iPhone total crap.

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
This one little article from tuaw.com sums up why the phone is worthless and a smartphone is better. And before the flaming starts I am writing this on my MacBook, and also have a PowerBook G4, iMac G5 and and Apple IIe, so definatly not an apple hater, just a hater of crappy products.

Apple needs to know that for a phone like this it needs to be functional and upgradeable. This looks like a rushed attempt to make the investors happy.

"The lucky Gizmodo guys got their paws on an actual iPhone plus an hour of Q&A with some Apple VPs. Here are some of their scoops: The OS isn't going to be "OS X for real." It's more like a pseudo-OS X and, like the iPod, it will not have a public API and open development. This confirms what Dan posted earlier today about no user-installable apps. Which is a shame. I'd really love to see the iPod and iPhone get opened up for more third party software. The screen is the same polycarbonite material as the iPod overlaid with a touch element. Finally, there won't be any WiFi or cellular data syncing, only sync-via-docking."



  • Reply 1 of 69
    Wow. Have you been following the other threads? Have you watched the news and seen what other CEOs are saying? Even Cisco calls the phone interesting and they are suing APple over the name.

    THere is a ton in this phone that is good. Go look at it and then come back.
  • Reply 2 of 69
    yah dam apple and there great products. They should not do "stupid things" like the iPhone dam the touchscreen, the camera, the flip screen, the iPod functionality all things that i would "hate" to have. Thats why i think we should all be like this guy and go buy zunes. hell maybe i will by myself three seriously the iPhone is grrrreat the only bad part is no Canadians can have it thats all. but still i love it.
  • Reply 3 of 69
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    The thread title is needlessly provacative and hyperbolic.

    Let us look at some of the elements that needed to happen.

    1. Apple needed to develop an OS X version suitable for embedded environments

    2. This is Apple's first foray into making a cell and a Smartphone is the biggest challenge you can make IMO.

    3. Closed platform is a good thing right now. Check the other smartphone reviews. People complain about the instability of said phones. Stability is paramount here.

    4. Patented technology. The iPhone has a BUNCH of patented stuff that frankly needs to settle before 3rd parties come crashing through.

    I respect your post here but I see no substantial reason why I should co-sign your sentiment. A smartphone can be many things to many people but to lambaste a product based on applications that don't even exist just smacks of illogical thinking.

    In 2008 I'll likely get an iPhone after seeing it in the while for a year and by the end of my contract hopefully I'll be confronted with new 2nd generation hardware and more options.

    This iPhone is indeed a groundbreaking product yet if you look for weakenesses you will find them.
  • Reply 4 of 69
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    if you look for weakenesses you will find them

    ... in anything and anyone, but why are so many people always so negative? Look at the bright side of things and develop them, while working at reducing the weaknesses.

    The pewrfect phone/commuicator would be a device that when held to your ear it would fit comfy n your hand, but when you go to type on it it would resize to a small tablet. Yeah, in a SF movie.
  • Reply 5 of 69
    Hey Berger that's not fair, he closed that sentence with a period!
  • Reply 6 of 69
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
    Because Apple's first iPhone which is already a revolution in it's ownright has a couple of drawbacks it sucks

    Oh, this is from TUAW. That would explain absolutely everything, an AOL Subsidary (part of Weblog Inc. which is owned by AOL) that writes about 20 articles a day clearing up absolutely nothing while aiming to be as contriversial as possible about everything.

    Yeah, I dropped them from Vienna about 5 weeks ago when they started posting about Recycled Rubber iPod cases making a big deal about nothing.

  • Reply 7 of 69
    While I have read just about all articles on the iphone the one I posted shows my personal feelings as to why this phone is not worth the hype.

    I myself was in my local apple store standing around a macbook with another apple associate watching the updates of the keynote and was very excited about the product.

