News flash: Apple confirms media event



  • Reply 101 of 229
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by melgross

    That's interesting, considering that Pixar has very fine programmers, and has programmed all of their own specialty software.

    But, even if Apple did do it, and I'm not disagreeing with you on that, who would own it?

    If Apple was paid to do it for Pixar, then it wouldn't be theirs. They would have to license it.

    Apparently you don't remember the keynote, and I don't feel like reciting it.

    the short version is SJ had Apple it to help pixar out because they wanted a high def version of wavlet on a scrubbable more portable format. Apple succeeded, and then it was introduced as part of QT.
  • Reply 102 of 229
    kishankishan Posts: 732member
    Originally Posted by JimDreamworx

    What better way to watch movies than on a 23" iMac?

    how about on a 40 inch, 1080p LCD display, on a sueded microfiber chaise lounge, with my fiance next to me and a glass of good Bordeaux in my hand? Seriously... 23 inches is great for a dorm room or a studio apartment, or an office, but I think that in order to make for a good living room experience, I would need to get my Video_TS folders off my external hard drive and onto such a display with the seamless experience that Apple has so wonderfully done with the iTunes/iPod axis. Here's hoping that such a thing soon becomes possible with whatever Jobs & Co. have in store for us on the 12th.

    edit: oh... and my fiance is 100% electronics clueless... but she quickly figured out the iPod Mini I got her! Please Apple, spare me hours of "how do I watch <insert desperate housewives/greys anatomy episode here>?".
  • Reply 103 of 229
    Originally Posted by murk

    Remember the December 2005 article from Think Secret? Could any of that be true?

    I really hope so, the idea of cramming HD, or nearly HD movies on my hard drive is making me cringe a little...
  • Reply 104 of 229
    mrsinmrsin Posts: 163member
    I have a brand new 0% interest credit card at the ready ! The "HD" is not a requirement, nor the 23-inch, what I'm looking for is the new "Intel Core 2 Duo processor!" Having said that though, the 23-inch and "HD" would make the whole package even more sweeet!
  • Reply 105 of 229
    Originally Posted by murk

    Remember the December 2005 article from Think Secret? Could any of that be true?

    The problem with that is what is the lag time between pushing play and the video starting? Also, what happens when there is a problem with the internet...say trafic if up or part of it goes down, or Apple's servers go down? A bunch of very pissed off people. And if someone got the idea to give Apple a bad name how easy would it be to bring down the servers? I'm not thrilled with that idea even though from a storage point of view it is a fairly good idea.
  • Reply 106 of 229
    Ok, isn't Apple rumored to have an Ultra Portable PC or something along the lines of microsoft's Origami project thing in the works? That would seem to make sense to me. It's the perfect size for portable movies.

    I'm thinking (or hoping) for something no more than 1/3 of an inch thick, hopefully 1/4" thick, 7" wide by 4" tall. Or around that size anyway. That you can easily carry around, like a pad of paper. The thinner the better. if it gets over 1/2 an inch, it's WAY too thick. That's what I'm hoping for anyway. Just speculating
  • Reply 107 of 229
    Originally Posted by DeaPeaJay

    Ok, isn't Apple rumored to have an Ultra Portable PC or something along the lines of microsoft's Origami project thing in the works? That would seem to make sense to me. It's the perfect size for portable movies.

    I'm thinking (or hoping) for something no more than 1/3 of an inch thick, hopefully 1/4" thick, 7" wide by 4" tall. Or around that size anyway. That you can easily carry around, like a pad of paper. The thinner the better. if it gets over 1/2 an inch, it's WAY too thick. That's what I'm hoping for anyway. Just speculating

    Apple iPad™ people... iPad™! Look further up in this thread. \


    If Apple introduces their new iPad™, as a streaming mobile video pad, bigger than the speculated "real" iPod video (and nearly identical to the Sony product whose name escapes me at this moment) so that every member of the family can wander about and outside the house, and even use the built-in iChat videoconferencing to replace the old home intercom. Mom and Dad can assign "viewing allowances" for the kids and restrict their channel access, and in the meantime they can catch up on regular TV or purchased movies from the "completely new" iTunes+Movies store.

