Apple releases Final Cut and Pro apps for Intel Macs



  • Reply 41 of 79
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member

    Originally posted by JohnnySmith

    So does this mean no FCP6 at NAB 2006?

    It's thought that Apple will be coming out with new software for the show, but not that. Possibly the 17" MBP as well.
  • Reply 42 of 79
    wally007wally007 Posts: 121member
    Humm this is weird ... I just got email from that they've released training for Soundtrack Professional 2. It cant be typo , because they have had training for ver.1 for long time and this is new.... Hummm we'll see if it gets pulled
  • Reply 43 of 79

    Originally posted by wally007

    Humm this is weird ... I just got email from that they've released training for Soundtrack Professional 2. It cant be typo , because they have had training for ver.1 for long time and this is new.... Hummm we'll see if it gets pulled

    Yeah, it's kinda' weird. The list looks the same as the topics covered in initial release of Soundtrack Pro. They have any topics like "What's New in Version 2" and the like. I think they're just anticipating Apple bumping it up next month.

    Then again, Larry Jordan is an Apple Certified Instructor and has worked closely with Apple development in the past, so who knows.
  • Reply 44 of 79

    Originally posted by melgross

    You couldn't resist what? Showing us that you seem to be living in a cave somewhere?

    The MacBook Pro will run these apps nicely. Perhaps you don't understand that many video editors use Powerbooks in the field to edit the dailies, and to make edit control lists for the editors back in the studio to use?

    Gee Mel, no beans in the grinder this morning?

    Most of the editors I know do live in a cave... er, I mean edit suite. They abhor the field --mostly because going out in the daylight makes it hard to maintain that milky white skin.

    Lighten up!

  • Reply 45 of 79
    Bundling SoundTrack Pro is the oddest part of this "package deal."

    Taking it out of circulation as a stand alone app before it really got legs means its not going to gain wider acceptance amongst the audio only crowd.

    That's the bad news. The worse news is that more and more video editors are going to think they can sound design and mix.

    Oh well... there's money to be made in "fixes" --that's what the rise of DV has proven.

    BTW, I'm wondering if the copy protection for the bundled apps will look on the local network for additional booted apps in the bundle. IOW, will it let you run DVD Studio Pro on one workstation and FCP or SoundTrack on another. The license explicity forbids this and it'll be a drag if it's enforced between different apps on different machines.

  • Reply 46 of 79
    minderbinderminderbinder Posts: 1,703member

    Originally posted by melgross

    As I wrote above.

    It says the "complete" Universal version. The pic of the box sure looks to contain the manuals. No promise though. Why don't you call, and ask?

    Turns out, no manuals, not even if you upgrade from one app.


    Originally posted by DHagan4755

    What really irks me at the moment is the lack of updated system requirements on the Final Cut Studio website. C'mon Apple...what gives?

    It's up now.


    Originally posted by melgross

    It's not whether they should. They probably should. It's just that it's extremely rare that they do.

    Extremely rare? I guess today you get to celebrate, they updated their website!


    Originally posted by wally007

    Humm this is weird ... I just got email from that they've released training for Soundtrack Professional 2. It cant be typo , because they have had training for ver.1 for long time and this is new.... Hummm we'll see if it gets pulled

    That is odd, since this version of STP is 1.1. No major new features either, release notes say it's about the same as 1.03, just universal.


    Originally posted by GordonComstock

    Bundling SoundTrack Pro is the oddest part of this "package deal."

    Taking it out of circulation as a stand alone app before it really got legs means its not going to gain wider acceptance amongst the audio only crowd.

    That's the bad news. The worse news is that more and more video editors are going to think they can sound design and mix.

    Totally agree with all of that. STP originally looked like it might someday compete with apps like Pro Tools and Nuendo. By bundling it, they've pretty much killed that off.
  • Reply 47 of 79
    For those who have sent in their discs for the Universal Binary upgrade to Final Cut Studio, how long did it take from the time you shipped out your dics until it registered your order on the apple site?

