iPhone total crap.



  • Reply 41 of 69
    Guys, the kitten would have won, hands down.
  • Reply 42 of 69
    ive seen that photo somewhere before im sure of it, however when i saw it before there was nobody pointing a gun at the kitten, it was photoshopped in
  • Reply 43 of 69
    Mac Voyer:

    Some of the images were just jpegs? The apps seemed to be working pretty nicely. When you give a demo like this, you set things up before hand so they look goiod when you make your presentation. Have you ever given a presentation? Most people suck at it because they donn't practice it enough before hand. Steve Jobs excels at it, thus the RDF surrounding everything he says.
  • Reply 44 of 69
    wilcowilco Posts: 985member
    Originally Posted by jcrouzzo View Post

    ive seen that photo somewhere before im sure of it, however when i saw it before there was nobody pointing a gun at the kitten, it was photoshopped in

    You should be on CSI: Miami!
  • Reply 45 of 69
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
    Originally Posted by jcrouzzo View Post

    ive seen that photo somewhere before im sure of it, however when i saw it before there was nobody pointing a gun at the kitten, it was photoshopped in

    That particular photo (with the gun) is quite widespread as far as I can tell.

  • Reply 46 of 69
    zozo Posts: 3,117member
    and just to get things back on track, being used to Nokias (currently N80 owner), and already having a "Safari browser since last June, with WiFi, etc... I'm not terribly excited with the iPhone.

    I was really hoping for a Smart Phone like the Symbians or WinMobile.

    It could be MILDLY interesting if you can save Flash webpages offline

    But also.. other reasons it seems to SUCK

    How the hell are they gonna do this in Europe? People are VERY mobile (no pub intended) and many have multiple SIM cards. Can you change SIM cards? What if I buy a phone in France and go to the US and have a Verizon SIM card? What if my SIM card dies (has happened plenty of times to me) and I need to just replace it?

    Aesthetically I'm not terribly impressed... the icons are real needle in the eye... all those various hyper colorful icons on a stark black background... hmmm... woulda thought Apple had better taste. Looks like a childrens interface on hotass hardware... just... weird

    I'm not terribly impressed... I'm sitting on the bench and waiting for iPhone Gen 2
  • Reply 47 of 69
    mac voyermac voyer Posts: 1,295member
    Originally Posted by Bergermeister View Post

    Mac Voyer:

    Some of the images were just jpegs? The apps seemed to be working pretty nicely. When you give a demo like this, you set things up before hand so they look goiod when you make your presentation. Have you ever given a presentation? Most people suck at it because they donn't practice it enough before hand. Steve Jobs excels at it, thus the RDF surrounding everything he says.

    I don't remember where I read It. But, yes, some of those icons were nothing more than pictures. If you watch the keynote, SJ said that he would show the calendar. He never did. The phone was is at a very early stage right now. They couldn't sell it right now if they wanted to.
  • Reply 48 of 69
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by ZO View Post

    and just to get things back on track, being used to Nokias (currently N80 owner), and already having a "Safari browser since last June, with WiFi, etc... I'm not terribly excited with the iPhone.

    I was really hoping for a Smart Phone like the Symbians or WinMobile.

    It could be MILDLY interesting if you can save Flash webpages offline

    But also.. other reasons it seems to SUCK

    How the hell are they gonna do this in Europe? People are VERY mobile (no pub intended) and many have multiple SIM cards. Can you change SIM cards? What if I buy a phone in France and go to the US and have a Verizon SIM card? What if my SIM card dies (has happened plenty of times to me) and I need to just replace it?

    Aesthetically I'm not terribly impressed... the icons are real needle in the eye... all those various hyper colorful icons on a stark black background... hmmm... woulda thought Apple had better taste. Looks like a childrens interface on hotass hardware... just... weird

    I'm not terribly impressed... I'm sitting on the bench and waiting for iPhone Gen 2

    There is no Verizon sim card. Verizon is CDMA, not GSM, which is (at least one of the reasons) why Apple didn't sign a deal with them.

