Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 541 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    HD DVD Promotions Group Touts Spielberg Classics 'Jaws,' 'Jurassic,' 'E.T.'
  • Reply 542 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Finally: VideoScan Releases High-Def Disc Sales Numbers


    After over six months of head-to-head combat, we finally have an all-inclusive independent yardstick against which to compare Blu-ray and HD DVD disc sales, thanks to the first public release of sales numbers from Neilsen VideoScan.

    Neilsen VideoScan is home entertainment industry's leading source for competitive sales info, tracking point-of-sale data from all channels of video distribution including mass merchants, audio/video retailers, electronics outlets, grocery stores, drug stores, and internet sites.

    And while the numbers are still not quite as crispy as we'd like (you won't find any hard sales figures here -- only an index of how each format is faring against the other), they do suggest some trending that's likely to be music to the ears of Blu-ray supporters.

    According to VideoScan, during the first two weeks of January, Blu-ray discs outsold HD DVD by more than a 2:1 margin. It should be noted that the two weeks in question saw only two new high-def disc releases -- both from Blu-ray ('The Covenant' on Jan 2, and 'Crank' on Jan 9).

    More interestingly, VideoScan's numbers indicate that during the seven days between Jan 7 and Jan 14, Blu-ray managed to close the gap with HD DVD by over seven percentage points, suggesting that if the current trend continues, the two formats could be at disc sales parity within weeks.

    The sales charts, which first appeared in the industry trade Home Media Magazine are reproduced below:

    The release of this VideoScan data follows months of speculation and conjecture on both sides of the fence. While format boosters have released sales figures for hardware, the studios have held high-def disc sales numbers close to their vests, leaving fans to parse Amazon sales charts and analyst reports in search of some sense of who's "winning" the format war.

    With the anticipated continued weekly release of these numbers, supporters of both formats should have a somewhat more definitive yardstick against which to measure their format's disc sales prowess. As always, stay tuned...

    No way to spin this one folks, Blu-ray is on the rise and will indeed surpass HD DVD total sales shortly (YTD and in a very short period of time I might add)--with the PS3s launch in Europe, 2nd gen Blu-ray players from Sony, Samsung, Pioneer, Philips, and Panasonic on the horizon, the release of Pirates I and II, Cars, Da Vinci Code, Spiderman I, II, and III, etc., along with the plethora of other exclusive blockbusters from Fox, Disney, Sony, Lionsgate, and MGM, the fall of HD DVD is inevitable.
  • Reply 543 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    ^^^Times tou unpimpz HD DVD

    Oh snap! Blu-ray engineering ind da house! B-dub representin deutchland...out!
  • Reply 544 of 4650
    carniphagecarniphage Posts: 1,984member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    The release of Pirates I and II, Cars, Da Vinci Code, Spiderman I, II, and III, etc., along with the plethora of other exclusive blockbusters from Fox, Disney, Sony, Lionsgate, and MGM, the fall of HD DVD is inevitable.

    Does no one think that with the appearance of Warner's flipper combo format. And with the Porn Industry's formal backing for HD-DVD. The war is like totally over?

  • Reply 545 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by Carniphage View Post

    Does no one think that with the appearance of Warner's flipper combo format. And with the Porn Industry's formal backing for HD-DVD. The war is like totally over?


    Porn will play a part in the format war, but I'm afraid at a much lesser extent than the Betamax/VHS days seeing how porn is readily available on the Internet. Furthermore, there is no "formal backing for HD DVD" in the case of porn. We've been over this, and it has been stated multiple times that porn is currently on Blu-ray, and more releases are to follow. Any speculation as to Sony threatening replicators of suspended BDA licenses has been unfounded and proven to be the FUD at which it had appeared to be from the beginning. Make no mistake, porn is already on Blu-ray and more is on the way.

    In regards to Warner's flipper combo format, I simply don't think it will take off. Who likes flipper discs anyway? Historically, they haven't been welcomed by the general population with open arms either. To me, if and when the sales trends in favor of Blu-ray continue, the flipper disc will be a great vaporware idea from Warner, but in reality, I think the execution of such is misplaced, not necessary, and in my opinion, a bad idea.
  • Reply 546 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Finally: VideoScan Releases High-Def Disc Sales Numbers

    No way to spin this one folks, Blu-ray is on the rise and will indeed surpass HD DVD total sales shortly (YTD and in a very short period of time I might add)--with the PS3s launch in Europe, 2nd gen Blu-ray players from Sony, Samsung, Pioneer, Philips, and Panasonic on the horizon, the release of Pirates I and II, Cars, Da Vinci Code, Spiderman I, II, and III, etc., along with the plethora of other exclusive blockbusters from Fox, Disney, Sony, Lionsgate, and MGM, the fall of HD DVD is inevitable.