    I still don't see mine and can't help wondering if something happened along the way to screw it up.
  • Reply 48 of 79
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    NAB 06 is likey to usher in

    FCP 6

    Shake 5

    DVD Studio Pro 5

    Soundtrack Pro 2

    STP really isn't aimed at musicians it's aimed at video pro that need a decent apple for creating music royalty free. I expect Apple to update Logic Pro 8 with many of the cool features of STP as this is their app tailored for musicians.
  • Reply 49 of 79
    In the UK my FCS upgrade from DVD Studio Pro shipped yesterday and arrived this morning.

    I can confirm no manuals, just DVDs and two Apple Pro Training DVDs

    Took about 90 minutes to install and weighed in at around 27Gb of disk space required for all the apps and content.

    The amusing thing is that the Apple Store emailed me twice suggesting delays into early then mid April (on Tuesday) and then shipped it ahead of schedule


  • Reply 50 of 79
    So how does it run?

    What box are you on?
  • Reply 51 of 79
    multimediamultimedia Posts: 1,056member
    The article omitted the very big base of FCP 4 and 4.5 HD owners may also Upgrade to Studio for only $199 and that the offer is good until December 20, 2006.
  • Reply 52 of 79
    multimediamultimedia Posts: 1,056member

    Originally posted by hmurchison

    NAB 06 is likey to usher in

    FCP 6

    Shake 5

    DVD Studio Pro 5

    Soundtrack Pro 2

    STP really isn't aimed at musicians it's aimed at video pro that need a decent apple for creating music royalty free. I expect Apple to update Logic Pro 8 with many of the cool features of STP as this is their app tailored for musicians.

    And if you wait until April 23 and beyond to place your order you will get the newer version. I don't understand anyone who has ordered before the Apple April 23 NAB press conference. The longer you wait to exercise your option, the better version of FCS you will receive for next to no money.
  • Reply 53 of 79

    Originally posted by Multimedia

    And if you wait until April 23 and beyond to place your order you will get the newer version. I don't understand anyone who has ordered before the Apple April 23 NAB press conference. The longer you wait to exercise your option, the better version of FCS you will receive for next to no money.

    is this completely clear? i was wondering about that but i wasn't sure, as a registered purchaser of motion, that i would be able to upgrade to the NEW final cut studio suite for $200. i mean, obviously final cut studio will get an upgrade before the end of the year and the deal runs until the end of 2006. they wouldn't possibly send out old version of fc studio to upgraders through the end of the year would they?
  • Reply 54 of 79
    stuartfstuartf Posts: 64member

    Originally posted by minderbinder

    So how does it run?

    What box are you on?

    Seems to run fine. I'm on a Dual 2GHz G5 that is rapidly heading towards three years old.

    I was just taking advantage of the very good deal to upgrade to the full suite. I mostly work in audio with Logic Pro.

    FCP is totally new to me.

    I will probably update to a new Intel box early next year - however the biggest hurdle for me is the move to PCIe only. I currently have an investment in the TC Powercore platform on PCI and some of the licenses for third party plug-ins from Sony cannot be transferred to a new card.

  • Reply 55 of 79
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member

    Originally posted by GordonComstock

    Gee Mel, no beans in the grinder this morning?

    Most of the editors I know do live in a cave... er, I mean edit suite. They abhor the field --mostly because going out in the daylight makes it hard to maintain that milky white skin.

    Lighten up!


    I know that my response is not popular. I tend to post what I feel about other posts. The original post was absurd. So, I responded in like manner. It's not as though others don't do far worse.

    There are thousands of editors working in the field. This is pretty standard practice. While most everyone would rather be in front of the edit bank, that just isn't possible all of the time.

    Movie, and Tv producers have been thrilled at the thought of having edit abilities available to them, on location, for years now. This is what "made" the Powerbook, and why the 17" model is in production.

    I know several guys who have already bought a MBP, and who are drooling at the thought of the FCP Suite being Universal. I also know of more than a few production companies using iMacs for for the production of EDL's using FCP's ability to use a compressed file for easy handling on PB's and lower power machines. Again, this is not unusual.

