It baffles me that iTunes and Quicktime on the PC and Mac does NOT always do the vSync properly. Which means even in fullscreen, you get those "flickering" type effects. That is, a lot of "page tearing" when playing back video in iTunes and Quicktime. ...Unlike say VLC which plays back Divx/Xvid smooooth as butterrr... Hmm
On the PC, I simply cannot play games unless the game has vSync on.
I don't know if I'm the only one who sees the following problem with the "streaming" solution:
-I have MacBook (mine) with Lost on it
-Wife is at home
-I leave on business trip with Lost on the MacBook
Wife has no way of watching Lost
What then?
Seriously, streaming is fun but if you only have one copy that's not very convinient particularly if the one copy is on a portable that goes walkabout with you.
You'll need to have another copy on the Mac mini hooked up to the Widescreen LCD/ Plasma to keep wife/ spouse/ teenage child happy.
Only after wife gets pissed, does not put out for a few months, and alexluft has a little "fun" on his business trip, with pictures/ video delivered back to wife by evil coworker.
Then i guess I will need to find something else on the computer screen... never mind.8)
SSSSHHHHHH, you never saw me on that bus. trip.
If the Apple solution does come out as described, it is a very (VERY) early step towards IPTV on Macs. I'll be waiting for the time when I can sit down on the couch, turn on my LCD and have the option to watch what I want any time I want - Lost, Armageddon, or Flinstones. Just type it in and hit "play". If I don't feel like watching it on the LCD in the living room, then I can grab my MacBook and watch the same stuff by the pool.
I'm dreaming, I know... But give it oohhh say 5-8 more years, I think we'll be there, and hopefully Apple will too.
Then i guess I will need to find something else on the computer screen... never mind.
If this does happen as described, it is a very (VERY) early step towards IPTV on Macs. I'll be waiting for the time when I can sit down on the couch, turn on my LCD and have the option to watch what I want any time I want - Lost, Armageddon, or Flinstones. Just type it in and hit "play". If I don't feel like watching it on the LCD in the living room, then I can grab my MacBook and watch the same stuff by the pool.
I'm dreaming, I know... But give it oohhh say 5-8 more years, I think we'll be there, and hopefully Apple will too.
That's the problem now. DRM is simply not sophisticated and bulletproof enough to know how to handle that. You get a piece of media, and you want to do various things with it - streaming to two computers at once, while streaming to an LCD as well. You'll also want to burn it to DVD/CD. Proper DRM would either give you "blanket" access to the media to do whatever the hell you want to do with it with up to 5 users, or you pay as much as you need depending on what you need to do with it as you go along with that DRM'ed file.
What you describe is possible 5 years ago. It's the quagmire that is DRM that is holding things back at this stage, and it's great that Apple is the one that has really been able to punch through the mess to get us started on this vision of yours which really, is shared by many many people.
Glad to hear that I'm not the onyl one, Sunilraman. Maybe to say, "bypass" the DRM and to not "clog up" our hard disks, this "version" can stream instead of download. Kind of like current TV but more-so on-demand...
If the device had a hard drive, and one could download the movie as they watched it, then a computer wouldn't need to be involved in the process. And you wouldn't fill you computers hard drive with movies either. Now that would be the complete solution. And that sounds like something Apple would do.
Also even if they didn't make much money from selling such a device, they'd clean up with movie sales, and then later boom... the new video iPod.
This makes a lot of sense... but, why build in a hard drive if you already have a hard drive readily available: your iPod.
What you do with your iPod when you get home? You either...
Connect it to your computer to sync/recharge it
Drop it into your iPod speakers or connect it to the stereo in your living room
Leave it on a flat surface somewhere
So if you think about it, if this mysterious wireless device can connect to your tv/sound system, recharge your iPod, and wirelessly communicate with your iTunes, then you'd be all set. And it makes complete sense to couple this with the other announcements: You download a movie from the new iTunes movie store for $9.99, sync it with your updated higher-capacity iPod via this wireless dock device that connects to your tv and speaker system. And when you leave the house, you just grab the iPod on your way out and you can still watch videos on the go. Bring the iPod over to a friend's, drop it in their wireless dock thingy, then watch it together.
Everything's on the iPod. Like we did with our CDs, we sell our DVD player and all our DVDs and replace them with digital versions. iPod becomes the center of digital entertainment. Game over.
This makes a lot of sense... but, why build in a hard drive if you already have a hard drive readily available: your iPod.
What you do with your iPod when you get home? You either...
Connect it to your computer to sync/recharge it
Drop it into your iPod speakers or connect it to the stereo in your living room
Leave it on a flat surface somewhere
So if you think about it, if this mysterious wireless device can connect to your tv/sound system, recharge your iPod, and wirelessly communicate with your iTunes, then you'd be all set. And it makes complete sense to couple this with the other announcements: You download a movie from the new iTunes movie store for $9.99, sync it with your updated higher-capacity iPod via this wireless dock device that connects to your tv and speaker system. And when you leave the house, you just grab the iPod on your way out and you can still watch videos on the go. Bring the iPod over to a friend's, drop it in their wireless dock thingy, then watch it together.
Everything's on the iPod. Like we did with our CDs, we sell our DVD player and all our DVDs and replace them with digital versions. iPod becomes the center of digital entertainment. Game over.
Interesting idea...
Who's to say you wont be able to plug the iPod directly into the new AirPort?
On the PC, I simply cannot play games unless the game has vSync on.
-I have MacBook (mine) with Lost on it
-Wife is at home
-I leave on business trip with Lost on the MacBook
Wife has no way of watching Lost
What then?
I don't know if I'm the only one who sees the following problem with the "streaming" solution:
-I have MacBook (mine) with Lost on it
-Wife is at home
-I leave on business trip with Lost on the MacBook
Wife has no way of watching Lost
What then?