    At current rate of BD showing all the cards in the begining of the year... the sales better be better than the competition. However, how soon will BD go out of steam?.... What's going to happen after Cars, Pirates, Spiderman comes out on the 1st half of the year? At the decreasing rate of PS3 sales and also lack of sales on CE standalone BD player units, it just looks like a big spike prior to a great fall. There are more months ahead and showing all the cards this early is only a flash of light that people will soon forget. Currently, BD's feeding on new PS3 buyers buying one game and couple of BD movies to check out the HD fuss with their new PS3..... but that will end there.
  • Reply 547 of 4650
    guarthoguartho Posts: 1,208member
    Unless they're actually impressed by the HD fuss and continue to by BD movies.
  • Reply 548 of 4650
    I notice that the report specifically indicates "blu-ray discs". Is it known for sure that the report omits PS3 game discs? Cause that would change things considerably. Just wondering.
  • Reply 549 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Even Better...

  • Reply 550 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Or is this more appropriate...

  • Reply 551 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    The War Is Over: Blu-ray Outselling HD DVD


    I’m a man of some intelligence and I certainly know when a silly electronics war is over. So when I read up on these stats regarding Blu-ray and HD DVD sales, I knew the format war was won. As an avid fan of the color blue for the past 15 years, I had a hunch Blu-ray was going to win hands down. I mean, HD DVD doesn’t even have a color in it’s name. How are you supposed to distinguish between the two? In America, we have red, white, and blue—not red, white, and HD DVD.

    According to Niesen VideoScan, Blu-ray was gaining on HD DVD throughout 2006. For every 92 Blu-ray discs sold, 100 HD DVD discs found their way into homes, putting Blu-ray behind, but barely.

    Now that we’re in 2007, Blu-ray has caught up to the “other” format and is now outselling HD DVD more than 2 to 1. The reason why? Obviously, the greatest console ever, the Playstation 3. Not only did Sony play a crucial role in giving Blu-ray a boost, but they did it at an affordable price. Sure Microsoft’s Xbox 360 might have that silly HD DVD add-on, but who wants to drop $200 on a plastic enclosure that sits outside your console? Not a sane person, that’s for sure.

    Lastly, there are also the films. Titles like Saw II and Open Season probably should have tied each other for “Best Picture” at the Oscars, but for now, I’ll let it slide. With groundbreaking titles like these, it’s no wonder why Sony’s Blu-ray has pulled ahead so far while leaving HD DVD in the dust. I mean, just look at the competitor’s titles! Brokeback Mountain? Liar Liar? I suppose if you’re into playing games of naked Twister with Jim Carey on your TV, HD DVD gets the job done just fine. As for me, I don’t settle for “just fine,” so I’ll see you and your PS3 at the local Movie Mart while I pick up some new Blu-ray discs

    Interesting, while I wouldn't go so far as the title proclaims, I would venture to say that it is well on its way to being over with Blu-ray as victor. The industry and obviously more consumers, are on its side.
  • Reply 552 of 4650
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    HD DVD is certainly at a content disadvantage but they have enough exclusives and large studios to weather the storm and if they can deliver 2 million HD DVD players worldwide then the content issue because more complex. Does Disney/Fox/LGF want to ignore 2 million players? Does Universal want to ignore 6 million potential players?

    Not that chestnut again. How many billions of VCRs are there out there today? And yet an amazing number of recent movies have not been released on VHS, including Cars, King Kong, X-Men: The Last Stand, Superman Returns. Even more outside the U.S. Do the studios want to ignore a couple of billion players? Offhand, I'd say yes.
  • Reply 553 of 4650
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member

    I’m a man of some intelligence and I certainly know when a silly electronics war is over. So when I read up on these stats regarding Blu-ray and HD DVD sales, I knew the format war was won. As an avid fan of the color blue for the past 15 years, I had a hunch Blu-ray was going to win hands down. I mean, HD DVD doesn’t even have a color in it’s name. How are you supposed to distinguish between the two? In America, we have red, white, and blue—not red, white, and HD DVD.

    According to Niesen VideoScan, Blu-ray was gaining on HD DVD throughout 2006. For every 92 Blu-ray discs sold, 100 HD DVD discs found their way into homes, putting Blu-ray behind, but barely.

    Now that we’re in 2007, Blu-ray has caught up to the “other” format and is now outselling HD DVD more than 2 to 1. The reason why? Obviously, the greatest console ever, the Playstation 3. Not only did Sony play a crucial role in giving Blu-ray a boost, but they did it at an affordable price. Sure Microsoft’s Xbox 360 might have that silly HD DVD add-on, but who wants to drop $200 on a plastic enclosure that sits outside your console? Not a sane person, that’s for sure.

    Lastly, there are also the films. Titles like Saw II and Open Season probably should have tied each other for “Best Picture” at the Oscars, but for now, I’ll let it slide. With groundbreaking titles like these, it’s no wonder why Sony’s Blu-ray has pulled ahead so far while leaving HD DVD in the dust. I mean, just look at the competitor’s titles! Brokeback Mountain? Liar Liar? I suppose if you’re into playing games of naked Twister with Jim Carey on your TV, HD DVD gets the job done just fine. As for me, I don’t settle for “just fine,” so I’ll see you and your PS3 at the local Movie Mart while I pick up some new Blu-ray discs

    I would say that reads like a parody of fan boy logic, but you've already raised the bar.
  • Reply 554 of 4650
    glossgloss Posts: 506member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    The War Is Over: Blu-ray Outselling HD DVD

    Interesting, while I wouldn't go so far as the title proclaims, I would venture to say that it is well on its way to being over with Blu-ray as victor. The industry and obviously more consumers, are on its side.

