Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 641 of 4650
    Originally Posted by snoopy View Post

    Okay, I followed some of those gizmo links, and found something interesting.

    My first reaction is that this is a plug for Blu-Ray, from my point of view. I favor open standards, not tying HD discs to a Microsoft propriety standard. Good for the BDA, I say. Yet I am speaking from ignorance. Is Microsoft trying to control how discs are copied? Is this something to be concerned about? I assume HD-DVD will go along with the Microsoft scheme for copy protection.

    Can someone clear this up?

    Well, we're ignorant consumers to them and we're supposed to get screwed. Question is how to lessen the damage. Just think about this format war alone, and which HiDef movie format is designed to provided best picture quality movies at least price/cost for customers.....

    For some people, 100 lies become the truth.... at least, this is what marketing companies use to brain wash the ignorants.
  • Reply 642 of 4650
    oh geeze marz whats this? sony's ps3 version of oblivion is downgraded? they cant fit all the content they already have for the 360 and pc on the ps3?

    even worse is that apparently the new shading that the ps3's version is gonna get will be coming as a live update for the 360 as well.

    so much for looking better

  • Reply 643 of 4650
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Well, now, that makes no sense (but what else is new?). Considering Apple is a Blu-ray Disc Association board member and pushes for superior technology while Microsoft supports HD DVD and pushes the commoditization of cheaper PCs, shouldn't Hodgeman be HD DVD and Long be Blu-ray?

    I also question any source that can't properly spell Blu-ray.
  • Reply 644 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    Well, now, that makes no sense (but what else is new?). Considering Apple is a Blu-ray Disc Association board member and pushes for superior technology while Microsoft supports HD DVD and pushes the commoditization of cheaper PCs, shouldn't Hodgeman be HD DVD and Long be Blu-ray?

    I also question any source that can't properly spell Blu-ray.

    LOL... I guess you weren't amused by the posted picture. Well, think what you want out of it, as long as you're thinking...that's what counts.
  • Reply 645 of 4650
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    really?.... Well, while at it, here's something to cheer you up.

    I just thought it was funny..... but when I think about my copy of Fifth element on BD, it's not that funny.

    Here's an interesting view towards BD/Sony and what this format war will do for Sony.

    This actually looks like an ad FOR Blu-ray!

    1) Windows desktop is cheaper/commodity = Blu-ray cheaper/commodity.

    2) Windows marketshare > 97% = Blu-ray marketshare > 97%.

    3) "The choice is clear." = "Blu-ray."

    DRM? Geez man, I mean the industry tried to stop VHS, DVD, and now HD. Sure we would all like to have the ability to copy our purchased media, except the industry does not want us to, and never has.

    So for me the four reasons NOT to buy into HD are 1) equipment and media costs, 2) overly restrictive usage (nee DRM), 3) multiple formats, and 4) PQ delta (DVD to HD < VHS to DVD).

    This has every look that the LaserDisc scene had prior to DVD, IMHO it will be a niche market for the next 3 years, at least.
  • Reply 646 of 4650
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Oh, and did anyone notice that the Justin Long/I'm a Mac side of the ad is so very BLUE! I can't quite put my finger on it, but for some reason, that makes me think Blu-ray.

    Meanwhile, Hodgman >> HoDgman DVD >> HD DVD, hmmmmm...
  • Reply 647 of 4650
    guarthoguartho Posts: 1,208member
    And it doesn't help that the HDDVD logo looks like it's pointing at the shitty picture. First glance gives the wrong impression.
  • Reply 648 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by franksargent View Post

    This actually looks like an ad FOR Blu-ray!

    1) Windows desktop is cheaper/commodity = Blu-ray cheaper/commodity.

    2) Windows marketshare > 97% = Blu-ray marketshare > 97%.

    3) "The choice is clear." = "Blu-ray."

    DRM? Geez man, I mean the industry tried to stop VHS, DVD, and now HD. Sure we would all like to have the ability to copy our purchased media, except the industry does not want us to, and never has.

    So for me the four reasons NOT to buy into HD are 1) equipment and media costs, 2) overly restrictive usage (nee DRM), 3) multiple formats, and 4) PQ delta (DVD to HD < VHS to DVD).

    This has every look that the LaserDisc scene had prior to DVD, IMHO it will be a niche market for the next 3 years, at least.

