Cisco introduces "iPhone" family of devices



  • Reply 41 of 93
    Originally Posted by caliminius

    Wilco, I just have to ask: Are you 12 years old or just utterly immature? (Also, my apologies to any 12 year-olds who might be reading this but I think you get my point).

    Your brown zune/poo schtick was funny for about half a second the first time. Now it's just tiresome. Move on already!

    He's really the guy on Ain't It Cool News who always squeezes in the "Hulk Hogan", "Sexy Tomboy Beanpole", or "Damn You, Michael Bay" comment.
  • Reply 42 of 93
    lantznlantzn Posts: 240member
    They could just call it iScream for all those idiots who think it's OK for everyone in the crowd to listen to their cell phone conversation. Shuddup already, we don't care!

    I wish Apple would just release the phone/ipod combo as the iChat and with it release the iChatAV software for Windows also. They would sell a ton of phones like they did with the iPod when it was released with iTunes for Windows. This would also finally give us the opportunity to have chat av with our fellow PC users.
  • Reply 43 of 93
    Originally Posted by caliminius

    Wilco, I just have to ask: Are you 12 years old or just utterly immature? (Also, my apologies to any 12 year-olds who might be reading this but I think you get my point).

    Your brown zune/poo schtick was funny for about half a second the first time. Now it's just tiresome. Move on already!

    It's probably the most tiresome post-count-padding I've seen.

    From this point on, I'll be deleting any further posts like that.
  • Reply 44 of 93
    this thing isn't the iPhone, it's the penisPhone. take a second look at the keypad and you'll agree.
  • Reply 45 of 93
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    Originally Posted by caliminius

    Wilco, I just have to ask: Are you 12 years old or just utterly immature? (Also, my apologies to any 12 year-olds who might be reading this but I think you get my point).

    Your brown zune/poo schtick was funny for about half a second the first time. Now it's just tiresome. Move on already!

    Now it's funny again....
  • Reply 46 of 93
    idleidle Posts: 49member
    I'm putting my money on "iPod gabber" - easy and fun to say. Well, kind of.
  • Reply 47 of 93
    Originally Posted by Idle

    I'm putting my money on "iPod gabber" - easy and fun to say. Well, kind of.

    Those would be the most annoying ringtones ever.

    Check Wikipedia for 'gabber', if you have no idea what I mean.
  • Reply 48 of 93
    Originally Posted by addabox

    Cell Phone iPod = CephaloPod!

    The new Apple CephaloPod: Be the Squid?

    I love it. That post made me smile. Thanks.
  • Reply 49 of 93
    mr omr o Posts: 1,046member
    iPod + iPhone = iPhod

    Just wanna hear Jobs saying this on the next expo!: "Today we have the iPod and iPhod!"
  • Reply 50 of 93
    How 'bout the iPancho, since the iCisco is already made.

    Or maybe the iPod-a-palooza.

  • Reply 51 of 93
    tinktink Posts: 395member
    The "iTalk Stock Pop"
  • Reply 52 of 93
    How about MacPocket or PocketMac?

    But that is just if they fill my dream off a uber PDA, phone, iPod, camera, games, video, internet, e-mail, calculator device.

    I am pretty pissed at them now, and plan to boycott them, just for stealing the name.
  • Reply 53 of 93
    rolorolo Posts: 686member
    Whatever Apple comes up with for a name, it'll have iPod as its first name.


    iPod nano

    iPod shuffle

    iPod mobil, cell, phone, talk, phone home, whatever.

    I really like this guy's article: Welcome to cellular 2.0
  • Reply 54 of 93
  • Reply 55 of 93
    Originally Posted by wilco

    The Zune is brown!!!1 Like poo!!!11!

    damnit i laugh every time
  • Reply 56 of 93
    iPod Phono

    or El iPodo Telefono
  • Reply 57 of 93
    satchmosatchmo Posts: 2,699member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips

    And a long shot on a Treky name: "Pass me my iCommunicator Scotty ..." 8)

    or maybe iTalk or iCall ... but my personal favorite, iCom

    iTalk sounds good and to the point. Although I'm tired of the whole "i" thing, it unfortunately is in the Apple lexicon for good.
  • Reply 58 of 93
    Just fyi...there is no Apple phone. All of the hype and speculation around a product that doesn't exist (yet) is crazy.

    And using the name iPhone when Cisco has the trademark...too funny.
  • Reply 59 of 93
    How bout the:

    iPod Chat

    (my 1st post, go easy on me)
  • Reply 60 of 93
    mcdavemcdave Posts: 1,927member
    Originally Posted by DeaPeaJay

    I like iPod Communicator. And I agree, I don't think that it will have "phone" in the title at all.

    Didn't they trademark iChat Mobile?

    was it Mobile Me ?



    iMissed-your-call-must-be-bad-reception (gypsy's stole the Zirconium casing to make cheap jewellery)
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