    One key problem was that it is not open to all carriers which makes it difficult to like a product that is already selective on who may buy it and further more after reading review after review it became more clear to myself that the phone was way over hyped and fell short of my expectations and I am sure others as well.
  • Reply 8 of 69
    wow...umm first of all imnot going to give a second of my beleifs into Gizmodo...sorry, but i dont beleive a word they just said, if they really had their hands on the device they would be explaining a whole lot more about the phone than what is already obvious from what Job's showed us in the keynote and what he told newsweek...ha this is a joke...they gave him the phone to scroll and mess around through everything on it and he cant give us more details on what the phone really has that we dont know about, everything he pointed out was already in rumors and speculations on all forums around the US...i think this is bullshit on gizmodos behalf
  • Reply 9 of 69
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
    Originally Posted by IdleWanderlust View Post

    While I have read just about all articles on the iphone the one I posted shows my personal feelings as to why this phone is not worth the hype.

    I myself was in my local apple store standing around a macbook with another apple associate watching the updates of the keynote and was very excited about the product.

    One key problem was that it is not open to all carriers which makes it difficult to like a product that is already selective on who may buy it and further more after reading review after review it became more clear to myself that the phone was way over hyped and fell short of my expectations and I am sure others as well.

    Reading Review after Review? What Review?

    Last I checked it's not even FCC certified yet.

    Unlocking it would've only hurt the iPhone, not help it. They have to have Network cooperation in order to make it work, they chose the nation's largest celluar service provider to do it.

  • Reply 10 of 69
    Why do people say "I have this Mac and that Mac so I don't hate Apple."

    If you post sensationalist nonsense, people are going to call you on it. We're not just gonna magically drink your kool-aid because you bought a Mac.

    If it we're that easy, Political Outsider would be all sunshine and cute bunny rabbits.
  • Reply 11 of 69
    Originally Posted by gregmightdothat View Post

    We're not just gonna magically drink your kool-aid because you bought a Mac.

    If it we're that easy, Political Outsider would be all sunshine and cute bunny rabbits.

    I wouldn't drink Nick's kool-aid even if it came out of Angelina Jolie's teet.
  • Reply 12 of 69
    Originally Posted by gregmightdothat View Post

    If it we're that easy, Political Outsider would be all sunshine and cute bunny rabbits.

    What color would the bunny ears be, pink?
  • Reply 13 of 69
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
    Originally Posted by Bergermeister View Post

    What color would the bunny ears be, pink?


  • Reply 14 of 69
    Originally Posted by Guybrush Threepwood View Post

    I wouldn't drink Nick's kool-aid even if it came out of Angelina Jolie's teet.

    How would it get in there? That's what disturbs me.
  • Reply 15 of 69
    Originally Posted by Bergermeister View Post

    What color would the bunny ears be, pink?

  • Reply 16 of 69
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    It's not total crap. I wish people would quit with the hyperbole on this. Sorry, it just makes you look like a whiner. Like most of the rest of the US mobile handset and service market, it has some big drawbacks, just that the drawbacks vary and who cares about what varies too.

    Our best hope is that Apple can and does relent on the drawbacks. For a lot of these, we don't know if it's imposed on them in order to get a network that will support their product, or if it's Apple's doing.
  • Reply 17 of 69
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    In 2008 I'll likely get an iPhone after seeing it in the while for a year and by the end of my contract hopefully I'll be confronted with new 2nd generation hardware and more options.

    This iPhone is indeed a groundbreaking product yet if you look for weakenesses you will find them.

    I'm with you. The first generation iPod was fraught with trouble, but no one really complained since it was certainly the first of its kind and it did basically everything everybody was asking for. The iPhone will only get better with each iteration. Apple is very consistent.
  • Reply 18 of 69
    Originally Posted by gregmightdothat View Post


    In fact, this cute.

  • Reply 19 of 69
    aawww, izn't 'e de kootest darn li'l thing you eva did see!

    If everyone in AO looked like that, we could all go to the Harmony Hut and have a real good time!
  • Reply 20 of 69
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
    Originally Posted by Bergermeister View Post

    aawww, izn't 'e de kootest darn li'l thing you eva did see!

    If everyone in AO looked like that, we could all go to the Harmony Hut and have a real good time!

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