plug camera in to take a snapshot." I wasn't sure if this was since adding photo booth or if it was just a 10.4.3 feature. It could actually be an old feature!
  • Reply 132 of 142
    I'm getting frustrated. I can't seem to download the update on my iMac or Powerbook. Software update keeps quitting. Then when I go to Apple's web site to download it, I get the dmg. Mount that, and then there's a .pkg file. And OS X doesn't seem to know how to handle it. I don't know why. I can't get the darn thing installed!!!1 AARRRGGGHHH
  • Reply 133 of 142
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Originally posted by MacCrazy

    Has anyone noticed the address book application change in 10.4.3. When you add a picture for a person it has a "Plug camera in to take a snapshot." I wasn't sure if this was since adding photo booth or if it was just a 10.4.3 feature. It could actually be an old feature!

    it predates photo booth
  • Reply 134 of 142
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    woot! airport update for those on 10.4.3

    it should show up in software updates.......
  • Reply 135 of 142
    YES!!! YESSSSS!!! 10.4.3 fixes a bug or something that would cause my G5 Dual 2.0 tower to crash when coming out of sleep every single time. This happened, for some reason, when anything USB or Firewire was plugged in. Couldn't fix it for the life of me. But this update worked whatever it was out. So SWEET!
  • Reply 136 of 142
    I have no issues with this update it actually fixes the heat issue I was having ever since Jaguar I can now put my PowerBook in my lap with out roasting chestnuts.
  • Reply 137 of 142
    Safari is acting weird one me. It takes longer to load pages now. Sometimes when clicking a link, it shows that it is doing something, but nothing is happening. I have to press the Stop button and then click reload for the page to load.

    Very odd.
  • Reply 138 of 142
    telomartelomar Posts: 1,804member
    I'm wondering if anyone else has had this bug pop up. If I go to the quicktime trailers and watch one in Safari I'm having syncing issues with audio and movie. When I say syncing issues it is as if it loads the audio twice. One just plays through and I have no control over it and the second is tied to the movie as normal. It only becomes noticeable if I for some reason pause the movie so the movie and sound become out of sync and I end up with two separate audio tracks.

    Note even if the trailer is paused one audio stream keeps going until it hits the end of the movie. I might put up a movie showing it later.
  • Reply 139 of 142
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    hmm setting permissions via the inspectors (command-i or command-option-i ) seems to work more sensibly now
  • Reply 140 of 142
    kaiwaikaiwai Posts: 246member

    Originally posted by Gene Clean


    Well then, pass the kiss over to me

    Maybe something else as well, wink wink, knudge knudge :P
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