I am infuriated!



  • Reply 21 of 124
    telomartelomar Posts: 1,804member
    I wonder if people who buy a yonah based iMac will complain because a Merom based one will be released in 6 months?

    Stuff gets replaced and everybody knew Yonah was coming. Why wouldn't Apple use it?
  • Reply 22 of 124

    Originally posted by SDW2001

    Just bought a 20" iMac on December 20th. I never dreamed they would update this quickly. Now they have a machine with not just a speed bump, but a 2-3X performance gain, better graphics, etc...all for the same price.

    I bought from Amazon. What are my options? I really want to return it. It's bullshit. I think the ebay value would be poor. I'd lose hundreds. Must...call...Amazon. DAMMIT!!!!!!!!


    No one predicted this. Apple completely lied about the mid-2006 date to move product. I saw NO rumors of a new iMac. I would have waited a lousy three weeks to upgrade had I had any clue.

    Amazon will give me an 80% refund. They said I'm likely to keep the mail-in rebate. All in all, a new one will probably cost $100 when everything is said and done.

    Not even the world's smallest violin is playing for you.

    AI reported on both hardware releases, quite some time ago - in fact, well before you bought your iMac. Apple lied about nothing. You're complaining about your decision.

    Now, you're getting a new iMac for a $100 difference. Will you complain that the ground shipping takes longer than express shipping?

  • Reply 23 of 124
    webmailwebmail Posts: 639member
    there is no hype go play with one for yourself, I had 3, count em' full 1080p streams running at the same time without skipping while itunes was playing, and i was launching iwork and stuff...

    Damn right it's fast... I played with these chips at CES in pcs as well.

    It's night and day about any g5 i own, and it generally feels "snappier" than even my quad g5 we use for rendering... Although the quad is faster i would assume with rendering, but overall the dual core intel is much faster in the finder

    [b]also realize that with 10.5 and further systems and even parts of 10.4.4 apple will be using intel's compilers, which are highly optimized and SQUEEZE every inch of performance out of a machine.

    Go to the apple store and see for yourself.
  • Reply 24 of 124

    You wouldn't believe the number of idiots that browse ebay...

  • Reply 25 of 124
    webmailwebmail Posts: 639member
    I want to sell my brand new powerbook 15" HD or whatever you call it, do you think ebay is the best way to sell? Any suggestions I'd like to get almost full price so I can pay minimum to upgrade to the intel book
  • Reply 26 of 124
    19841984 Posts: 955member
    As I posted way up at the top of the page Appleinsider did indeed predict this, twice, back in November. Not only that but they hit the nail on the head stating that both the iMac and PowerBook would go Intel at Macworld.
  • Reply 27 of 124
    There's a real ugly lot of jeering going on here about new iMac purchasers being "stupid" for buying "so close" to a Macworld.

    I grant, IF you are enough of a fanatic to keep up with AppleInsider on a near-daily basis, you probably should have paused after the November rumour got floated - if you thought it sounded plausible. I confess I didn't think that was going to pan out. Fair enough. In that case, a good time to apply the "if you need it now, buy it now; if not, wait" rule.

    But what about loyal Mac enthusiasts like myself who bought the new iMac G5 in OCTOBER, before any of the rumours surfaced, reasoning that since it had already received a bump in May and a full case redesign and re-spec in October (at what must have been a not-inconsiderable R&D cost to Apple), and there was a pretty solid line of thinking that the Intel chips would replace the G4 before any of the G5 line, that we would be safe for at least, say, 5-6 months?

    I don't remember any chorus of consensus that the revved Front Row iMac G5s were some kind of stunt gap-filler model that would be superseded within weeks. I think most of us, at the time of announcement, thought that these models would carry through until much closer to the "June 2006" migration date.

    Sure, you expect your hardware to go out of date. But not THIS fast. I got one of the first 20-inch models to have arrived in the country (Australia). NOBODY who owns one of these will have had it for longer than about two and a half months. That's a raw deal, no matter how you slice it.

    It's easy to be smart-ass about it after the fact. The bare reality is that this is a remarkably unprecedented move for Apple - particularly given that there are other product lines which remain still in drastic need of an overhaul.

