Prudential: iPhone to sport Click-Wheel; video iPod by Q2



  • Reply 41 of 63
    here is a picture of the iPhone design that confirms about the click wheel, as of filed by Apple last week:
  • Reply 42 of 63
    picture of the inside of the iPhone
  • Reply 43 of 63
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,577member
    Originally Posted by chromos

    Oo, you're right, forgot about those times. Well then, how about a very good subvocalization sensor?

    That always works great in sci fi novels, but have you tried it at home?
  • Reply 44 of 63
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by themacthinker

    here is a picture of the iPhone design that confirms about the click wheel, as of filed by Apple last week:

    I don't really understand what you mean. That looks to be a 1G iPod Nano.
  • Reply 45 of 63
    Originally Posted by themacthinker

    here is a picture of the iPhone design that confirms about the click wheel, as of filed by Apple last week:

    that was reported on AI last week. it was a patent for new ceramic zerconia covers that are invisible to radio. not the iphone

    and as far as a key pad goes i really would not be suprised if apple whips out an old rotary interface. when you want to dial a picture of an old rotary phone comes up and you use the scroll wheel to dial the number. doesnt really explain the texting though.
  • Reply 46 of 63
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    You mean you can't scroll quickly through a list of 80 items with a scroll wheel and find the one you want? (26 * 2 + 10 + 16 punc)

    I still say that a predictive input + scrolling would be slick.

    Ooooooh.... what do you wanna bet that you can scroll through a 10-15k dictionary *REALLY* quickly, especially if it's hierarchically displayed? Don't enter letters, enter *words*. Fallback to raw letters when necessary.

    Something like:





    P <----- *click*






    Now only shows letter combos for words in the dictionary that start with P:





    Pi <----- *click*









    Pig <---- *click*





    At some point, the number of words left is small enough to just show all of them - no need to do every letter... for instance, shows just 73 words that start with 'pig':





    Pigged <---- *click*





    Pig takes four clicks. So does pigheadedness.

    Yeah? Yeah? I'm digging it. Might start to fight back against txtmsgspk lol

    Non-word letter combos could be pushed to the bottom of the list as least likely. Heck, the whole list could be presented with the most likely combo already selected, and the rest of the list sorted predictively.
  • Reply 47 of 63
    Originally Posted by BlackSummerNight

    It took Blackberry years to perfect their smartphone. MS is just getting the hang of it.

    there have been some hilarious things said on this forum in the last eleven months
  • Reply 48 of 63
    jupiteronejupiterone Posts: 1,564member
    Originally Posted by Kickaha

    You mean you can't scroll quickly through a list of 80 items with a scroll wheel and find the one you want? (26 * 2 + 10 + 16 punc)

    I still say that a predictive input + scrolling would be slick.

    Ooooooh.... what do you wanna bet that you can scroll through a 10-15k dictionary *REALLY* quickly, especially if it's hierarchically displayed? Don't enter letters, enter *words*. Fallback to raw letters when necessary.

    Something like:





    P <----- *click*






    Now only shows letter combos for words in the dictionary that start with P:





    Pi <----- *click*









    Pig <---- *click*





    At some point, the number of words left is small enough to just show all of them - no need to do every letter... for instance, shows just 73 words that start with 'pig':





    Pigged <---- *click*





    Pig takes four clicks. So does pigheadedness.

    Yeah? Yeah? I'm digging it. Might start to fight back against txtmsgspk lol

    Non-word letter combos could be pushed to the bottom of the list as least likely. Heck, the whole list could be presented with the most likely combo already selected, and the rest of the list sorted predictively.

    Yikes, that would be a nightmare. It's not so much how many clicks it takes that matters, it's how long it takes you to do those 4 clicks. And what if the word you're trying to type out is not in the dictionary? No, give me a full size keyboard please.
  • Reply 49 of 63
    Originally Posted by Ireland

    The Razr is about as cutting edge as a spud.

    mmm... i thought of Boxtie but i dont think they'd get it
  • Reply 50 of 63
    Originally Posted by 1984

    It takes that long to get production going? Sorry, I don't buy it. They don't know didly.

    maybe they were thinking about Sonys PS3 production timetable

    if i set myself up as an analyst, would i get paid for saying everyone at Apple would be having a dump over the next 3 months.. and it would SMELL...ok so the first bit i made up and the second bit is a rumour
  • Reply 51 of 63
    Originally Posted by solipsism