I don't know if I'm the only one who sees the following problem with the "streaming" solution:
-I have MacBook (mine) with Lost on it
-Wife is at home
-I leave on business trip with Lost on the MacBook
Wife has no way of watching Lost
What then?
Seriously, streaming is fun but if you only have one copy that's not very convinient particularly if the one copy is on a portable that goes walkabout with you.
You'll need to have another copy on the Mac mini hooked up to the Widescreen LCD/ Plasma to keep wife/ spouse/ teenage child happy.
Only after wife gets pissed, does not put out for a few months, and alexluft has a little "fun" on his business trip, with pictures/ video delivered back to wife by evil coworker.
I don't know if I'm the only one who sees the following problem with the "streaming" solution:
-I have MacBook (mine) with Lost on it
-Wife is at home
-I leave on business trip with Lost on the MacBook
Wife has no way of watching Lost
What then?
Burn Lost episodes onto DVD to play in regular DVD players. DRM issues you say? Muah hah ah haah h ha hahaha ha ha
SSSSHHHHHH, you never saw me on that bus. trip.
If the Apple solution does come out as described, it is a very (VERY) early step towards IPTV on Macs. I'll be waiting for the time when I can sit down on the couch, turn on my LCD and have the option to watch what I want any time I want - Lost, Armageddon, or Flinstones. Just type it in and hit "play". If I don't feel like watching it on the LCD in the living room, then I can grab my MacBook and watch the same stuff by the pool.
I'm dreaming, I know... But give it oohhh say 5-8 more years, I think we'll be there, and hopefully Apple will too.
I don't know if I'm the only one who sees the following problem with the "streaming" solution:
-I have MacBook (mine) with Lost on it
-Wife is at home
-I leave on business trip with Lost on the MacBook
Wife has no way of watching Lost
What then?
I really should shut up now but I will whisper in your ear: B*tTorr3nt
Then i guess I will need to find something else on the computer screen... never mind.
If this does happen as described, it is a very (VERY) early step towards IPTV on Macs. I'll be waiting for the time when I can sit down on the couch, turn on my LCD and have the option to watch what I want any time I want - Lost, Armageddon, or Flinstones. Just type it in and hit "play". If I don't feel like watching it on the LCD in the living room, then I can grab my MacBook and watch the same stuff by the pool.
I'm dreaming, I know... But give it oohhh say 5-8 more years, I think we'll be there, and hopefully Apple will too.
That's the problem now. DRM is simply not sophisticated and bulletproof enough to know how to handle that. You get a piece of media, and you want to do various things with it - streaming to two computers at once, while streaming to an LCD as well. You'll also want to burn it to DVD/CD. Proper DRM would either give you "blanket" access to the media to do whatever the hell you want to do with it with up to 5 users, or you pay as much as you need depending on what you need to do with it as you go along with that DRM'ed file.
What you describe is possible 5 years ago. It's the quagmire that is DRM that is holding things back at this stage, and it's great that Apple is the one that has really been able to punch through the mess to get us started on this vision of yours which really, is shared by many many people.
But all I want is a macbook pro. Rarrrrrrghhhhhhhhhhgghhghg,'re killing me.
Luckily for you, they're selling them right now!
As long as we're doing this...
Luckily for you, they're selling them right now!
I don't think you understand.
If the device had a hard drive, and one could download the movie as they watched it, then a computer wouldn't need to be involved in the process. And you wouldn't fill you computers hard drive with movies either. Now that would be the complete solution. And that sounds like something Apple would do.
Also even if they didn't make much money from selling such a device, they'd clean up with movie sales, and then later boom... the new video iPod.
This makes a lot of sense... but, why build in a hard drive if you already have a hard drive readily available: your iPod.
What you do with your iPod when you get home? You either...
- Connect it to your computer to sync/recharge it
- Drop it into your iPod speakers or connect it to the stereo in your living room
- Leave it on a flat surface somewhere
So if you think about it, if this mysterious wireless device can connect to your tv/sound system, recharge your iPod, and wirelessly communicate with your iTunes, then you'd be all set. And it makes complete sense to couple this with the other announcements: You download a movie from the new iTunes movie store for $9.99, sync it with your updated higher-capacity iPod via this wireless dock device that connects to your tv and speaker system. And when you leave the house, you just grab the iPod on your way out and you can still watch videos on the go. Bring the iPod over to a friend's, drop it in their wireless dock thingy, then watch it together.Everything's on the iPod. Like we did with our CDs, we sell our DVD player and all our DVDs and replace them with digital versions. iPod becomes the center of digital entertainment. Game over.
This makes a lot of sense... but, why build in a hard drive if you already have a hard drive readily available: your iPod.
What you do with your iPod when you get home? You either...
- Connect it to your computer to sync/recharge it
- Drop it into your iPod speakers or connect it to the stereo in your living room
- Leave it on a flat surface somewhere
So if you think about it, if this mysterious wireless device can connect to your tv/sound system, recharge your iPod, and wirelessly communicate with your iTunes, then you'd be all set. And it makes complete sense to couple this with the other announcements: You download a movie from the new iTunes movie store for $9.99, sync it with your updated higher-capacity iPod via this wireless dock device that connects to your tv and speaker system. And when you leave the house, you just grab the iPod on your way out and you can still watch videos on the go. Bring the iPod over to a friend's, drop it in their wireless dock thingy, then watch it together.Everything's on the iPod. Like we did with our CDs, we sell our DVD player and all our DVDs and replace them with digital versions. iPod becomes the center of digital entertainment. Game over.
Interesting idea...
Who's to say you wont be able to plug the iPod directly into the new AirPort?
if it is hd widescreen, you think it will support blu-ray?
As an external add on later, yes. As a build-to-order option now, no.