    I love my iMac. But not that I know I could get 2-3x the performance, a few years' more worth of Intel-compiled program future-proofing, and more importantly a 256MB Radeon X1600 in it for A$99 more, I don't feel particularly stupid. I feel burnt.

    That rarely happens.
  • Reply 28 of 124

    Originally posted by Shalmaneser

    I love my iMac. But not that I know I could get 2-3x the performance, a few years' more worth of Intel-compiled program future-proofing, and more importantly a 256MB Radeon X1600 in it for A$99 more, I don't feel particularly stupid. I feel burnt.

    That rarely happens.

    Ignoring the fact that computer upgrades are inevitable, you have the option of at least ignoring todays update. You bought a computer that met your needs and desires at the time. The beauty is that Apple have ignited your desire once again.

    You do have the option of selling your iMac now and eating the difference for that few years worth of future-proofing that buying a new one will give you. That seems like a decent trade-off to me.

    I'm in a situation where I bought a 17" PB in November. At the time I really wanted a 15" PB but, after seeing one in person, I couldn't stand the screen quality and I did have the rumour in the back of my mind. Luckily, I'll be able to sell my Powerbook and dump down to the high-end MacBook at little-to-no additional cost. I'll miss this big ol' screen, though. (I have my fingers crossed that the new 15" screen far surpasses the quality of one in the final G4 rev.)
  • Reply 29 of 124
    Apple didn't upgrade the iMac G5 they added an iMac to their line up. They are still selling the G5s for the people that still want PPC based Macs. Apple will continue to sell them as long as it is worth their while or until they can get a 64-bit processor in them (G5s are 64-bit).
  • Reply 30 of 124
    Despite all of the frustration and angst for those of us who recently purchased an iMac G5, Mac users in general should be delighted with the latest devlopments. Desktop and portable users alike are in for some great experiences in the years ahead ? with multiple cores, clearer roadmaps, and more consistently powerful graphics cards. Enjoy the machine you currently own and know that today's new hardware will be superseded soon enough. Your upgrade options down the line just got better because of the current advances.
  • Reply 31 of 124
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    I won't reply-quote to everyone who tells me 1) I'm stupid or 2) I have a great machine. Except, I will say I find it amusing that someone with 179 posts has the gall to tell someone else he's stupid for buying before Macworld....especially when that someone else has been following AI and Macworld since January of 2000. Please. I would never have purchased if I thought a new, totally upgraded machine was coming. Never.

    The sum total of the rumor mill did not come close to predicting this. This iMac was in production for 3 months. The last upgrade was substantial. Now, 90 days later, we have a machine with a 2-3X performance upgrade, a next generation architecture (capable of running software written years from now), a bette graphics card, etc?

    No, no and no. No reasonable person would have predicted this. Apple just devalued my brand new machine by at least $400.
  • Reply 32 of 124

    Originally posted by audiopollution

    Ignoring the fact that computer upgrades are inevitable, you have the option of at least ignoring todays update. You bought a computer that met your needs and desires at the time. The beauty is that Apple have ignited your desire once again.

    You do have the option of selling your iMac now and eating the difference for that few years worth of future-proofing that buying a new one will give you. That seems like a decent trade-off to me.

    True enough. I planned to use it as a mid-range video workstation, so nothing would ever have been quite fast enough anyway I'll probably wait till we see what is happening with the Pro Apps, then I'll see if there's anyone in the market for this one.

    Good luck w/ selling your 17in Powerbook - sounds like a good plan. I'm sure they'll have improved the screen on the MacBook.


    Originally posted by Sybaritic

    Despite all of the frustration and angst for those of us who recently purchased an iMac G5, Mac users in general should be delighted with the latest devlopments. Desktop and portable users alike are in for some great experiences in the years ahead ? with multiple cores, clearer roadmaps, and more consistently powerful graphics cards. Enjoy the machine you currently own and know that today's new hardware will be superseded soon enough. Your upgrade options down the line just got better because of the current advances.

    Oh sure - don't get me wrong, I'm absolutely psyched over the new developments. But, y'know, anything under 3 months is always going to sting no matter what.
  • Reply 33 of 124

    Originally posted by SDW2001

    No, no and no. No reasonable person would have predicted this. Apple just devalued my brand new machine by at least $400.

