Apple to update MacBook lines in time for holidays



  • Reply 41 of 199
    If this "source" claims we will see MB/P updates "sometime between now and November", then I agree that we will see new MBP's at Photokina. It just doesn't make sense to sit on them. Although, the longer Apple sits on a product, the more likely we are to get better updates. Maybe they are holding out for a shipment of 160Gb Perpendicular drives? I dunno, but I'm giving them until Photokina. I know Apple likes cloak and daggar business tactics, but I won't keep putting off a purchase just to wait for their next "one more thing..." A person could DIE waiting on Apple's next "thing".
  • Reply 42 of 199
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member
    Originally Posted by sunilraman

    Yes. Totally agree :thumbs up: 8) Sep 25 Photokina - new Aperture, updated MacBookPro to Merom and 8x double-layer SuperDrive across the line.


    (remember, this is not MOSR).

    Originally Posted by sunilraman

    MacBooks fill in around November update to Merom, as Apple continues to fill back-to-school and other pent-up demand.

    Quite probable.
  • Reply 43 of 199
    Originally Posted by WhetWurm

    A person could DIE waiting on Apple's next "thing".

    Hallelujah Brotha...!!! Testify!!! Hello, my name is SunilRaman <crowd says "hello sunilraman"> ... I've been clean for about a year now, haven't made an Apple purchase in the past 12 months. Some days, it's real real hard. But then I think about my sweet 6600GT in my AMD64 in my closet in a country far away, and make as many silly posts as possible on AppleInsider, and... and that keeps the Apple itch at bay. I hope to ride out another 6 months without buying an Apple product. I mean, I'm loading these 56kbps AAC tracks onto my 32mb SonyEricssonV600i* - wooo iPod Phone for me - wooooooooo..... *clears throat*. Yeah. Once could DIE hanging on Apple's next thing. Particularly when you can't upgrade the GPU. It's all about the GPU. Damn you Apple...!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!one!!! Reducing myself to 56kbps for godssakes!!!!

    *It's new, my birthday present w00t! My T630 took a soak in the laundry tub for 5-10minutes. Disassembled it, dried it, assembled, no worky. Left parts in tray for 2 days. Reassembled it. Now worky. Now spare phone for me/ parents.
  • Reply 44 of 199
    Originally Posted by PB

    ...CONFIRMED...Quite probable...

    I like it when people agree with me. Nah, seriously, looks like there will be a hardware update at Photokina. With all this, wow, Macworld SF 2007 January is gonna be HUGE.
  • Reply 45 of 199
    The store will go down today at 8:00 A.M. ET. For what I don't know, but every time that Order Status page is down the night before a Tuesday, it's usually because Apple will be updating a product the next morning.
  • Reply 46 of 199
    Originally Posted by DHagan4755

    The store will go down today at 8:00 A.M. ET. For what I don't know, but every time that Order Status page is down the night before a Tuesday, it's usually because Apple will be updating a product the next morning.

    30minutes then. I'll chill and fire up a bit of 24 Season 5. Episode 19... cool I'll check back soon.

    Good morning NEW YORKers! and EastCoast Peoples... and Europe peoples...!
  • Reply 47 of 199
    Originally Posted by DHagan4755

    The store will go down today at 8:00 A.M. ET. For what I don't know, but every time that Order Status page is down the night before a Tuesday, it's usually because Apple will be updating a product the next morning.

    8:06 ET AppleStore still up
  • Reply 48 of 199
    Yeah, it's a real bummer. Typically in the past, like I have said, the Order Status site on Apple's Store doesn't work imminently priort to product updates. I guess they still have about 51 minutes to do something!
  • Reply 49 of 199
    Well I see that Order Status is back working, so it looks like business as usual. We now return you to our regularly scheduled programming...
  • Reply 50 of 199
    46 mintues ... are we going to hv one count down for every tuesday
  • Reply 51 of 199
    Heh. I'm going to sleep. It was a bit of fun, anyways...
  • Reply 52 of 199
    I doubt it means anything, but I ordered a souped up Macbook for work on the 15th, and it said that it wouldn't ship until the 26th...
  • Reply 53 of 199
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by WhetWurm

    know Apple likes cloak and daggar business tactics, but I won't keep putting off a purchase just to wait for their next "one more thing..." A person could DIE waiting on Apple's next "thing".

