Apple to target Vista at retail stores



  • Reply 61 of 128
    alanskyalansky Posts: 235member
    "I'm not too keen on all the negative advertisement. It seems very childish and will drive away some customers rather than attract them."

    Apple should abandon their advertising strategy because some people won't like it? Has there ever been an advertising campaign in the whole history of the universe that everybody approved of? I don't think so.

    If pointing out the superiority of your product compared to your competitor's is "negative" advertising, then the whole advertising industry is "negative." That's life.
  • Reply 62 of 128
    Originally Posted by TBaggins View Post

    Careful. You're about to be gang-tackled by the Apple Apologista Squad?, who insist that $2500 is a reasonable minimum entry-fee for an expandable Mac desktop.

    For myself, I completely agree with you on this. Even if a lot of folks don't use expandability, a lot of them LIKE the IDEA of being able to expand their box/swap cards if need be, and will buy based in part on it. And Apple, if it were smart on this, would be just as happy to sell to folks who never actually use their expandibility but buy based on it, as it does to the folks who actually use/need expandability.

    I mean, what kind of company goes, "Nah, you don't really need that. I know what's best for you"... and expects to be as successful as possible with that approach?


    I also agree, a mini tower would be great. I have never owned a hard drive I didn't eventually fill up, space for an eventual 2nd hard drive should be a priority. My old PM 7600 had one.
  • Reply 63 of 128
    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post

    Why should Apple produce such a machine for the two or three people who would buy one? Get over it.

    That reminds a lot of Henry Ford when he offered any color in a Model T, as long as it was black.

    There might be a market for it, but who knows if it isn't offered. Apple could be missing out on a large segment with a take or leave it policy. Why do you think Dell and HP have so many laptop models.

    Apple has 3 lines: laptops, laptops in a different form factor, and a server, masquerading as a desktop/workstation. The Macbook I can live with, even with the integrated graphics, but the Mini and iMac are too basic/too much like dressed up laptop, or lack certain things like HD slots or DVD bays. Unless you love having external USB drives and AC bricks hogging space, a mid-tower makes a lot of sense in those applications. Especially since DVD burners and SATA drives are dirt cheap, plug in a couple cables, turn on the computer, boom.

    I'm at the point where I would like to upgrade, and I figure that would have to spend about $1200-1500 for a new PC, since I'd have to replace nearly everything since I'm still using AGP, DDR, AMD A64 and get a C2D setup with DDR2, etc. That's my budget and all I want to spend, because I really don't need all the power in the world.

    I hear some Apple apologists say deal with it, get an iMac or get a Mac Pro, when both are square pegs in a round hole for me. Other than a Macbook, I can't consider Apple as a viable option to replace anything I would get on the PC side, the OS is important, but not important, that I would have to give up many of things I like about picking the right options for me.

    If you're come from a Windows/PC background, and you build your own boxes, it's a very hard thing to give up, you get used to every option under the sun; ex. I want that case, or that mobo, or video card, and they all work, sometimes at the expensive of driver stability, but you have options, and I've probably had 6-7 BSOD's in 3 years, with 3 different XP machines. Security is where Windows sucks IMO, it's manageable, but a nuisance.
  • Reply 64 of 128
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    Be it copy-cat or not, the fact is that Windows now has all of the features that I switched to OSX for, (except UNIX, but hey, for the few times I need that, my existing Mac Mini and Linux or Solaris on a spare PC can cover.) has made me think

    Being that they are now feature-equal (sans a real media center on Mac...FrontRow is a JOKE by the way!) I really cannot justify Apple hardware: a PC with a similar proc, RAM, GPU and HDD size to the $799 mini can be had with Home premium (not to mention a keyboard, mouse and usually bundled with a printer and display) for less. these cheaper boxes have PCIe x16 slots, use desktop HDDs, optical drives, and have expansion potential - add a GPU to replace the integrated one and down the road, a Blu-ray or HDDVD drive...

    I want a Mac that can use off the shelf GPUs, desktop HDDs, and the occasional I/O card and I DO NOT need or want to pay for 2 of the most expensive enterprise server grade CPUs and ECC buffered RAM available...I want to experiment with video and stuff, I would get a Mac pro if I were making money, but as a hobbiest or just an everyday power user, apple has priced me out of the user base...