    Steve showed us the Sim card tray, so it can be user swapped. The deal they made with Cingular is exactly because Cingular is one of two (and four times the size of the other), GSM US carriers, so the quad band GSM iPhone is world ready. We don't know what kind of deals Apple will make with international carriers, presumably the broader European GSM offerings and the habits of users there will have some bearing on that.

    I don't understand the constant claims of "the iPhone holds no interest because my phone can already do x, y, and z." By that criteria no computer operating system can be held to be superior to another since they all "do the same thing". For that matter, no app can properly claim superiority over another for the same reason. Photoshop? Pffft. The Gimp gets it done every time.

    Every review I've read wherein the reviewer actually got to use the thing, no matter how briefly, says basically the same thing: whatever reservations the reviewer may have had about the feature set or carrier lock-in or battery life, etc., just faded to insignificance upon exposure to the workings of the interface.

    The interface is the product. "My phone already does that" means nothing.
  • Reply 49 of 69
    Originally Posted by tonton View Post

    Except when you need to work in 16-bit or CMYK, of course.

    I believe that was part of his point. That it doesn't matter if product X already has that feature, because the iPhone (or Photoshop) includes all the features of products X, Y, and Z, in a package thats hundreds of times nicer than the competition.
  • Reply 50 of 69
    I'll sum up why the iPhone is worthless: Cellphone company lock-in and absence of Skype/VOIP feature.
  • Reply 51 of 69
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by Macvault View Post

    I'll sum up why the iPhone is worthless: Cellphone company lock-in and absence of Skype/VOIP feature.

    It's not worthless, it's just not for you. Many people are content (I use this term loosely) with cingular even if you are not. If you read the article on CNN about the developement of the iPhone you would have seen that secrecy was paramount in it's developement. That alone effectively ruled out multiple carriiers for the iPhone. The solution, go with the biggest and use technolgy that can be used globally hence Cingular. Is it perfect? No, but the developement of the hardware and software trumpted the carrier issues. Don't you think it's possible in the future that other carriers may be allowed to join the party? Would that make the iPhone now indespensible? As far as Skype and VOIP, I don't think that will happen unless Apple becomes a MVNO (which is possible but not likely IMO).
  • Reply 52 of 69
    I use my cell phone when I'm not at home: driving in the country, hopping the ferry across the bay, inshort: where I do not have access to the internet via VOIP, etc. So, the iPhone is perfect for me. I also don't give a rats looney about the tie in. Now in Japan ( there will be a tie in here too when the iPhone arrives), most carriers are pretty similar as is quality. Sometimes when you get out into the deep country, one or the other carrier doesn't have reception, but then when I go out into the deep country I don't want to be disturbed anyway.

    People seem to look at the iPhone almost like a painting: as if it is a finished work. This is very far from the truth: the promoted iPhone is a new beginning, a first step along what hopefully is a very interesting road.

    It is also a major kick in the butt for the other manufacturers out there who, quite simply, have not been innovating that much. I have a 3G phone, top of the line last year, and it is very difficult to use, especially in comparison to my Mac. The iPhone had the UI of my dreams, and it will get better.

    So many people want to find fault with a wonderful thing (the media this week, as well as some threads here on AI), it makes me wonder if they aren't transposing their own lacks of self-confidence onto an inanimate product.
  • Reply 53 of 69
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member
    So why are people so hot on having skype/VOIP? I mean, a call's a call. What's wrong with using the cell phone network I mean you have to have the cell-phone plan anyways, so what advantage are you getting? Limiting your cell-phone minutes?

    I guess I just don't talk on the phone very much
  • Reply 54 of 69
    Originally Posted by Flounder View Post

    So why are people so hot on having skype/VOIP? I mean, a call's a call. What's wrong with using the cell phone network I mean you have to have the cell-phone plan anyways, so what advantage are you getting? :

    Free telephone calls to Brasil?
  • Reply 55 of 69
    Originally Posted by Flounder View Post

    So why are people so hot on having skype/VOIP? I mean, a call's a call. What's wrong with using the cell phone network I mean you have to have the cell-phone plan anyways, so what advantage are you getting? Limiting your cell-phone minutes?

