Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 481 of 4650
    northgatenorthgate Posts: 4,461member
    Christ people! The disc itself HAS NO BEARING WHATSOEVER ON PICTURE QUALITY!

    It's the codec and the bit-rate!
  • Reply 482 of 4650
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Honestly, I wouldn't know how long the demand would sustain for Wii. I'm not much of a gaming console fan. I do my gaming on a pc. However, I do have couple of co-workers who had promised their kids to get Wii for X-mas and still unable to find one. One guy used to wait in line prior to store (BB, target and walmart) opening on the way to work, but he still hadn't found one, yet.

    On that note, I've seen PS3's on the store shelves which I was very close to picking up 60GB one. There aren't BD exclusive movies that is worth the PS3 price yet. Maybe in May for June,....but I can barely keep up with HD-DVD releases in the states....or some BD exclusives are availabe in europe or asia as HD-DVD with improved PQ in VC-1 codec.

    There are like 30 Wii's at the target by me. I just saw them yesterday and today. I had to go back twice because I forgot to get an HDMI cable on my first trip, and they were still all there.
  • Reply 483 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    There aren't BD exclusive movies that is worth the PS3 price yet. Maybe in May for June,....but I can barely keep up with HD-DVD releases in the states....or some BD exclusives are availabe in europe or asia as HD-DVD with improved PQ in VC-1 codec.

    Like Pirates 1 and 2 that looks to be slated for May? And Cars. These exclusive are certainly going to sell TONS.

    VC-1 != improved PQ. Just means it takes up less space.
  • Reply 484 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Like Pirates 1 and 2 that looks to be slated for May? And Cars. These exclusive are certainly going to sell TONS.

    VC-1 != improved PQ. Just means it takes up less space.

    LOL...... it is still far away from now, May or June, is enough time for a studio to announce neutral support on the format as well. I actually had applied for Sony credit card with $150 credit offer on the first purchase which the offer expires by end of April, I think. I was going to use the Sony credit card for the PS3, but I may actually use it for getting the 2nd gen Toshiba HD-XA2 instead. I have until end of April to decide, which is very long time.
  • Reply 485 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Northgate View Post

    Christ people! The disc itself HAS NO BEARING WHATSOEVER ON PICTURE QUALITY!

    It's the codec and the bit-rate!

    Not entirely true. You can have the best or most advanced codec with highest bit-rate of a crappy transfer and the PQ will be crappy.

    For best PQ, you need to start with good transfer with appropriate bit-rate per codec, since MPEG2 will require higher bit-rate to match MPEG4.
  • Reply 486 of 4650
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by Northgate View Post

    Christ people! The disc itself HAS NO BEARING WHATSOEVER ON PICTURE QUALITY!

    It's the codec and the bit-rate!

    Well...unless the disc precludes the bit-rate for your codec...

  • Reply 487 of 4650
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member
    Interesting how this thread first descended into a Console War, and then into techo-geekery that consumers don't give a damn about.

    Shit, some of you guys actually think the best quality format will win!
  • Reply 488 of 4650
    northgatenorthgate Posts: 4,461member
    Kinda like we think the best person should win the presidency. Doesn't always happen.

    But the notion that one disc format is superior to the other based on a single picture quality review is absolutely disingenuous, bordering intellectual dishonesty.

    I don't know how many times HMurchison has demonstrated that compression algorithms and the quality of those encodes is what determines the best results. The encoded movie, at that point, doesn't give a shit which disc medium its burned on.
  • Reply 489 of 4650
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    I peeked in AVS for the first time in a while and for amusement went to the BR/HD-DVD forums.

    Um...did I miss something here (not that I'm watching all that closely) but there were a couple threads crowing about how blu-ray pulled ahead on dvdwars over there which I guess is old news?

  • Reply 490 of 4650
    robmrobm Posts: 1,068member
    Shoot - there's soooo much spin out there, it's not funny.

    Sony boiz trumpeting - the other mob chest beating.

    Check out the film/broadcast camera wars going on at the mom, if you've got time. There is a whole other battle - acquisition capture formats.

    I feel Sony maybe about to fall on it's own sword at the end of all this, capture and delivery. $0.02c
  • Reply 491 of 4650
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    I peeked in AVS for the first time in a while and for amusement went to the BR/HD-DVD forums.

    Um...did I miss something here (not that I'm watching all that closely) but there were a couple threads crowing about how blu-ray pulled ahead on dvdwars over there which I guess is old news?


    Yes it looks like BR has pulled ahead at amazon in almost every category.

    Most importantly

    Sales-rank of top 10 products:

    BR = 466.5

    HD-DVD =628.2

    # in top 1,000:

    BR = 12

    HD-DVD = 10

    # in top 10,000:

    BR= 134

    HD-DVD = 101

    (obviously Amazon sales ranks don't necessarily have anything to with everywhere else)

    #1 Product: sales rank.

