Apple filings reveal potential iPod redesigns

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
A recent series of design filings made by Apple Computer suggests the company may have intentions of abandoning its Click-Wheel interface in future versions of its iPod digital music players.

In January of 2006, Apple successfully registered a total of 10 new iPod interface designs with a European trademark and design office. They depict versions of both the iPod nano and fifth-generation video iPod not yet released by the company.

First published in March, the visual designs are each credited to Andre K. Bartley, a well known Apple interface designer also named in several other iPod-related patent filings made in both United States and Europe. Since the latest filings strictly cover visual design, they are not accompanied descriptive data.

The designs

Two of the most eye-catching designs are based on Apple's current iPod nano enclosure:

In one of the design sketches, the Click-Wheel has been replaced by a keypad layout that strongly resembles a traditional mobile handset (or cell phone). Just below the nano's screen is a circular navigation pad, flanked by two input buttons (traditionally these are the "connect" and "disconnect" buttons on a cell phone). Below these controls is a keypad layout consisting of what appears to be 12 numeric keys, which also coincides with the keypad layout of traditional cell phones.

The second iPod nano design includes only a display and a what appears to be a 4-way directional pad like those found on the game controllers that shipped with original Nintendo Entertainment Systems back in 1985.

Apple's filings also include four additional designs based on the iPod nano, each of which includes a navigational interface unlike anything shipping on an iPod today. One appears to sport a square Apple TrackPad while another employs an elongated scroll strip with a rounded top and base. The third and fourth designs include some unknown form of elliptical controller.

Meanwhile, two other designs -- one for an iPod nano and one for a fifth-generation iPod -- are also shown with scroll strip rather than a Click-Wheel. However, in these versions, Apple depicts a rectangular strip without the rounded top and base.

The last two design filings simply show an iPod nano and a fifth-generation video iPod with a display screen and nothing more. The designs may have something to due with an iPod audio interface patent filed earlier this year. In that filing, Apple described a voice-activated menu navigation system that would allow users to control their iPods through speech commands and without the need for a traditional navigational interface.


  • Reply 1 of 33
    Apple phone - Gimme gimme gimme!

    I believe the first "????" nano is a typical scroll-thingy you can find on some phones. Like a scroll-wheel on a mouse, just a bit wider.
  • Reply 2 of 33
    desarcdesarc Posts: 642member
    it's possible that only one of these is intended for actual use, the others are to throw rumor sites off the trail of what's going on.
  • Reply 3 of 33
    nathan22tnathan22t Posts: 317member
    and the winner is... Click Wheel!
  • Reply 4 of 33
    wealjayswealjays Posts: 37member
    Quite a few of those designs already exist in other MP3 players on the market.

    Especially the strip and plus designs. (Creative and Toshiba I think)
  • Reply 5 of 33
    I like the "Phone", "Controller", and "Trackpad" designs.
  • Reply 6 of 33
    mchumanmchuman Posts: 154member
    This makes me feel like a conspiracy theorist trying to decode alien symbols and pictograms. I want to believe!
  • Reply 7 of 33
    _ alliance __ alliance _ Posts: 2,070member
    aside from the phone design (which is arguable) the rest look like ass.
  • Reply 8 of 33
    if they were to replace the click wheel it better be something amazing, because the click wheel is too good, and no one can top it.
  • Reply 9 of 33
    nagrommenagromme Posts: 2,834member
    Is there any reason to think these are for potential Apple products at all?

    Couldn't they just be Apple protecting itself from potential CLONE makers?

    I don't think Apple is likely to consider dropping the very easy clickwheel for the sake of some lesser interface already used by other companies.
  • Reply 10 of 33
    _ alliance __ alliance _ Posts: 2,070member

    Originally posted by nagromme

    Is there any reason to think these are for potential Apple products at all?

    Couldn't they just be Apple protecting itself from potential CLONE makers?

    I don't think Apple is likely to consider dropping the very easy clickwheel for the sake of some lesser interface already used by other companies.

    i agree. which is why "news" like this is more wasted space and time than baseless rumors. move along. although i am quite disappointed in AI for this...
  • Reply 11 of 33
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Hmm.... iPhone nano... I hadn't thought of that before.
  • Reply 12 of 33

    Originally posted by SpamSandwich

    Hmm.... iPhone nano... I hadn't thought of that before.

    That's exactly what I've been waiting for...FOR THE LAST YEAR!

    Please Apple for the sake of all that is good and right in this world!

    I've been putting off buying a phone for more than a year, hoping beyond hope that Apple will do the obvious smart thing...iPhone.
  • Reply 13 of 33
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    I hope the round thing above the keypad for the possible phone is a mini-clickwheel, with the select button moved off to one of the two buttons alongside. I'm surprised they're patenting these anyway. First off, design patents are almost worthless and secondly, they look hopelessly generic.
  • Reply 14 of 33
    zedwardszedwards Posts: 2member
    Right, so apple is going from small screen, to bigger to even smaller yet! Makes perfect sense! Slow news in apple land, huh
  • Reply 15 of 33

    Originally posted by blackbird_1.0

    I like the "Phone", "Controller", and "Trackpad" designs.

    The trackpad design might just be the PDA I've been waiting for.

    However, I agree with the person who said this might be just to head potential clone-makers off at the pass.
  • Reply 16 of 33
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member

    Originally posted by Johnny Mozzarella

    That's exactly what I've been waiting for...FOR THE LAST YEAR!

    Please Apple for the sake of all that is good and right in this world!

    I've been putting off buying a phone for more than a year, hoping beyond hope that Apple will do the obvious smart thing...iPhone.

    You and a billion others.
  • Reply 17 of 33
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member

    Originally posted by AppleInsider

    The last two design filings simply show an iPod nano and a fifth-generation video iPod with a display screen and nothing more. The designs may have something to due with an iPod audio interface patent filed earlier this year. In that filing, Apple described a voice-activated menu navigation system that would allow users to control their iPods through speech commands and without the need for a traditional navigational interface.

    Didn't some other company basically prove a few months ago that the voice control concept was worthless? I think it was at a trade show, I think either Intel or Microsoft was demonstrating a "no button" HTPC remote.
  • Reply 18 of 33

    Originally posted by JeffDM

    Didn't some other company basically prove a few months ago that the voice control concept was worthless? I think it was at a trade show, I think either Intel or Microsoft was demonstrating a "no button" HTPC remote.

    Ironically, it was Apple's best buddy intel.

    The problems were mostly due to the poor acoustics in the auditorium where the demonstration was given.
  • Reply 19 of 33
    desarcdesarc Posts: 642member
    yeah, that and who wants to be seen walking around the city talking to their iPod - "iPod, play my Nine Inch Nails Playlist". "iPod, why am i being beat-up by strangers?"

    ...besides, how well did speech recognition work the last time you tried it?

    "iPod, play dangerdoom, the mouse and the mask"

    mmmm, i'm sorry, i didn't get that, it sounds like you said "clay ranger boom them house hanna ask"
  • Reply 20 of 33
    o4blackwrxo4blackwrx Posts: 383member nagromme said......Apple could just be getting these patents to make sure none of the competition get anything close to an iPod (yeah I think that's it....)
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