Apple to roll-out iTunes movies and 'one more thing'



  • Reply 141 of 161
    That's exactly why I'm so excited to see what Apple does on Tuesday. Normally we had some sort of clue as to what Steve has up his sleeve, but this time we're completely clueless, EXCEPT for rumors of wireless transmition, but specifics are pretty much in the dark.
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  • Reply 142 of 161
    chuckerchucker Posts: 5,089member
    Originally Posted by onlooker

    That's what I hate about Wikipedia. Any time a person brings it into a subject they could have just put that, or edited the information to back up what their saying two minutes prior.

    Not saying you did that of course I just never take wikipedia seriously.

    I didn't manipulate anything; I was asking a serious question. I can't find any information on whether or not Lion's Gate and Disney are affiliated. It was my understanding that they were, but nothing seems to back that up.
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  • Reply 143 of 161
    Originally Posted by ThinkDifferent

    That's exactly why I'm so excited to see what Apple does on Tuesday. Normally we had some sort of clue as to what Steve has up his sleeve, but this time we're completely clueless, EXCEPT for rumors of wireless transmition, but specifics are pretty much in the dark.

    Ummm... I thought it was pretty obvious that he was going to release a new iPod and unveil a video store.

    In fact, I can't think of an Apple Event where I knew more than I knew right now. Honestly, I'm not even all that interested in this one :/
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 144 of 161
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by Chucker

    I didn't manipulate anything; I was asking a serious question. I can't find any information on whether or not Lion's Gate and Disney are affiliated. It was my understanding that they were, but nothing seems to back that up.

    I didn't mean to say that you did. I was just bored with the topics in here, and went off topic. My Bad. I was just saying I can never take wikipedia seriously. But I was aware you were asking a question. Again - My bad.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 145 of 161
    chuckerchucker Posts: 5,089member
    Originally Posted by onlooker

    I didn't mean to say that you did. I was just bored with the topics in here, and went off topic. My Bad. I was just saying I can never take wikipedia seriously. But I was aware you were asking a question. Again - My bad.

    No, it's fine. I just wanted to clarify. I can see your concern, although every page has a history, so you could easily see if it's been recently modified, what changes were made, and by whom. But still, it can be quite confusing.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 146 of 161
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member

    Ummm... I thought it was pretty obvious that he was going to release a new iPod and unveil a video store.

    In fact, I can't think of an Apple Event where I knew more than I knew right now. Honestly, I'm not even all that interested in this one :/

    I was hoping for more. I'm more interested in what he said at that shareholders meeting when the shareholder said something about a Home Media appliance with PVR, and other stuff, and SJ said "We hear you loud, and clear." It really seemed like they had something better for us than just an iPod, and a movie store. That in itself is a pretty lame excuse for a product. It's been talked about since iTMS went online, and IMO it's not really very Apple of them. \

    I was hoping it would be more like the DreamBox DM7000 using intels viiv chip with an internet connection to the ITMS that would airport network to other Mac's in your home. It could all be controlled with Front row. But the networking part would be the kicker, because you could use the rest of the Apple iLife digital hub from front row, in ways, from the SetTopBox in the newly designed "showtime" / Front Row interface.

    Basically anyone could control ITunes, movies, a PVR, plug in an iPod, and watch trailers from in front row, or "Showtime" from their couch on their TV, but if you were a Mac user you would have access to the whole Apple digital hub.
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  • Reply 147 of 161
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by Chucker

    I can't find any information on whether or not Lion's Gate and Disney are affiliated.

    This appears to be a list of what Disney owns:

    That site doesn't track Lion's Gate, and it's not listed in any of the conglomerate listings that I can find. I can't find any solid information on who are the significant shareholders, but it is a publicly traded company.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 148 of 161
    Originally Posted by JeffDM

    This appears to be a list of what Disney owns:

    That site doesn't track Lion's Gate, and it's not listed in any of the conglomerate listings that I can find. I can't find any solid information on who are the significant shareholders, but it is a publicly traded company.