    I really have thuroughly enjoyed my time with Mac OSX but I just can't justify spending $3000 when I could build a PC that meets and surpasses my needs for under $1000 (including an OEM copy of Vista home premium)

    here is a video that sums up what I mean

    My decision as I plan to move to my new apt soon comes down to this: MacPro and cheap 20 inch display or build a kick ass Vista PC with TV tuner, 21-22 inch LCD, 37 inch HDTV and some random crap to tie it together... the correct choice for me is seeming more clear each day
  • Reply 65 of 128
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by tdj114 View Post

    I'm fairly certain by then you've moved out of the mid-range computer market.

    Not to mention how to fit the 2nd 30". I can get a 24" or 21" in portrait next to my 30". Another 30" is almost silly. Hmmm...I DO have that 30" Dell and a spare vid card....

  • Reply 66 of 128
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by a_greer View Post

    My decision as I plan to move to my new apt soon comes down to this: MacPro and cheap 20 inch display or build a kick ass Vista PC with TV tuner, 21-22 inch LCD, 37 inch HDTV and some random crap to tie it together... the correct choice for me is seeming more clear each day

    The advantages of a free markets (or one that resembles one anyway) is that you get to make these choices. For you, this generation, the correct choice may be a Vista box and a 360 as a MCX on your HDTV...

    Arguably there isn't much in that setup you couldn't do with a 20" iMac + NAS vice Mac Pro/Vista Box. Having gone the HTPC route in the past I'm a lot less enamored with the concept these days. YMMV but a TV tuner this day an age is so-so useful without a cablecard.

  • Reply 67 of 128
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    The advantages of a free markets (or one that resembles one anyway) is that you get to make these choices. For you, this generation, the correct choice may be a Vista box and a 360 as a MCX on your HDTV...

    Arguably there isn't much in that setup you couldn't do with a 20" iMac + NAS vice Mac Pro/Vista Box. Having gone the HTPC route in the past I'm a lot less enamored with the concept these days. YMMV but a TV tuner this day an age is so-so useful without a cablecard.


    I would use an OTA tuner and just get the local HD stuff, the only subscription tv service that I would be interested in (and this one is way down the road) is DTV b/c of Sunday Tticket so Cable card is a non-issue.

    And the whole point of upgradability is SEPERATNESS form the display: I could replace the display, move the PC to the HDTV and so on the iMac is no good for that.
  • Reply 68 of 128
    shetlineshetline Posts: 4,695member
    Originally Posted by trekker View Post

    they should do a get a mac add where the PC guy keeps repeating every thing that the mac does and says

    Ad... with ONE D, for Christ's sake, "ad"! You know, as in short for advertisement?

    I wouldn't bitch about it except that this is around the fourth thread I've seen on AI in as many days where one person after another doesn't know how to spell "ad".
  • Reply 69 of 128
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by shetline View Post

    Ad... with ONE D, for Christ's sake, "ad"! You know, as in short for advertisement?

    I wouldn't bitch about it except that this is around the fourth thread I've seen on AI in as many days where one person after another doesn't know how to spell "ad".

    Add me to the list of those who advocate the correct spelling of ad.
  • Reply 70 of 128
    Originally Posted by Psychic Shopper View Post

    I also agree, a mini tower would be great. I have never owned a hard drive I didn't eventually fill up, space for an eventual 2nd hard drive should be a priority. My old PM 7600 had one.

    How is this for a mini tower with extra storage?

    LaCie makes these in various sizes up to 500GB.

    Stack 2 of them under a Mac mini and you've got a full terabyte of storage.
  • Reply 71 of 128
    Originally Posted by a_greer View Post

    Be it copy-cat or not, the fact is that Windows now has all of the features that I switched to OSX for, (except UNIX, but hey, for the few times I need that, my existing Mac Mini and Linux or Solaris on a spare PC can cover.) has made me think

    Being that they are now feature-equal (sans a real media center on Mac...FrontRow is a JOKE by the way!) I really cannot justify Apple hardware...

    Apple has Aqua, Windows has Aero...Are they equal? NO

    Apple has Terminal, Windows has Shell...Are they equal? NO

    Apple has Jounaling HFS, Windows has Transactional NTFS...Are they equal? NO

    Apple has Spotlight, Windows has Desktop Search...Are they equal? NO

    Apple has Security, Windows has "Security"...Are they equal? NO

    Apple has Widgets, Windows has Gadgets...Are they equal? NO

    Vista has lots of features, how well they are implemented and integrated are another issue.
  • Reply 72 of 128
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by Johnny Mozzarella View Post

    Apple has Aqua, Windows has Aero...Are they equal? NO

    Apple has Terminal, Windows has Shell...Are they equal? NO

    Apple has Jounaling HFS, Windows has Transactional NTFS...Are they equal? NO

    Apple has Spotlight, Windows has Desktop Search...Are they equal? NO

    Apple has Security, Windows has "Security"...Are they equal? NO

    Apple has Widgets, Windows has Gadgets...Are they equal? NO

    Vista has lots of features, how well they are implemented and integrated are another issue.