    Progress devalued it.
  • Reply 34 of 124

    Originally posted by SDW2001

    Just bought a 20" iMac on December 20th. I never dreamed they would update this quickly. Now they have a machine with not just a speed bump, but a 2-3X performance gain, better graphics, etc...all for the same price.

    I bought from Amazon. What are my options? I really want to return it. It's bullshit. I think the ebay value would be poor. I'd lose hundreds. Must...call...Amazon. DAMMIT!!!!!!!!


    wanna feel better? i bought apple stock before the split at $20, and sold at $40, doubling my money. after that, apple stock doubled again from $40, split, and doubled again. i would have been able to buy the sweetest Mac out there, but no. But guess what, it happened and I'm over it.
  • Reply 35 of 124
    telomartelomar Posts: 1,804member

    Originally posted by SDW2001

    Apple just devalued my brand new machine by at least $400.

    That's generally what happens when new models come out. You were satisfied with it a week ago, it filled your needs and you bought it. Nothing about your machine has changed and I have no doubt PPC software will be around for many years to come. If it really bugs you that much return it and pay the restocking fee, then they lost you $100.

    Frankly I think you whine too much though. Stuff happens and it isn't always good. It has happened to everybody and most people are far more gracious about it. Get over it.
  • Reply 36 of 124
    macroninmacronin Posts: 1,174member
    Plain and simple common sense here...

    NEVER buy anything from Apple until after MWSF/MWNY/WWDC...

    ALWAYS check the rumor sites before thinking about a purchase, or find that one uber-geek Mac fanatic (that would be me for my friends down here in FL)and ask him/her questions... They will give you WAY more info than you need, and hopefully prevent you from buying in before changes...
  • Reply 37 of 124

    Originally posted by SDW2001

    I won't reply-quote to everyone who tells me 1) I'm stupid or 2) I have a great machine. Except, I will say I find it amusing that someone with 179 posts has the gall to tell someone else he's stupid for buying before Macworld....especially when that someone else has been following AI and Macworld since January of 2000. Please. I would never have purchased if I thought a new, totally upgraded machine was coming. Never.

    The sum total of the rumor mill did not come close to predicting this. This iMac was in production for 3 months. The last upgrade was substantial. Now, 90 days later, we have a machine with a 2-3X performance upgrade, a next generation architecture (capable of running software written years from now), a bette graphics card, etc?

    No, no and no. No reasonable person would have predicted this. Apple just devalued my brand new machine by at least $400.

    How many people pointed this article? Five?

  • Reply 38 of 124
    SDW2001, you've been a member here and around the Apple world long enough to know better than to lash out like this when you buy a machine right before a MacWorld and later discover that MacWorld saw your hardware dethroned.
  • Reply 39 of 124
    webmailwebmail Posts: 639member
    You obviously knew today was macworld keynote, and you obviously were aware that the macworld keynote brings new hardware. You also knew that nobody had any clue what kind of hardware macworld would bring. But you knowning this made the choice to buy a new imac anyway.

    This is your fault, don't scream and yell about it here. You made a choice, and you had information that was more than enough to tell you common sense says "wait till macworld" to see what happens.


    Originally posted by SDW2001

    I won't reply-quote to everyone who tells me 1) I'm stupid or 2) I have a great machine. Except, I will say I find it amusing that someone with 179 posts has the gall to tell someone else he's stupid for buying before Macworld....especially when that someone else has been following AI and Macworld since January of 2000. Please. I would never have purchased if I thought a new, totally upgraded machine was coming. Never.

    The sum total of the rumor mill did not come close to predicting this. This iMac was in production for 3 months. The last upgrade was substantial. Now, 90 days later, we have a machine with a 2-3X performance upgrade, a next generation architecture (capable of running software written years from now), a bette graphics card, etc?

    No, no and no. No reasonable person would have predicted this. Apple just devalued my brand new machine by at least $400.

  • Reply 40 of 124
    progmacprogmac Posts: 1,850member
    god, isn't a guy allowed to be pissed at apple? Apple charges a premium to use their products and to own the product that is one of the most dramatically obsolete-anized products coming from Apple in my recent memory only four months after Apple released it....well, it sucks.

    the over-zealousness of some mac fans never seizes to amaze me. apple is a company, not your best friend.
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