Apple to roll-out iTunes movies and 'one more thing'



  • Reply 21 of 161
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Hey, what about the Mac mini? Wasn't there that report just last week that minis are in short supply and likely to be speed bumped? Now there's no mention of it.
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  • Reply 22 of 161
    irelandireland Posts: 17,801member
    Originally Posted by Longsilver

    I think maybe ^Ireland and I are confused about the same thing here: perhaps the answer is in what ^05elstonc said. Maybe this is like a combination of a Mac Mini and an AirPort - some sort of mini server/wireless-hub device with a DVR capability?

    No, I'm not confused. The point is I don't want to watch a movie on my TV, with my iMac humming, and wasting energy in the background.
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  • Reply 23 of 161
    Originally Posted by akerman

    Hmm - why have all news lately centered around ipod and imac... nothing about macbook pro anymore - this does not bode well for a merom MPB soon (

    Well, we got no MBP when there was MBP maybe no MBP news means new MBPs!
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  • Reply 24 of 161
    I, too have been patiently awaiting new MBP's. Passed up on tax free weekend to wait it out. I predict MBP announces soon- under the radar with little fanfare, and on the 12th, the new streaming device gets all the fanfare, etc.

    I agree with the theory that flow would go from iTunes --> Mac --> new device --> TV, but even if this were the case, an HD movie is likely to be gigabytes of data- how could anything stream that much data?

    I presume the device is hardwired to the TV. As the download comes from iTunes, it gets pushed to the device wireless, and it sits waiting on the device which is hooked up to the TV? Even so, I imagine it would be a little wait to get an HD movie onto such device?
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  • Reply 25 of 161
    Originally Posted by jbrowdy

    I, too have been patiently awaiting new MBP's. Passed up on tax free weekend to wait it out. I predict MBP announces soon- under the radar with little fanfare, and on the 12th, the new streaming device gets all the fanfare, etc.

    I agree with the theory that flow would go from iTunes --> Mac --> new device --> TV, but even if this were the case, an HD movie is likely to be gigabytes of data- how could anything stream that much data?

    I presume the device is hardwired to the TV. As the download comes from iTunes, it gets pushed to the device wireless, and it sits waiting on the device which is hooked up to the TV? Even so, I imagine it would be a little wait to get an HD movie onto such device?

    Well, what is the current transfer speed of 802.11g wireless? 54 mbps? I think that is more then quick enough to stream an HD movie file. I doubt the device will store anything, mearly transmit the streamed video to the TV.
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  • Reply 26 of 161
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member
    If the video stream is decompressed on the Airport Express device, then it will be a fairly expensive unit (probably with a fan in it also). If the video is decompressed on the computer before streaming, then it will use up a lot of your wireless bandwidth.
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  • Reply 27 of 161
    I bet, that if it's any sort of Airport Express device it will have to have a hard drive in it.

    That way, you can set it to download movies whilst you're away at work or whatever.

    What ever happened to the Apple Plasma Panel rumor?
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  • Reply 28 of 161
    lustlust Posts: 83member
    Why not just give it the ability to stream video. Period. And add another USB port. Then you could just plug in the new USB EyeTV thing (can't remember its name right now, sorry) and have it stream to the computer ^_^. Sound good?
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  • Reply 29 of 161
    irelandireland Posts: 17,801member
    If the device had a hard drive, and one could download the movie as they watched it, then a computer wouldn't need to be involved in the process. And you wouldn't fill you computers hard drive with movies either. Now that would be the complete solution. And that sounds like something Apple would do.

    Also even if they didn't make much money from selling such a device, they'd clean up with movie sales, and then later boom... the new video iPod.
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  • Reply 30 of 161
    I would like a new cinema display.


    20" Model: $550 ($450 edu)

    That is all.
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  • Reply 31 of 161
    Originally Posted by e1618978

    If the video stream is decompressed on the Airport Express device, then it will be a fairly expensive unit (probably with a fan in it also). If the video is decompressed on the computer before streaming, then it will use up a lot of your wireless bandwidth.

    I'm not sure about that if the hardware is single purpose, like that in a DVD player, then it doesn't have to be expensive at all, there are DVD players out there for under $30 USD. If it is a more general purpose processor then it might need more power, but then the decompression can still be offloaded to dedicated circutry for that so that a less powerfull processor is needed.
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  • Reply 32 of 161
    On these big pieces, I do enjoy the effort put in to make sure they are well written here at AI.

    This one reminds me of the rumour once where someones friend bumped into an old acquaintence who was then working at Apple and the whole rumour was given as a conversation they had.

    For this piece sources have clearly been probed for almost as many snippets as possible, I wonder if those sources had any clues as to the significance of the live satellite stream to a 'London location' that has been rumoured.

    I relish the run-up to an event but it's a shame to have to wait until often the day after for the detail of what the reality will be in my corner of the world.
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  • Reply 33 of 161
    OK Bagsie - it is controlled with Apple remote and you get the Frontrow interface on the telly with DVI/HDMI connecting to the telly.

    No hard drive, all your multimedia storage, is done on your home network hard drive!

    It's not necessary if you telly is in the same room as you Mac but this is not normally the case (ref. family home!).
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  • Reply 34 of 161
    i think the movie will be stored on your HDD and stream from there.

    so you download the movie like you would a song. then play it either on your computer, or TV through Airport Express Device.
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  • Reply 35 of 161
    What would only make this product absolutely perfect is if you could use front row (whether it is installed inside the device or just accessed from the copy of OS X on your Mac) from this device to access your media and play it on your TV. Why go to your Mac and start the streaming from there when you just open front row on your TV, browse to the video/music and press play. This would work well if your TV and mac are in two different rooms and you don't feel like getting up from the couch to have a TV show or movie you have on your Mac start playing on your TV.
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  • Reply 36 of 161
    two years of rampart speculation? Speculation about a castle's defensive walls? I guess that's much more fun than rampant speculation but probably not what the author meant.
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  • Reply 37 of 161
    I wonder how shitty the video quality will be and how many extra features these movie downloads will come with?

    I'm thinking... extremely and none.

    Oh well, at least I can't be disappointed.
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  • Reply 38 of 161
    um, I already have's called a networked dvd/media player. download any videos you want, and watch them on the home theater...oh and it's only 200 bucks.

    what's more exicting to me is the 1st gen just died!!!!

    bring it on steve.
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  • Reply 39 of 161
    So no 6G iPod, aka "touch screen iPod" at this time?

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  • Reply 40 of 161
    Originally Posted by Ireland

    No, I'm not confused. The point is I don't want to watch a movie on my TV, with my iMac humming, and wasting energy in the background.

    Think of your iMac as your DVD player substitute - the DVD player will be off so you are saving its energy use. And if your iMac is humming loudly enough to spoil a movie it may need servicing.
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