Analyst predicts iBooks, touch-screen iPod at event in April

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Analysts for Needham & Co this week said they believe Apple will hold a special media event sometime in April to unveil Intel-based iBooks and a touch-screen video iPod.

"At the end of his Macworld keynote address in January, Steve Jobs, AppleÂ?s CEO, noted that the company will celebrate its 30th birthday on April 1, 2006," analyst Charles Wolf wrote in a research note released to clients on Thursday. "While itÂ?s possible that JobsÂ? was simply pointing out the longevity of Apple, we interpret it as a signal that Apple will hold a major birthday party in the form of new product event around that date, most likely in early April."

In recent weeks, sources have told AppleInsider that Apple is preparing for a special event to introduce new products, but were short on specifics and did not provide a precise time-frame.

"The one sure-fire product Apple has to introduce is an iBook running on the Intel single core Yonah processor," wrote Wolf.Â*The analyst notes that the K-12 school-buying season begins in May; and the iBook represents an increasing fraction of Apple sales in this market. "Failure to have an Intel iBook ready for the school-buying season could significantly jeopardize AppleÂ?s education sales," the analyst added.

Wolf also believes that Apple will use the event introduce the "real" video iPod. "Apple was careful to call the iPod capable of displaying video that it introduced in October just thatÂ?an iPod that played music but also featured a video viewing capability," he wrote.Â* "According to our sources, the screen on the Video iPod will occupy the entire front of the current iPod with a touch-activated scroll wheel."

Assuming the iPod retains the fifth-generation form factor, this move will increase the size of the screen three-fold, the analyst said.

In supporting his predictions, Wolf said his conviction that a Video iPod will be introduced stems from two events. The first is that the company is rapidly increasing the video content available at the iTunes Music Store.

"In view of AppleÂ?s increasingly cozy relationship with Disney, we would not be surprised to see ESPNÂ?s Sport Center show up at the store in the near future," the analyst wrote.Â*"In our opinion, the rapid increase in the iTMSÂ?s video offerings is a strong signal that an iPod with a much larger screen is on the way."

The other event that could signal the imminent arrival of the video iPod, according to Wolf, are reports coming out of Asia that Apple has materially reduced its orders of the iPod with video viewing capabilities that it introduced last October.

"One hypothesis is that sales of this model have fallen below AppleÂ?s previous expectations for the quarter," the analyst wrote. "An equally plausible hypothesis is that Apple is draining inventories of the iPod from the distribution channel in advance of its introduction of the new model."

In making his predictions, Wolf noted that products Apple might introduce at its April event could extend beyond the Intel iBook and video iPod.Â*The analyst noted that an Intel-based Mac mini destine for the living room may also be in the cards.

Needham & Co maintains a "hold" rating on Apple shares.


  • Reply 1 of 233
    Been holding out for the real video iPod so that's interesting news...but also waiting for a larger screen MacBook Pro, hopefully that is launched at the same time as the new iBooks! I've gotten used to my PB G4 with the s-video out!! Hopefully the next MacBook Pro will have that as well!
  • Reply 2 of 233
    Think Secret also holds the new iPod video rumor is confirmed .

    It should be pretty nice... I have always felt that the iPod with video was an iPod that did video and that when Apple makes a true video device, it will be obvious.

    3.5 inch screen... going after the PSP?

    Will also likely launch with tons of new video content.

    Here we go again...
  • Reply 3 of 233
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member

    Originally posted by Bergermeister

    Think Secret also holds the new iPod video rumor is confirmed .

    It should be pretty nice... I have always felt that the iPod with video was an iPod that did video and that when Apple makes a true video device, it will be obvious.

    3.5 inch screen... going after the PSP?

    Will also likely launch with tons of new video content.

    Here we go again...

    oh well, of course there will be a new iPod with video, seeing as how I JUST BOUGHT A 60GB VIDEO IPOD.

    sigh... anyone want an octo intel duo-core? 'cause all it'll take is for me to buy a quad G5.
  • Reply 4 of 233

    Originally posted by rok

    oh well, of course there will be a new iPod with video, seeing as how I JUST BOUGHT A 60GB VIDEO IPOD.

    Such is the inevitable march of progress.
  • Reply 5 of 233
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member

    Originally posted by Nautical

    Such is the inevitable march of progress.

    i know. at least i'm not saying "I AM INFURIATED!" or anything.

    also, a full face touch screen? that's gonna be a bitch to keep clean and scratch free, and i would also assume it's gonna cause headaches for case makers like iSkin to keep it protected, but still transfer the touches well. and if it's now supposed to be viewed landscape (for widescreen stuff), that renders, of course, ALL 3rd party speakers, alarm clocks, docks, etc. obsolete.

    which supports one theory i had with a friend's efforts to create a plug-in based business years ago... if you have a parasitic business model, you will always be at least one step behind your host, no matter how hard you work.
  • Reply 6 of 233
    Don't know about the touch screen (smudges and scratches and whatnot).

    The size of the current (standard) iPod is very close to a 16:9 aspect ratio (when turned sideways...which makes me recall some other patent Apple recently filed about some motion sensing and screen changing technology).

    What if this thing worked as follows:

    - vertical: "screen" is just like it is now, with the touch-screen "click-wheel" in the bottom half.

    - horizontal: just turn the thing, viewing area automatically rotates, for standard iPod videos it takes only about half the screen, and the touch-screen "click-wheel" in the right half...but...for wide-screen can consume the entire screen.
  • Reply 7 of 233
    The ipod sounds cool...but please for God's sake, I do NOT want to see the core solo in any apple machines. At the very least, limit it to one cheapo model of the ibook but have duo configs available as well.