    Lion's gate is NOT owned my Disney.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 149 of 161
    I remember that anywhere from 6-9 months ago, Scientific American did an article about a small hardware device that contained hardware which the software would reprogram on the fly. You could make a phone call, then compose and send e-mail, listen to music, then surf the net. All one device. Reprogrammed itself on the fly depending on what the user wanted to do.
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  • Reply 150 of 161
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by Lemmy Caution

    I remember that anywhere from 6-9 months ago, Scientific American did an article about a small hardware device that contained hardware which the software would reprogram on the fly. You could make a phone call, then compose and send e-mail, listen to music, then surf the net. All one device. Reprogrammed itself on the fly depending on what the user wanted to do.

    Aren't there like 4000 phones that already do all those things?
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 151 of 161
    Originally Posted by JeffDM

    This appears to be a list of what Disney owns:

    That site doesn't track Lion's Gate, and it's not listed in any of the conglomerate listings that I can find. I can't find any solid information on who are the significant shareholders, but it is a publicly traded company.

    they forgot cruise line and private island. edit: nevermind it is listed. my bad.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 152 of 161
    Originally Posted by Lemmy Caution

    I remember that anywhere from 6-9 months ago, Scientific American did an article about a small hardware device that contained hardware which the software would reprogram on the fly. You could make a phone call, then compose and send e-mail, listen to music, then surf the net. All one device. Reprogrammed itself on the fly depending on what the user wanted to do.

    I remember when popular science ( or mechanics can't remember ) did an article about the "future" of cell phones.

    it was a candy bar design, but with a roll-out screen, and it did everything. wifi, bluetooth, pda, touchscreen of course, voice commands, even for 3 years ago, this thing looked pretty advanced. ofcourse it didn't account for a popular trend nowadays, bluetooth headsets.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 153 of 161
    Originally Posted by onlooker

    Aren't there like 4000 phones that already do all those things?

    Missing the point completely. It isn't what they do it's how they do them. Instead of linking components, it's one base hardware that is reprogrammable to do different tasks.

    Therefore, smaller form factor.
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  • Reply 154 of 161
    While waiting for Apple's announcements, here's some great analysis of why Apple's in the lead, where online movie sales are going, and why Apple isn't threatened by Amazon:

    Why Apple is Winning in Media Downloads

    A Visual Comparison of CD, DVD, HD and iTMS Downloads

    The Apple iTMS vs Amazon Unbox Rivalry Myth
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 155 of 161
    Just found this agenda for the showtime event. They claim its real.

    However, if this is going to be it, it would be a real disappointment! Hope Apple has something better!
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 156 of 161
    Originally Posted by rarity

    Just found this agenda for the showtime event. They claim its real.

    However, if this is going to be it, it would be a real disappointment! Hope Apple has something better!

    That sounds right on the money. It looks really legit.
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  • Reply 157 of 161
    TubePort sounds b*lls though. It should have been AirMovies.
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  • Reply 158 of 161
    It still may be possible iPhone is one more thing... closely guarded secret. Apple may have leaked the agenda with the iPhone left out so they can spring it on us unsuspecting peoples.
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  • Reply 159 of 161
    "The charismatic leader and co-founder of Apple Computer, Steve Jobs..."

    Oh, that Steve Jobs. The Apple guy.

    Mmm. Got you.
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  • Reply 160 of 161
    Believe me or not. But it's certain that at least today Apple will not release a cellular phone or an iPod with telephone functions. Its confirmed by a high ranked executive Manager of Apple Europe. Regarding all the other rumors, he/she only says "no comment" However, I think they will obviously present a Movie Store (iTunes Store down right now). If they present a Movie Store they would be stupid not to launch better Video enabled iPod's. I hope its going to be a Widescreen touch sensitive one. Everything else would just be out of the ordinary and nothing rellay new and innovativ at all. I believe also there will be some minor updates in terms of capacity to the iPod Nano. One more thing will and has to be some kind of a connection between the downloaded movies which will be on the harddrive of the computers and iPod's and the Television which is and will be also in the near future the preferred device for watching movies. Most of the rumors claim it will be a streaming device like Airport express which seems likly giving the fact, that both Airport devices are kind of behind the competition right now. However, is this really going to be the next big revolution in the living room. I doubt it and so will the analyst and the shareholders of Apple stocks. So again, Apple would be stupid to announce something that big and then disappoint everyone but mostly the shareholders which would have a bad influence on the managers stock options. So I have still hope that this one more thing which is certainly going to be a connector to the TV for the movies will be more then just a freaken streaming device. Common Apple, you can't be seriously only launch a Video streaming device. Can you?
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