Apple counting down to one billion iTunes

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
Apple on Tuesday announced the iTunes Music Store Billion Songs Countdown, a thank you offering to its music fans in 21 countries around the globe that have combined to purchase nearly one billion songs from the iTunes Music Store.

As the company marks its way to the one billion, the iTunes shopper who download every 100,000th song will receive a prize package featuring a black 4GB iPod nano and a $100 iTunes Music Card, the company said.

One lucky grand-prize winner who downloads the billionth song from the iTunes Music Store will receive a 20-inch iMac, ten 60GB iPods (5 white/5 black), and a $10,000 iTunes Music Card to jumpstart their digital music collection.

In addition, Apple will also create a full-ride scholarship in the name of the grand-prize winner to a world-renowned music school.

"Just think: You could help launch the careers of an entire generation of musicians," Apple wrote on its Web site. An official set of contets rules was also published.

Apple kicked-off a similar promotion last July in anticipation of the 500 millionth song sold through the iTunes service. The grand-prize winner of that promotion was awarded 10 iPods of their choice to share with family and friends, an iTunes gift card for 10,000 songs and an all-expenses paid trip for four to see Coldplay on their world tour.?



  • Reply 1 of 54
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member
    Damn, actual incentive to buy a song, how many more days will it take until it's close enough to a billion that it'd be worth it for me to try.
  • Reply 2 of 54
    Oh when, oh when will Radiohead have their songs on iTunes?

    {I have almost everything on CD and/or Vinyl but it would be nice for the rest of the population to have the option of 'discovering' Radiohead).
  • Reply 3 of 54
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member
    I feel the same way about Dave Matthews Band. They have ONE album on there. Whoopdeedoo.
  • Reply 4 of 54
    louzerlouzer Posts: 1,054member

    Originally posted by Eduardo

    Oh when, oh when will Radiohead have their songs on iTunes?

    {I have almost everything on CD and/or Vinyl but it would be nice for the rest of the population to have the option of 'discovering' Radiohead).

    Bah! Those who would care already know about them. And those that don't, what makes you think they'd be able to find them in order to 'discover' them. (that's the whole problem with the theory that the store makes it easy to discover new music. With all the music that's there, you have to spend a lot of time swilling around just to find a new artist you might like, which, for most people, probably ain't worth the effort).
  • Reply 5 of 54
    And I tihnk everyone already knows about the Dave Mattews Band.
  • Reply 6 of 54
    A really great promotion. They should play up the GarageBand aspect of the prize winnings also (for the potential musician in all of us).
  • Reply 7 of 54
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member

    a $10,000 iTunes Music Card to jumpstart their digital music collection

    I'd say that $10,000 worth of music is more than just a "jumpstart."
  • Reply 8 of 54
    ishawnishawn Posts: 364member
    Why even put a counter? iTunes shows 952,560,180 and doing nothing (even on refresh) while Safari tells me (through iTunes + iPod page) 952,841,000 and constantly growing...

    I understand real-time tracking of it is almost impossible... but....
  • Reply 9 of 54
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    sometimes i wonder if people actually win this shit.

    i'd love some radiohead on itunes

    i'm a fan of them but not of every song.
  • Reply 10 of 54
    ishawnishawn Posts: 364member

    Originally posted by BRussell

    I'd say that $10,000 worth of music is more than just a "jumpstart."

    I'd say it's a whole new electrical system. Battery and all.
  • Reply 11 of 54
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,579member

    Originally posted by Elixir

    sometimes i wonder if people actually win this shit.

    i'd love some radiohead on itunes

    i'm a fan of them but not of every song.

    They would have to, wouldn't they?

    It's not exactly obscure.
  • Reply 12 of 54
    dcqdcq Posts: 349member

    Originally posted by AppleInsider

    In addition, Apple will also create a full-ride scholarship in the name of the grand-prize winner to a world-renowned music school

    I wonder if you could take the scholarship yourself. I'd love to take a few years off and just study music at a world-renowned music school...

    Probably not...
  • Reply 13 of 54
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,579member

    Originally posted by DCQ

    I wonder if you could take the scholarship yourself. I'd love to take a few years off and just study music at a world-renowned music school...

    Probably not...

    It's not a scholarship.

    It's a scholarship PROGRAM.

    The school whould have to decide to whom it would be given each year.
  • Reply 14 of 54
    ishawnishawn Posts: 364member

    Originally posted by melgross

    It's not a scholarship.

    It's a scholarship PROGRAM.

    The school whould have to decide to whom it would be given each year.

    Mmmm. Probably Julliard. But other places would be nice, maybe the winner gets to pick!
  • Reply 15 of 54
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,579member

    Originally posted by iShawn

    Mmmm. Probably Julliard. But other places would be nice, maybe the winner gets to pick!

    I've been thinking that the winner might be allowed to pick.

    I would pick Juliard. That's right across the street from her HS, the LaGuardia HS of Music & Art and Performing Arts.
  • Reply 16 of 54
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member
    Remember, the school would have to accept the student first.
  • Reply 17 of 54
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,579member

    Originally posted by CosmoNut

    Remember, the school would have to accept the student first.

    What this sounds like it this:

    The school gets the scholorship program, and treats it like any other scholorship program. Either it is granted to those who apply and meet the requirements, or, it is offered to those who meet the requirements.

    The requirements are usually both financial, as well as artistic.

    This year, for example, One senior from my daughters school whose father I know, was offered a full scholarship to Julliard. He is a concert pianist. He won several competitions, and is in the lower middle income bracket.
  • Reply 18 of 54
    crees!crees! Posts: 501member
    I like how the countdown on the frontpage is different from on the iTunes page. Looks like it has a slower refresh rate with all that animation going on. I wonder if it polls the server on every update or just when the page 1st loads?
  • Reply 19 of 54
    heh. just finished explaining the australian iTunes music store to my 50-something year old aunt ...phew. she was looking for michael buble. she went to tower records and couldn't find the cd with the songs she wanted, and of the cd she might have bought, apparently it only came bundled with a dvd...

    so i said, iTMS! she said: what's that?? anyway, managed to get a nice custom playlist of the tracks she liked, which actually came from 3 different albums. you could buy each track individually, there was no album-only.

    the deal-breaker was the payment part. she does not do any buying online with credit card or paypal ("what with hacking, phishing, scams, spam, viruses"). so she'll continue to hunt at cd shops.

    so, a little anecdote. and two major barriers for apple's next billion song milestone. 1. awareness of the iTMS and technical know how for those in the 40-70 year old range and 2. more confidence and comfort in purchasing online.
  • Reply 20 of 54
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member

    Originally posted by sunilraman

    she does not do any buying online with credit card or paypal ("what with hacking, phishing, scams, spam, viruses").

    "I'm telling you Agnes, buying online just isn't safe. Just too much risk of my credit card number being stolen."

    "Ma'am, how was your meal?"

    "Oh, excellent, here's my credit card!"

    "I'll be right back with your receipt."

    "Anyway, Agnes, you don't want your credit card info to fall into the wrong hands!"

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