    The video/movie files would thus be larger than the current iPod videos, but still considerably smaller than HDTV quality... because they wouldn't need to be bigger.

    This would be another example of Apple creating a new market, just like they did for iPod video, where there previously was none. This also makes the studios happy because they have totally new market for product that doesn't compete with their current and upcoming formats.
  • Reply 108 of 229
    I confess I only read the last page. Too lazy to read them all

    Edit: oops that was mentioned on this page wasn't it...

    Ok, I confess again, I only *skimmed* this last page
  • Reply 109 of 229
    Originally Posted by DeaPeaJay

    I confess I only read the last page. Too lazy to read them all

    It's understandable. I was involved in another thread that was 7 pages long! 7 pages!
  • Reply 110 of 229
    dcqdcq Posts: 349member
    Here's what I hope Apple will deliver on Tuesday. (In case you're wondering, I don't actually believe they'll do this at all; it's just what I think they should do.)


    2, 4, 8GB nanos (nanoes?)

    40, 80GB iPods w/ video

    80GB "true" Video iPod

    23" iMac

    Mini-based media center


    Front Row 2.0 (plug-in architecture)

    Film Vault 1.0 (an iTunes-for-videos app, OSX+WinXP, allows you to rip--legitly--content from HDDVD/BR disks)

    iTunes 6.5 (works seamlessly with iTunes)

    Film Vault movie store (has hotlinks to iTMS, and vice-versa, movies at 480p)
  • Reply 111 of 229
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    Originally Posted by minderbinder

    I know. But my point is that in some cases, broadcasters are using really low bitrates with lots of artifacts that doesn't really show an improvement over regular ntsc.

    They are. That's what I said above. But it's even being done with 720p broadcasts, from hi rez masters. There's only so much bandwidth in a satellite, and it comes down to number of channels (more money) or more bandwidth (happier customers, but less money). You know which wins.

    But, you see, as long people BELIEVE they are getting something special, they don't question it, and are happy.

    When the image breaks up, they think about how much worse it must be for all the other slobs who aren't using this "best" technoliogy.

    This is a problem to overcome.

    And many people can't recognize better quality when they see it.
  • Reply 112 of 229
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    Originally Posted by onlooker

    Apparently you don't remember the keynote, and I don't feel like reciting it.

    the short version is SJ had Apple it to help pixar out because they wanted a high def version of wavlet on a scrubbable more portable format. Apple succeeded, and then it was introduced as part of QT.

    No, I don't remember that part offhand. But I said that I didn't disagree.
  • Reply 113 of 229
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    Originally Posted by Kishan

    how about on a 40 inch, 1080p LCD display, on a sueded microfiber chaise lounge, with my fiance next to me and a glass of good Bordeaux in my hand? Seriously... 23 inches is great for a dorm room or a studio apartment, or an office, but I think that in order to make for a good living room experience, I would need to get my Video_TS folders off my external hard drive and onto such a display with the seamless experience that Apple has so wonderfully done with the iTunes/iPod axis. Here's hoping that such a thing soon becomes possible with whatever Jobs & Co. have in store for us on the 12th.

    edit: oh... and my fiance is 100% electronics clueless... but she quickly figured out the iPod Mini I got her! Please Apple, spare me hours of "how do I watch <insert desperate housewives/greys anatomy episode here>?".

    I hope you're sitting reeal close to that 40" 1080p set, because more than 4.5 to five feet away, and you can't see the detail from a 40".
  • Reply 114 of 229
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    Originally Posted by DeaPeaJay

    Ok, isn't Apple rumored to have an Ultra Portable PC or something along the lines of microsoft's Origami project thing in the works? That would seem to make sense to me. It's the perfect size for portable movies.

    I'm thinking (or hoping) for something no more than 1/3 of an inch thick, hopefully 1/4" thick, 7" wide by 4" tall. Or around that size anyway. That you can easily carry around, like a pad of paper. The thinner the better. if it gets over 1/2 an inch, it's WAY too thick. That's what I'm hoping for anyway. Just speculating

    Ha! That would be a good one.
  • Reply 115 of 229
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich

    Apple iPad? people... iPad?! Look further up in this thread. \


    If Apple introduces their new iPad?, as a streaming mobile video pad, bigger than the speculated "real" iPod video (and nearly identical to the Sony product whose name escapes me at this moment) so that every member of the family can wander about and outside the house, and even use the built-in iChat videoconferencing to replace the old home intercom. Mom and Dad can assign "viewing allowances" for the kids and restrict their channel access, and in the meantime they can catch up on regular TV or purchased movies from the "completely new" iTunes+Movies store.

