Brazilian diva photographed for Apple Mac campaign



  • Reply 21 of 71
    shetlineshetline Posts: 4,695member

    Originally posted by Kolchak

    If you like stringbeans, that's your taste. But you reveal nothing except your own stupidity if you think only with your balls.

    I'd rather think with my balls than reel off snobbish sounding assessments of women's bodies which sound like a judge at a dog show, someone who doesn't really have a sense of beauty but merely a check list of physical attributes being compared against some artificially established "breed standard".
  • Reply 22 of 71
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member

    Originally posted by shetline

    I'd rather think with my balls than reel off snobbish sounding assessments of women's bodies which sound like a judge at a dog show, someone who doesn't really have a sense of beauty but merely a check list of physical attributes being compared against some artificially established "breed standard".

    It is pretty elitist, but then unfortunately, such is the world of modelling. It brings out the asses. I wish the industry would cut that out, but that's not going to happen.
  • Reply 23 of 71
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member

    Originally posted by shetline

    I'd rather think with my balls than reel off snobbish sounding assessments of women's bodies which sound like a judge at a dog show, someone who doesn't really have a sense of beauty but merely a check list of physical attributes being compared against some artificially established "breed standard".

    There you go again. You think you're the center of the universe. As long as you think she's beautiful, then she must be beautiful to everyone, eh? Who's the one being snobbish here by saying there cannot be any differing standards of beauty? I wasn't putting down anybody who happened to like her, just listing my reasons why I didn't, but you apparently feel so threatened that you had to go onto the attack. How sad.
  • Reply 24 of 71
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member

    Originally posted by JeffDM

    It is pretty elitist, but then unfortunately, such is the world of modelling. It brings out the asses. I wish the industry would cut that out, but that's not going to happen.

    So is that supposed to mean something? Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't the "asses" in the modeling world happen to prefer these stick figures?
  • Reply 25 of 71
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member

    Originally posted by Kolchak

    So is that supposed to mean something? Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't the "asses" in the modeling world happen to prefer these stick figures?

    Why? Are you feeling threatened by my statement? You too are feeding into a similar mentality, just with a different body type, anything that doesn't fit must be ugly.
  • Reply 26 of 71
    shetlineshetline Posts: 4,695member

    Originally posted by Kolchak

    There you go again. You think you're the center of the universe. As long as you think she's beautiful, then she must be beautiful to everyone, eh? Who's the one being snobbish here by saying there cannot be any differing standards of beauty? I wasn't putting down anybody who happened to like her, just listing my reasons why I didn't, but you apparently feel so threatened that you had to go onto the attack. How sad.

    No, I don't at all think she has to be beautiful to everyone. If you don't think she's all that pretty, fine. It was the dog-show judge nature of the way you were "just listing [your] reasons" that hit a sour note for me.

    I'm not going to tell you what is and isn't beautiful, but I will say that it's a very cramped standard of beauty where beauty is reduced to comparision against some single idealized standard of imagined perfection.
  • Reply 27 of 71
    murkmurk Posts: 935member
    Hillary and Bill are Mac users. They even stay at Steve's house when they visit the area. Sorry but you will have to get someone else for the PC part.
  • Reply 28 of 71
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member

    Originally posted by JeffDM

    Why? Are you feeling threatened by my statement? You too are feeding into a similar mentality, just with a different body type, anything that doesn't fit must be ugly.

    There you go again. Please point out where I wrote she was ugly. Just one instance. If you can't, then stop trying to put words in my mouth.
  • Reply 29 of 71
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member

    Originally posted by shetline

    No, I don't at all think she has to be beautiful to everyone. If you don't think she's all that pretty, fine. It was the dog-show judge nature of the way you were "just listing [your] reasons" that hit a sour note for me.

    I'm not going to tell you what is and isn't beautiful, but I will say that it's a very cramped standard of beauty where beauty is reduced to comparision against some single idealized standard of imagined perfection.

    Oh, get over yourself. You were just sore because I didn't salivate over her like you did. That's why you came out swinging with "you are an idiot." Now you're backpedaling by trying to pin it on "some single idealized standard of imagined perfection." Isn't that what she supposedly represents, being crowned "the most beautiful girl in the world?" So I'm all elitist for liking women with actual, real-world curves instead. Yeah, right.
  • Reply 30 of 71
    shetlineshetline Posts: 4,695member

    Originally posted by Kolchak

    So I'm all elitist for liking women with actual, real-world curves instead. Yeah, right.

    Like curves all you like -- there are curvy women I like too, for that matter. No, my reaction was all about the way you said what you said -- like a dog show judge evaluating a dog.
  • Reply 31 of 71
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    The nicest legs belong to the female track athletes. This is why I run track.
  • Reply 32 of 71
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member

    Originally posted by murk

    Hillary and Bill are Mac users. They even stay at Steve's house when they visit the area. Sorry but you will have to get someone else for the PC part.

    How about Cheney or Rummy? They can say in their ad that "the Windows malware phenomenon is on its last legs." Or that "You go to market with the Vista you have. It's not the Vista you might want or wish to have at a later time."
  • Reply 33 of 71
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member

    Originally posted by Placebo

    The nicest legs belong to the female track athletes. This is why I run track.

    Oh, yeah! FloJo had some killer legs.
  • Reply 34 of 71
    lakingsfnlakingsfn Posts: 141member

    Originally posted by solsun

    Right, this is the "print ad" version of the "Get a Mac" campaign.

    It is a simple photograph with two women and a white background:

    Giseles Bundchen's caption reads, "Hi, I'm a Mac."

    Hillary Clinton's caption reads, "And I'm a PC."

    Simple, yet effective!

    Sounds very cool, what publications are the ads going to run in?
  • Reply 35 of 71
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member

    Hubba, hubba!
  • Reply 36 of 71
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member

    Originally posted by Placebo

    The nicest legs belong to the female track athletes.

  • Reply 37 of 71
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member

    Originally posted by murk

    Hillary and Bill are Mac users.

    So are Bush and even Limbaugh. Limbaugh regularly endorses the Mac platform, bless his heart.
  • Reply 38 of 71
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member

    Originally posted by shetline

    Like curves all you like -- there are curvy women I like too, for that matter. No, my reaction was all about the way you said what you said -- like a dog show judge evaluating a dog.

    Okay, she's a dog. Your words, not mine.
  • Reply 39 of 71
    hirohiro Posts: 2,663member
    Would the two of you just go find a hotel room and make up???

    Either you'd hit it or not. If not that's just more for the rest of us. Nothing to get panties into a wad about.
  • Reply 40 of 71
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Gee, I notice shetline is conspicuously silent about the cheesecake and faux lesbo shots and the comments about "more for the rest of us." I guess in his hypocritical mind, it's absolutely horrendous to judge a model aesthetically (wait, isn't that how they became models in the first place, because of their aesthetics?) while completely acceptable or even preferable to sexually objectify these women.
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