    Those who insist it is, don't know the industry that well.

    The ability of Apple to deliver these solutions, better than their counterparts in the Windows world, is why they have been picking up speed in the editing world, after having lost most of that momentum in the late '90's, and early 2000's, after NT 4 gobbled up most hi-end editing suites.
  • Reply 56 of 79
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member

    Originally posted by Multimedia

    And if you wait until April 23 and beyond to place your order you will get the newer version. I don't understand anyone who has ordered before the Apple April 23 NAB press conference. The longer you wait to exercise your option, the better version of FCS you will receive for next to no money.

    Don't be too sure about that. they are giving us a one version bonus. If you have version 5 now, it's $99, if you have version 4, it's $199. but if you have version 3, or earlier, it jumps to $699.

    They may bump that up one once more. 5 could go to $199, 4 and below could drop to $699.

    Of course, even if you pay $99, or $199 for the Univ version of 5 now, you would still have to pay for the full upgrade to 6 when it comes out. So, if you wait, it might be a wash.

    Hmurchison, there hasn't been talk of FCP 6 for NAB, though it MIGHT happen. I hope it does.

    Have you heard something?
  • Reply 57 of 79
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member

    Originally posted by admactanium

    is this completely clear? i was wondering about that but i wasn't sure, as a registered purchaser of motion, that i would be able to upgrade to the NEW final cut studio suite for $200. i mean, obviously final cut studio will get an upgrade before the end of the year and the deal runs until the end of 2006. they wouldn't possibly send out old version of fc studio to upgraders through the end of the year would they?

    No. It's not completely clear.

    Right now, the latest version is 5.1. Even though the site says "upgrade to the latest version", that doesn't mean that it will mean 6, when it comes out. At least not for the same amounts.

    Under Terms and Conditions, it is stated, in bold type:

    Apple reserves the right to change the terms of this offer at any time without notice.
  • Reply 58 of 79
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member

    Originally posted by GordonComstock

    Gee Mel, no beans in the grinder this morning?

    Most of the editors I know do live in a cave... er, I mean edit suite. They abhor the field --mostly because going out in the daylight makes it hard to maintain that milky white skin.

    Lighten up!


    A point of interest on performance (if true, though it should be)
  • Reply 59 of 79
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member

    So does this mean no FCP6 at NAB 2006?

    If Apple wants to keep FCP momentum going strong it should.

    I know of several editors who feel FCP is very good and has only gotten better with every new release but FCP still needs more work.

    The latest complaint I heard was about being able to view running time code during batch digitizing. An editor said he's been able to do that on every NLE he's ever used since 1995.


    Movie, and Tv producers have been thrilled at the thought of having edit abilities available to them, on location, for years now. This is what "made" the Powerbook, and why the 17" model is in production.

    This is true. There is a PowerBook on every film set I work on. Being able to see some simple cuts early ensures the director that they have everything they need.

    I've even seen a PowerBook being used by the sound recordist to record multi track location sound right on hard drive.

    Most often though a PowerBook on set is being used by Assistant Directors, Script Supervisors, and Production Managers to make script notes, do paperwork, create and print schedules.


    The ability of Apple to deliver these solutions, better than their counterparts in the Windows world, is why they have been picking up speed in the editing world, after having lost most of that momentum in the late '90's, and early 2000's, after NT 4 gobbled up most hi-end editing suites.

    I can't speak so much for the late 90's when Apple was near death. But today every major post house I know of mostly use Power Mac's for editing on Avid.

    Windows and Linux machines are mostly used for visual effects and color grading. Because the best VFX software mostly support those platforms. This is one place where more post houses may become mostly Power Mac houses if Vista and Linux run very well on Intel Macs.
  • Reply 60 of 79
    aegisdesignaegisdesign Posts: 2,914member

    Originally posted by melgross

    A point of interest on performance (if true, though it should be)

    Obviously those guys don't care about disk performance. Good luck with their Firewire 400 ports and laptop drives.
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