    The video/movie files would thus be larger than the current iPod videos, but still considerably smaller than HDTV quality... because they wouldn't need to be bigger.

    This would be another example of Apple creating a new market, just like they did for iPod video, where there previously was none. This also makes the studios happy because they have totally new market for product that doesn't compete with their current and upcoming formats.

    Oh, man... I just remembered the name of the Sony product... LocationFree.
  • Reply 116 of 229
    Originally Posted by dutch pear

    Airport HD - it is indeed possible, see This C|net article

    You know what they say........ "Goodie Goodie Gumdrops"

    Ahh... The olden days.


    I really want a Cinema Display with iSight, IR, and most importantly, reduced price. But that prolly aint guna happen cause they just recerntly reduced the price.

    Other than that I think the one more thing will be come sort of media box hub thingamajiggor.
  • Reply 117 of 229
    Interesting (very interesting) survey which may directly relate to the positioning of whatever media solution Apple does (or doesn't) introduce.
  • Reply 118 of 229
    Originally Posted by melgross

    They are. That's what I said above. But it's even being done with 720p broadcasts, from hi rez masters. There's only so much bandwidth in a satellite, and it comes down to number of channels (more money) or more bandwidth (happier customers, but less money). You know which wins.

    But, you see, as long people BELIEVE they are getting something special, they don't question it, and are happy.

    When the image breaks up, they think about how much worse it must be for all the other slobs who aren't using this "best" technoliogy.

    This is a problem to overcome.

    And many people can't recognize better quality when they see it.

    Only slighly off-topic response... When my cable goes out and I switch to the ancient antenna, I notice that the quality of the broadcast stations is better than with Comcast's advanced digital cable. Comcast may now be working to expunge the color from their transmitted pictures.

    More on topic... The natural market for a video download service is clearly in some flavor of real HD. Most people who could benefit from HD movies don't have a way to see them because they don't have an HD player. However, the file sizes seem to make this nearly impossible. Apple would have to send huge files that people would somehow have to store (since even fewer people have HD DVD writers) and get to their TVs. Further, most people would probably be downloading these files over lines that belong to companies that also want to sell you movies. If Apple is successful, Comcast or Verizon will be up nights figuring out how to stop them. What's more, from the studios' standpoint, a Hi-Def download business will appear to risk their newest source of revenue.

    Standard definition movies are easier technologically, but Apple would be competing in an existing market, where consumers already have all the toys, cables, and Netflix return envelopes to make other choices. Apple's download service can occupy part of that market, but I don't see this as a compelling opportunity for Apple, and the more successful it is, the less ISPs are going to like or allow it. This same skepticism could probably have been applied to the iTunes Music Store, but there I think that the technical issues are much less dominant, and I'm guessing that people are less sensitive to their AAC-128-quality music than to overcompressed video.
  • Reply 119 of 229
    dcqdcq Posts: 349member
    Originally Posted by dutch pear

    Airport HD - it is indeed possible, see This C|net article

    Not over 802.11a/b/g/n, and not using tcp/ip. As playlistmag notes, any video, even if non-HD with decent compression that is over an hour gets bogged down even on wired gigabit ethernet. It's just the nature of tcp/ip: the protocol demands accuracy and integrity of data w/o regard to time, while the media plyer demands timeliness of data. A+B=Crap.

    The only way this can happen now is if Apple's going to integrate additional hardware and some proprietary data transmission protocol into the Airport. In otherwords, not gonna happen.
  • Reply 120 of 229
    shanmugamshanmugam Posts: 1,200member
    my guess

    1. Movie related annoucement (is it enough for a Event?) so

    new iPod as well

    2. iMac 23" annoucement

    3. any (one) more thing?

    (MacBook Pro, MacBook Mac Mini may be updated in the background in the apple store)
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