    You really didn't get the recognition you deserved for the Mayor Quimby post, I found it quite funny. I've never seen so many repitious posts about the iPhone on AI.

    yeah you need to do the accent of Quimby in your head to get it fully..

    as to repetitive posts... you havent been here long ... if you wanna see REALLY repetitive, try the HD-DVD Vs Blu Ray thread
  • Reply 52 of 63
    Originally Posted by Ireland

    Maybe the guy who did the morse code could read faster.

    well judging by some of the texts i have gotten from "yoofs" id say READING skills were lacking

    f U no wot i men
  • Reply 53 of 63
    jupiteronejupiterone Posts: 1,564member
    I *totally* did that accent in my head when I read that. I'm glad someone gave him props for doing it.

    And yeah, that and the "Isn't it time for a plain old Macintosh again"? thread just refuse to die.
  • Reply 54 of 63
    i DO like the "Pigheadedness" idea although it remains to be seen how it would feel to use, the IDEA is sound enough... except that my sister and her friends turn OFF predictive text!

    i used an "ordinary" mobile last night and i struggled to re-learn typing things into it.. ive been using a SE p800 for about 4 years now, ive had 2 (1st one was stolen) and at one point i lost the button/key pad flap so had to navigate with only the stylus, and i got by its now my preferred form of navigation... although i think the Nintendo DS has an added influence there as well

    to me a touch screen is, therfore a "must" but i wouldnt mind re-learning to use predictive text... but ony on buttons, i also used an LG chocolate phone and its touch sensitive buttons were VERY horrible to use, its owner wasnt pleased with it either.

    how did we ever function without them?
  • Reply 55 of 63
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Originally Posted by JupiterOne

    Yikes, that would be a nightmare. It's not so much how many clicks it takes that matters, it's how long it takes you to do those 4 clicks. And what if the word you're trying to type out is not in the dictionary? No, give me a full size keyboard please.

    No, no, this isn't to replace the keyboard. (Full size? What, you want the phone to be 10" long? ) This is strictly to replace the idiotic numeric keypad text entry, which is already so damned slow as to be basically unusable nlss ur wllng 2 lk stpd. ie, how to use the click-wheel to most efficiently enter text *assuming* no numeric keypad, and no keyboard. I think the above would be quite doable.

    Obviously, if a slide-out keyboard is doable, heck yes use that.

    Also, as I said, non-dictionary combos (and non-already-used-by-user... aha! it learns!) would be at the bottom of the list. Still accessible, just not as common, so not as prominently placed.
  • Reply 56 of 63
    jupiteronejupiterone Posts: 1,564member
    OK, yes, full-SIZED was the wrong word. I meant a full qwerty keyboard, like me precious Nokia 6820. I don't care if it slides out, flips up or folds open, I just don't want to use the number pad for typing which is y i get mgs lk this prolly.
  • Reply 57 of 63
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Yeah, me either - and I think the click wheel *could* prove to be better at text input than a numeric keypad. Obviously, it's speculation, but I like the idea.
  • Reply 58 of 63
    Originally Posted by TenoBell

    Both of these statements are true.

    Apple has shown a knack for doing things in a way that are difficult for other companies to replicate. Five years later still no one has made a device that can compete with the iPod.

    Apple's corporate culture is different from everyone else. Apple does not release a device purely for profit. Palm and Blackberry will release what they have and improve on it as they go along.

    Of course Apple has made many prototype versions of its own phone in the lab. Apple has not released any of the sub-par designs. They won't launch a product until they feel they have it just right.

    Have you looked at the iPod HIFI? That design should have been killed. Or, how about the Newton. Apple has had its fair share of false-starts, like all good companies taking chances.

    Regardless, I think the iPhone will be a good addition to Apple's stable of products.
  • Reply 59 of 63
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,577member
    Originally Posted by JupiterOne

    Yikes, that would be a nightmare. It's not so much how many clicks it takes that matters, it's how long it takes you to do those 4 clicks. And what if the word you're trying to type out is not in the dictionary? No, give me a full size keyboard please.

    You have to understand that his name isn't actually Kickaha.

    It's Klickaha.
  • Reply 60 of 63
    Originally Posted by cwoloszynski

    Have you looked at the iPod HIFI? That design should have been killed.

    I originally agreed with this opinion, but if it adds incremental revenue for Apple, why fight it?
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