    BR= #71

    HD = #47

    #2 Product:

    BR= #255

    HD = #400

    #3 Product:

    BR= 277

    HD = 466

    #4 Product:

    BR= 291

    HD = 542

    #5 Product:

    BR= 464

    HD = 732

    #6 Product:

    BR= 469

    HD = 746

    #7 Product:

    BR= 596

    HD = 760
  • Reply 492 of 4650
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Heh...I think that dvdwars and amazon sales rankings still prove very little but its amusing.

    The follies of pumping a singular questionable statistic to support your case. When it goes the opposite way what can you say then? Ooops?

  • Reply 493 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    If you have been following or when you look at the historical trending, it just bounces back and forth for the lead during the period of last month. Either case, I'm very surprised to see BD sales still sustaining such level on the Amazon rankings. I still feel that the hike of BD movie sales is a momentary spike due to PS3 rush, which includes many one time BD movie buyers, but time will tell. We'll see how things will turn out when new HD-DVD movie titles are announced with release dates... all 300+ of them. Actually, I'm kind of curious to see how things would look once the prOn starts rolling on HD-DVD some time in April time frame.

    BTW, if the BD movie sales numbers are a real trend instead of a spike, I wonder what this means for Sony. Too many PS3 being sold as BD player can't be all that good.
  • Reply 494 of 4650
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    I doubt there are many "pure PS3 BD players" out there. Some people may decide to pick one up because it's cheaper than other Blu-ray players, but if you have it, you're likely to give it a try as a game console, if only with a title or two.
  • Reply 495 of 4650
    carniphagecarniphage Posts: 1,984member
    This discussion reminds me of...

    "Which is the better snack? Dog-Shit or Human-Shit?

  • Reply 496 of 4650
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member
    Originally Posted by Carniphage View Post

    This discussion reminds me of...

    "Which is the better snack? Dog-Shit or Human-Shit?


    You're a shit eater?

  • Reply 497 of 4650

    BTW, if the BD movie sales numbers are a real trend instead of a spike, I wonder what this means for Sony. Too many PS3 being sold as BD player can't be all that good.

    It's interesting reading the B-R board on AVSforum. Several non-gamers have commented that they bought the PS3 strictly as a B-R player but decided to give the game demos a try and ended up buying a game or two. So it looks like the PS3 has the potential to draw people both into B-R and gaming.

    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    I doubt there are many "pure PS3 BD players" out there. Some people may decide to pick one up because it's cheaper than other Blu-ray players, but if you have it, you're likely to give it a try as a game console, if only with a title or two.

    In a now completed B-R player ownership poll on AVSforum with between 600 and 700 people responding, the player of choice at 68% was the PS3. It definitely is the cheapest entry into B-R.
  • Reply 498 of 4650
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    You're a shit eater?

    Nope, and I ain't lapping-up this blu-vd crap neither.

    Or put more precisely....

    Neither format can succeed in the same way as DVD did. Because the purchase of physical media, and hardware to play it is not what the market wants at all.

    Customers are willing to pay for content, but are not interested in paying for the distribution mechanism, because distribution is uninteresting. It's irrelevant. For a mass-market, the distribution mechanism has to be low-investment, low-risk and ideally invisible.

    The next-gen DVDs are the precise opposite; an expensive, risky investment based on out-dated ideas, with inconvenient usage models, and customer-hostile usage restrictions.

    The iPod lesson is clear; the public want music, not discs.

    When you buy potatoes, you don't care which type of truck delivered them.

    So which kind of shit is best?

  • Reply 499 of 4650
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member


    Too many PS3 being sold as BD player can't be all that good.

    Huh? Why is that not good? (not that I think it's really happening).
  • Reply 500 of 4650
    From an ars article:


    According to Adams Media Research, roughly 425,000 of the 695,000 next-gen players sold recently are Blu-ray players?about 61 percent of units in the wild. Comparatively, HD DVD accounts for 270,000 units, or roughly 39 percent. Presented this way, Blu-ray looks to have a significant lead.

    Yet only 25,000 of those Blu-ray players were purchased as standalone units (that is, dedicated Blu-ray players), with the other 400,000 coming in the form of the Sony PS3. The big question here is whether or not PS3 purchases are signs of consumer interest in Blu-ray, per se. Compare this situation to HD DVD: 120,000 units were purchased as standalone players, with another 150,000 units coming in the form of HD DVD upgrade kits on Xbox 360s. (The Xbox 360 does not come with HD DVD, but a $200 HD DVD addon appeared on the market shortly before the 2006 holiday season.)

    So it looks like without the PS3, blu-ray would be dead in the water. So things are really tight right now. It will be interesting to see if more stand alone blu-ray players start selling, or what the "true" blu-ray movie attachment rate to the PS3 is. It will also be interesting to see if the new hd dvd standalone units continue to sell well, along with the 360 addon. What I would love to see is the movie sales figures. How many HD DVDs were sold in Nov/Dec of 2006 vs Blu-Ray movies.

    Also, in case anyone here knows, what is up with certain titles (like Equilibrium) coming out in the asian markets for HD DVD, but not here? With no region coding, it seems sort of silly for a studio to do that. I have read of tons of people over at AVS ordering these "asian import" hd dvds, and they work just fine (most places were selling out, not able to produce enough of the movies). The studios should see this, and start printing them over here!
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