    Has anyone ever told you that posting the same information six times in a row is remarkably annoying?
  • Reply 555 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    Not that chestnut again. How many billions of VCRs are there out there today? And yet an amazing number of recent movies have not been released on VHS, including Cars, King Kong, X-Men: The Last Stand, Superman Returns. Even more outside the U.S. Do the studios want to ignore a couple of billion players? Offhand, I'd say yes.

    What exactly are you trying to say here? Yes there are billions of VHS decks in homes but DVDs have begun to take over in sales. Studios will not ignore 2 million players in a genre (HD movie playback) that is beginning it's ascent. The analogy given here is without merit.
  • Reply 556 of 4650
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    What exactly are you trying to say here? Yes there are billions of VHS decks in homes but DVDs have begun to take over in sales. Studios will not ignore 2 million players in a genre (HD movie playback) that is beginning it's ascent. The analogy given here is without merit.

    would DVD have taken over in terms of sales... helped by the fact that the film was ONLY released on DVD and NOT VHS...

    i think that was what he was saying

    so if we can ignore BILLIONS of players.. why draw attention to 2 million? by the logic of ignoring BILLIONS you have to give no reguard to a pityful couple of million as well.
  • Reply 557 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Because the VHS/DVD situation is far different.

    VHS movies stopped being made on a large scale when DVD reached Critical Mass. So it was easy to ignore VHS on the decline because DVD had reached Critical Mass and as ascending.

    Neither Blu-ray or HD DVD has come close to reaching Critical Mass so studio will not ignore 2 million players in a format that is ascending which is significant revenue potential. His point is clear but inappropriate in this case. It has no merit.
  • Reply 558 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by gloss View Post

    Has anyone ever told you that posting the same information six times in a row is remarkably annoying?

    But probably not as remarkably annoying as your format going down like the Titanic, eh? Got an HD DVD player?...because I could seriously use some paper weights. Besides, I posted similar articles only twice. The pictures are just icing on the cake in general Blu-ray pwning HD DVD terms. Happy Birthday.

    If you've indeed purchase and HD DVD player, may want to rethink your HD avenue there a bit.
  • Reply 559 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    I would say that reads like a parody of fan boy logic, but you've already raised the bar.

    Thus my commentary that immediately followed which you conveniently ommitted. Howerver, here is a bit more toned down article (with my emphasis added)...

    Blu-Ray Discs Dominating In Sales Over HD-DVD


    As the Blu-Ray vs. HD-DVD war wages on, things continue to look uncertain. While Blu-Ray continues to have support from the larger and more important companies, HD-DVD refuses to let up. Now it's up to the consumer to decide what they want...and early forecasts suggest that the consumer is siding with Blu-Ray. The Nielsen VideoScan tracking data has come in and it shows that Blu-Ray movies are outselling HD-DVD by over a 2:1 margin; in fact, closer to 3:1.

    Moreover, the gap doesn't seem to show any signs of widening, possibly predicting a sign of things to come for the movie industry. The numbers for the week ending January 7th demonstrate that for every 47.14 HD-DVDs movies sold, there are 100 Blu-Ray movies sold. But the statistic worsens, as for the following week, ending January 14th, the amount of HD-DVDs sold would be 38.36, for every 100 Blu-Rays sold.

    The report also stated that even back in 2006, while HD-DVD lead in sales because it had launched earlier than Blu-Ray, Blu-Ray quickly caught up and overtook HD-DVD in sales. In the same time frame, a year back in 2006, when Blu-Ray had just launched: for every 100 HD-DVDs sold, 85.05 Blu-Rays sold (week ending 01/07/06). That following week in 2006, Blu-Ray closed the gap to 100 HD-DVDs for every 92.40 Blu-Rays.

    Fast forward one year later and HD-DVD would never recover. If this trend continues, we may very well see the end of HD-DVD, with Blu-Ray being the official DVD replacement.

    With nearly 2 million PS3s in the hands of customers, it's also quite clear that the reason for the success of the medium is largely due to the console. The same way that the PS2 helped propel the DVD market almost 7 years ago, it seems like the PS3 may be repeating history.

    Simply reads like reality to me. Come to terms with it, let it soak in...okay, feel better. Good, have a nice day and pick up a PS3 while your at it.
  • Reply 560 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Thus my commentary that immediately followed which you conveniently ommitted. Howerver, here is a bit more toned down article (with my emphasis added)...

    Blu-Ray Discs Dominating In Sales Over HD-DVD

    Simply reads like reality to me. Come to terms with it, let it soak in...okay, feel better. Good, have a nice day and pick up a PS3 while your at it.

    Okay.... buy PS3 then what?.... How many BD movies will be worth buying when released vs. HD-DVD titles already on the shelves or planned to be released?... In all practicality, what I'm really curious is how many BD movies are you BD/PS3 fanboys planning to buy this year?.... Oh, netfix all?.... Would PS3 owners become BD movie collectors or mass renters?
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