    Haha... very interesting interpretation indeed. I do agree with your reasoning of not to buy into HD for none enthusiasts. However, the reasoning#4 would be subjective/objective, depends on the individual HT set up. Also, it will indeed stay niche for couple more years for sure as it did for prior formats needed time to mature into the mass. It would require at least a year to get the equipment prices down close to the mass adoption level. Therefore, whatever goes on in the format war prior to Mr. Joe gets one in the living is still insignificant. I'd love to get all my HD-DVD collection onto a hard drive..... any idea when iTunes would start allowing users to create a video library for AppleTV or via mac?..
  • Reply 649 of 4650
    wilcowilco Posts: 985member
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    oh geeze marz whats this? sony's ps3 version of oblivion is downgraded? they cant fit all the content they already have for the 360 and pc on the ps3?

    even worse is that apparently the new shading that the ps3's version is gonna get will be coming as a live update for the 360 as well.

    so much for looking better

    Are you 12?
  • Reply 650 of 4650
    northgatenorthgate Posts: 4,461member
    I can't help but feel, as a consumer, that Blu-Ray is being forced down my throat. I can't figure out why I'm feeling so hostile to this format.
  • Reply 651 of 4650
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by wilco View Post

    Are you 12?

    Evidently just misinformed.

    Then again IGN is no holy grail of information. It is true that there is less available free memory on the PS3 but to think it would affect including horse armor is just wierd thinking.

  • Reply 652 of 4650
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    Evidently just misinformed.

    Then again IGN is no holy grail of information. It is true that there is less available free memory on the PS3 but to think it would affect including horse armor is just wierd thinking.


    Technically, it's the same amount of memory, but the XBOX shares the memory between the CPU and the GPU (Ã* la Intel's Integrated Graphics) whereas the PS3 has dedicated memory for the GPU and the CPU.

    I have no idea why that would affect the horse armor, or why anyone would spend money on horse armor, or play Oblivion at all, really.
  • Reply 653 of 4650
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    greg- there are very few games that run on more than 1 disk. majority are japanese titles, long RPG's like final fantasy, and like i said said those are very few.

    Right, only very few games, like Final Fantasy, which hasn't topped ANY Top 10 Best Selling Console Games lists, EVER.

    Final Fantasy games have historically had about an hour or so of FMV. At 1080p, how exactly would that fit on a DVD?


    the funny thing is i'm starting to believe sony might be kind of smart. the ps3 right now blows as a gaming console, but since some people picked them up anyways, they figured " hey i might as well justs watch bluray movies on this thing"

    cuz apparently thats all the device is good for right now haha

    See, this is why people keep making fun of you, for being twelve, or a fanboy, or possibly mildly retarded. Because half of what you say indicates all three.
  • Reply 654 of 4650
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by gregmightdothat View Post

    Technically, it's the same amount of memory, but the XBOX shares the memory between the CPU and the GPU (Ã* la Intel's Integrated Graphics) whereas the PS3 has dedicated memory for the GPU and the CPU.

    I have no idea why that would affect the horse armor, or why anyone would spend money on horse armor, or play Oblivion at all, really.

    The OS footprint is bigger on the PS3 than the XBox. How much difference no one but real devs know as its covered under NDA.

    I agree with the last 2 comments...I prefer BioWare over Bethesda...Oblivion and Morrowind left me with a "meh" opinion.

  • Reply 655 of 4650
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Heh...peeked at their site and they're hiring. Wife would love me getting a 50% pay cut to work 70+ hours a week.

  • Reply 656 of 4650
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by gregmightdothat View Post

    Right, only very few games, like Final Fantasy, which hasn't topped ANY Top 10 Best Selling Console Games lists, EVER.

    Final Fantasy games have historically had about an hour or so of FMV. At 1080p, how exactly would that fit on a DVD?

    See, this is why people keep making fun of you, for being twelve, or a fanboy, or possibly mildly retarded. Because half of what you say indicates all three.

    no, see its because i only encounter this kind of thinking on this forum, honestly. everywhere else you go, you see the crappy response to the ps3, ONLY in this forum people will tell you otherwise.

    i dont think anyone in here even owns a ps3?

    yeah, final fantasy has sold lots, mainly in japan. here in the states its popularity has dwindled considerably, but again is it that big of a deal that you'd have to pop in a second disk for less than 5 franchises at the most? i dont think so, but maybe if you play RPG's a lot sure.
  • Reply 657 of 4650
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    true but do you willingly make things a pain in the butt? cuz i dont.

    no, i dont, but i have one of those lives that is in a constant state of shittyness... yet i still manage, i get by, i adapt, i overcome.

    deep breathing helps

    i think a few people who are regular posters on this thread would benifit from a few deep breaths and the question "will this help ME? or will it REALLY matter" before they post.
  • Reply 658 of 4650
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Originally Posted by Northgate View Post

    I can't help but feel, as a consumer, that Blu-Ray is being forced down my throat. I can't figure out why I'm feeling so hostile to this format.

    Yeah, I know what you mean.

    I think it's a combination of knowing that Sony has a terrible track record in offering open standards and knowing that they are, at heart, a content company instead of a technology company.

    Those two points combine to highlight that consumer friendliness is not the top-most consideration for Blu-Ray.
  • Reply 659 of 4650
    Blu-ray Victory Inevitable 8)

  • Reply 660 of 4650
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Wow...from such an impartial source. Is Sony paying you by the word for these posts?
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