Magic Is Real



  • Reply 61 of 62
    user23user23 Posts: 199member

    Originally posted by Placebo

    I don't understand why people find Schroedinger's cat so thought provoking.

    I believe one answer to your query could be that the paradox of Schrödinger's cat illustrates the observer of an event...or an instrument measuring the event affects the outcome of the event.

    In non-quantum terms, this could be restated, "What the thinker thinks, the prover proves." In quantum terms, it illustrates the differences between what occurs in matter on a micro- & macroscopic level...and how they don't necessarily sync up so nicely. Therefore:

    further, Schrödinger's cat is a departure from the ominous (& tedious) church of Aristotelian/Descartian logic; ie, binary thinking. It introduces further "options" into an equation. Instead of a simple "is" or "isn't", we also get "maybe" "maybe yes" "maybe no" "sometimes", etc.

    Placebo, for a somewhat radical, yet interesting, exploration of the possibilities of why Schrödinger's cat is such a thought provoker...I suggest you acquire a book by Robert Anton Wilson entitled,

    Schrödinger's Cat Trilogy
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