    I guess I just don't talk on the phone very much

    Skype/VOIP is free or very cheap and no monthly contracts. And why do I "have to have the cell-phone plan anyways"???? That's exactly what I don't want. The option to have cell service is nice but not worth the "lock-in" IMO.
  • Reply 56 of 69
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
    Originally Posted by Macvault View Post

    Skype/VOIP is free or very cheap and no monthly contracts. And why do I "have to have the cell-phone plan anyways"???? That's exactly what I don't want. The option to have cell service is nice but not worth the "lock-in" IMO.


    Apple HAD to have a Carrier Lock In or the iPhone itself would be a piece of useless junk that nobody would want. It's a No Win situation, so Apple chose the one where they at least have a carrier backing them, and that carrier, Cingular, likely shook their collective finger at the thought of VoIP.

  • Reply 57 of 69
    zozo Posts: 3,117member
    i stand corrected with the SIM card.. I didnt see that.. and Verizon was just a carrier example (I dont live in USA anymore)

    The interface is astounding, no doubt...

    But what about when I receive Word, Excel, or even PDF files? What GPS software can I use with it with my external Bluetooth GPS dongle (Google Earth maybe)? Can I have real "push" email? What if I want to install a "converter" application/widget (weights, distances, etc) Or maybe just a simple little app to transform my iPhone into a handy lamp to see in the dark? Can I create different profiles (like on a Nokia: Silent, silent + vide, normal, outdoors, etc)? Can I even record video with the builtin camera? How about recording voice? Is the recording time limited and maybe I want to buy an app that will allow me to record until the battery runs out?

    Soooo many questions, sooo many things that Apple may have not thought of or that customers may want better... and there is no way... its either Apple/ATT&T way, or no way...

    As with everything Apple, they tend to get Version 1 ok, but then the 2nd gen really shines...

    But what realy worries me is the carrier lock-in... and why is that? Just because of "Visual Voice Mail?" I think that's a load of bs, otherwise it means anyone that leaves the country and has to switch to another carrier for roaming is gonna be screwed...

    Just sell the damn phone and let anyone choose their carrier and whatever app they want to install...
  • Reply 58 of 69
    Originally Posted by Slewis View Post


    Apple HAD to have a Carrier Lock In or the iPhone itself would be a piece of useless junk that nobody would want. It's a No Win situation, so Apple chose the one where they at least have a carrier backing them, and that carrier, Cingular, likely shook their collective finger at the thought of VoIP.


    The iPod does not have Carrier Lock In. Does that make it a peice of junk? I would rather have seen Apple announce the "Widescreen iPod" with all the features of the iPhone but the cellphone part just be more of an un-touted feature people could use if they wanted to - with any provider who's wireless tech it supports.
  • Reply 59 of 69
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by Macvault View Post

    I would rather have seen Apple announce the "Widescreen iPod" with all the features of the iPhone but the cellphone part just be more of an un-touted feature people could use if they wanted to - with any provider who's wireless tech it supports.

    Well Apple is aiming at a larger market, not just you.
  • Reply 60 of 69
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
    Originally Posted by Macvault View Post

    The iPod does not have Carrier Lock In. Does that make it a peice of junk? I would rather have seen Apple announce the "Widescreen iPod" with all the features of the iPhone but the cellphone part just be more of an un-touted feature people could use if they wanted to - with any provider who's wireless tech it supports.

    Um, it only works with Cingular. Sounds like a Lock In to me.

    So no, it's not a piece of junk. It would've been because then Apple wouldn't exactly be able to get Carriers to change their networks, and I would hate to see the price tag without Cingular.

    Apple made the right move, work with a service provider, and choose the most popular one so they can reach the largest possible audience. They aren't out to please everyone, just enough to make a nice profit and boost their stock.

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