    The solo version isn't much faster than a G4, the speed boost comes primarily from the dual cores.
  • Reply 8 of 233
    When will people get that the dual core chip is too expensive for the ibook line?
  • Reply 9 of 233
    vinney57vinney57 Posts: 1,162member
    They are meant to be a bitch to keep clean and scratch-free. Its called 'product bonding' and its marketing genius.

    V-pod is inevitable as is the touch screen interface.
  • Reply 10 of 233
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member

    Originally posted by Chris Cuilla

    Don't know about the touch screen (smudges and scratches and whatnot).

    The size of the current (standard) iPod is very close to a 16:9 aspect ratio (when turned sideways...which makes me recall some other patent Apple recently filed about some motion sensing and screen changing technology).

    What if this thing worked as follows:

    - vertical: "screen" is just like it is now, with the touch-screen "click-wheel" in the bottom half.

    - horizontal: just turn the thing, viewing area automatically rotates, for standard iPod videos it takes only about half the screen, and the touch-screen "click-wheel" in the right half...but...for wide-screen can consume the entire screen.

    i seem to recall the same auto-sensing thing, but i would assume it would be rendered useless if on a flat surface (like a table or lap). but maybe they assume it'll almost always be in a dock. but then, to ensure that, i would think they'd need to start including a dock again in the box. plus, what would that do for the dock connector? would it be sticking out the side when i widescreen mode? weird.
  • Reply 11 of 233
    I imagine that it will have the automatic orientation sensor, so it'll work completely normally an docking stations (including speaker systems with docks, etc. Default mode will probably be "iPod emulation", in which the front looks exactly like a current iPod, with emulated touch wheel. Don't know exactly how they are going to provide controls when it's in landscape video mode, though, maybe a pop-up scrollwheel when you touch the screen?

    There are many ways to go on this, but I'd be completely *shocked* if it didn't work seemlessly in vertical docks (hey, they only just came out with the universal dock system!)

    Should be pretty cool. Let's see what the battery life is like...
  • Reply 12 of 233
    wheres my tablet ! * ! Oh please apple please

    hurry up apps
  • Reply 13 of 233
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    I hope Apple adds card slots to this unit as well. Think about this thing being a video/photo playback and storage unit. Add CF/SD and Memory Stick slots and it becomes the must have accessory for Aperture users. Add RAW support and you got a sale from me.
  • Reply 14 of 233

    Originally posted by hmurchison

    I hope Apple adds card slots to this unit as well.

    Hmmm...let's see...

    Magic 8-Ball says: "Don't count on it"
  • Reply 15 of 233
    I am proud of myself... I predicted this all by myself about two weeks ago. I currently have a 3G iPod and was checking out my buddies 5G when I thought why not make the whole face a freakin screen and use a touch screen of some sort so you can have the scroll wheel overlay the video and stuff with the nice Apple white transparent look.

    I am glad I held out on the iPod with video for the real VIDEO iPOD
  • Reply 16 of 233

    Originally posted by jivebaby

    When will people get that the dual core chip is too expensive for the ibook line?

    The price difference between the Solo and the lower speed Duos were around $40 in quantities of 1,000. Apple would have a far lower cost difference so the decision might be made on the marketing impact of being "all dual core". Years ago American Airlines ran a very heavy advertising program when they became the first airline to be 100% jets - obviously in the days before the props returned . . .

    I believe that Apple has looked at both options and their ramifications. Duo would sell better at the university level and Solo at the (K-12) market. But other potential problems, read memory, might push the Solo. We might also see Duo in the consumer ranges and a Solo for the education market only.

    There are lots of issues to address, but I believe that Apple will want the iBook replacement to be a line that will kick ass in the market - and that might be where the Duo comes into play.
  • Reply 17 of 233
    xoolxool Posts: 2,460member

    Originally posted by kenaustus

    The price difference between the Solo and the lower speed Duos were around $40 in quantities of 1,000. Apple would have a far lower cost difference so the decision might be made on the marketing impact of being "all dual core". Years ago American Airlines ran a very heavy advertising program when they became the first airline to be 100% jets - obviously in the days before the props returned . . .

    I believe that Apple has looked at both options and their ramifications. Duo would sell better at the university level and Solo at the (K-12) market. But other potential problems, read memory, might push the Solo. We might also see Duo in the consumer ranges and a Solo for the education market only.

    There are lots of issues to address, but I believe that Apple will want the iBook replacement to be a line that will kick ass in the market - and that might be where the Duo comes into play.

    I think you're on the right track. Apple in the past has offered special machines for the EDU sector that were slightly less powerful and skimped on features, but were cheaper. I think many consumers would gladly pay $50 for dual core all things being equal, but certain EDU markets would easily rather save the extra $$. Ideally this will be a BTO option.
  • Reply 18 of 233
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member

    Originally posted by Chris Cuilla

    Hmmm...let's see...

    Magic 8-Ball says: "Don't count on it"

    I know it would make too much sense.

    Epson P-2000


    Download, Store, and View photos, video and music

    40GB Hard Drive with 3.8" LCD with Epson Photo Fine Technology

    Download directly using two built-in memory card slots

    Apple could soooo do this. Imagine capturing the portable video and Photography enthusiasts in one product!
  • Reply 19 of 233

    Originally posted by hmurchison

    I know it would make too much sense.

    Epson P-2000


    Download, Store, and View photos, video and music

    40GB Hard Drive with 3.8" LCD with Epson Photo Fine Technology

    Download directly using two built-in memory card slots

    Apple could soooo do this. Imagine capturing the portable video and Photography enthusiasts in one product!

    With Apple, I think they'd make it a different product. But yes, they could.
  • Reply 20 of 233
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    on appleinsider news an investement company thinks new products may include an iphone/ apple branded cell phone--look at the third from last paragraph. as more broadband comes available for cellphones than more content can be delivered
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