    If you have to have it now, that's fine, but a little bit of waiting does make sense if you know there is a press event, Apple-attended trade show or WWDC coming shortly. It's often possible to deduce the products likely to be updated at the next event if you pick up the cues. You won't be 100% accurate, but I think it's worth waiting a couple weeks if you want the type of product that's likely to be updated. Even if you are only 20% accurate, waiting can be worth it. Sometimes I couldn't wait. A couple months ago, I lost my nano and bought a 1GB model to replace it. I knew that there was probably going to be an update this fall, but I couldn't go without for that long.
  • Reply 54 of 199
    I know the whole subject of the black MacBook beingto expensive has been beat to death.

    Putting a Core2Duo in just the black Mac Book and the Mac Book Pros would help to justify the cost difference.
  • Reply 55 of 199
    Originally Posted by JeffDM

    If you have to have it now, that's fine, but a little bit of waiting does make sense if you know there is a press event, Apple-attended trade show or WWDC coming shortly. It's often possible to deduce the products likely to be updated at the next event if you pick up the cues. You won't be 100% accurate, but I think it's worth waiting a couple weeks if you want the type of product that's likely to be updated. Even if you are only 20% accurate, waiting can be worth it. Sometimes I couldn't wait. A couple months ago, I lost my nano and bought a 1GB model to replace it. I knew that there was probably going to be an update this fall, but I couldn't go without for that long.

    Yeah, my purchase isn't critical, which is why I'm waiting. I've been waiting since WWDC (not that long ago... i know ) and I can wait some more. I just get irritated about Apple's odd business practices. Then again, I should be thankful because new toys are almost always available IMMEDIATELY. No waiting once they are confirmed!

    I'll live without it for now. And I'll wait until Photokina's event surprise. Only 1 week togo anyway!
  • Reply 56 of 199
    I think the Mac Book line delays may have more to do with 802.11n than anything else.

    We know the upcoming iTV device will be using 802.11n, so shouldn't Apple be introducing other hardware based on 802.11n as well?
  • Reply 57 of 199
    Originally Posted by macman2790

    Mac: Hello, I'm a Mac

    PC: And I'm a Pc. I feel good today, like some kind of speed increase.

    Mac: Well, I feel like that everyday since apple is always has the latest technology in all of its product lines.

    PC: I just made this cool new app for vista in visual studio 2005. I'll just email it to you.

    Mac: OK I'll just open vista in parallels and run it. What's this? How come my computer won't recognize it?

    PC: You didn't get the refresh?

    Mac: What refresh? I have a dual core processor.

    Pc: OH theres this new processor called core 2 duo which is 64-bit. You can create and run 64-bit apps which must be why you couldn't open the new 64-bit app that i sent you.

    Mac: Well I have to go to sleep, my computers running a little hot right now.

    Pc: Well core 2 duo is better with things like that.


    PC: Well looks like i beat you at your own game. Must've been one of those Macbook Pros.

    Since the Mac guy already looks a bit scruffy, maybe he could be shown taking crystal meth.
  • Reply 58 of 199
    crap, i ordered my blackbook with a gig of ram 2 weeks ago and it ships out the 21st and i get it the 26th. Should i cancel the order and wait or should i just let my blackbook come? Idk what to do lol... im going to be pissed if i get it and it updates or i dont get it and it doesnt update and i have to wait another month for delivery!!
  • Reply 59 of 199
    Originally Posted by Johnny Mozzarella

    I think the Mac Book line delays may have more to do with 802.11n than anything else.

    We know the upcoming iTV device will be using 802.11n, so shouldn't Apple be introducing other hardware based on 802.11n as well?

    No it won't, since there are no .11n. It may however be built on pre-n or draft-n hardware, none which are guaranteed to be compliant with the final .11n spec.

    I absolutely hate this "everything should be .11n now" mentality. Not much better than using proprietary technologies IMO.
  • Reply 60 of 199
    It's 5:30am, just got woken up by the birds even though it's still dark outside. Spring starting here in Austraylieer.

    Inspiration Prediction: Merom chips as scheduled, I won't pick speeds at this stage. FW800 standard across the line. MacBookPro Aluminium stays. 8x DualLayer DVD burning across the line. RAM bump as follows: 15" base gets 1GB (2x512mb), 15" next gets 1GB (1x1GB), 17" gets 2GB (2x1GB). 4GB RAM is max now, across the line. GPU bumps as follows: Still X1600mobility, but VRAM as follows: 256, 512, 512 respectively. HDD bump ups accordingly (100gb, 100gb, 120gb), with 17" getting 7200rpm 12gb standard. 15" remains 5400rpm standard.

    Phil Schiller at Photokina: "With these new updates, we have one of the most stunning mobile platforms ever for photo and video proffessionals. By harnessing the power of OS X and technologies such as Core Image in Aperture and Final Cut Studio, pros will have the best tools available to come up with their best work ever..."
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