    And ...

    Apple has Switchers, Windows has ... um ... er ... ?
  • Reply 73 of 128
    Originally Posted by Johnny Mozzarella View Post

    Apple has Aqua, Windows has Aero...Are they equal? NO

    Apple has Terminal, Windows has Shell...Are they equal? NO

    Apple has Jounaling HFS, Windows has Transactional NTFS...Are they equal? NO

    Apple has Spotlight, Windows has Desktop Search...Are they equal? NO

    Apple has Security, Windows has "Security"...Are they equal? NO

    Apple has Widgets, Windows has Gadgets...Are they equal? NO

    Vista has lots of features, how well they are implemented and integrated are another issue.

    Equal in who's opinion? Lets see 94% compared to 6%.
  • Reply 74 of 128
    to use my expansion of what Vista really stands for:






    Good luck!
  • Reply 75 of 128
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    Originally Posted by macFanDave View Post

    to use my expansion of what Vista really stands for:






    Good luck!

    Software protection and scanners

    Use common sence no one wants to grow your penis by three inches, bill gates isnt giving free trips to disney land and so on

    Safty via hardware like NAT routing

    Expertiese...I am an IT professional so I have an advantage over 95% of the windows market.
  • Reply 76 of 128
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Equal in who's opinion? Lets see 94% compared to 6%.

    If 94% of the population jumped of a bridge, would you jump too?

    Yes it is true that Apple has only 6% of the market.

    But it begs the question, which 6% of the market?

    Based on my observations, I would have to conclude that Apple has the top 6% and MS has the bottom 94%.
  • Reply 77 of 128
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by a_greer View Post

    Software protection and scanners

    Use common sence no one wants to grow your penis by three inches, bill gates isnt giving free trips to disney land and so on

    Safty via hardware like NAT routing

    Expertiese...I am an IT professional so I have an advantage over 95% of the windows market.

    Or use Mac and save time by not having to deal with all that and get some real work done, well the real staff anyway, no need for MS trained IT geeks who make a living coping with MS issues. But then that's why they defend MS all the time ... 'bread and butter in that crappy OS after all'.

    Let's be honest Apple represents power to the people, simple to use, consistent to use, powerful, well designed and intuitive. (And we have yet to see the next, Intel optimized, generation - Leopard!)

    MS represents power to nerds who love controlling others and seeming smart because they have been on some ding bat course (as in ...'I have a 'degree' in MS 'Where is the quit button' na na na') to be shown how to deal with the totally lame design and interfaces in MS software.

    Ask yourself, dear Mac users, why are they even reading these Mac forums? Because in the end, they know the Mac is the enemy to their way of making a living. Loss of control is not good to them. Any small thing they can say that defends MS must comfort them. Ask your self this too, how many Mac users spend time in MS forums? I have never once even logged onto one. And yes I have several PCs as well as a load of Macs on my network. Actually I lie, I did once to see if I could easily make a bootable clone of an entire PC drive to replace a hard drive as we can on a Mac in so easily in minutes. ... yeah right, good luck with that one.

    They love the power over the poor PC end users... "Please Mr wonderful genius IT person, where is 'Save as a favorite in IE7'? It was up there yesterday now it's gone ..." genius fiddles around for half an hour then right clicks IE menu and restores ..."Oh you are so wonderful Brad, you are sooo clever" .. "Just another thing we IT experts do Mam, here is my bill, have a nice day".

    OK now for the torrent of denials ...
  • Reply 78 of 128
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Or use Mac and save time by not having to deal with all that and get some real work done, well the real staff anyway, no need for MS trained IT geeks who make a living coping with MS issues. But then that's why they defend MS all the time ... 'bread and butter in that crappy OS after all'.

    Let's be honest Apple represents power to the people, simple to use, consistent to use, powerful, well designed and intuitive. (And we have yet to see the next, Intel optimized, generation - Leopard!)

    MS represents power to nerds who love controlling others and seeming smart because they have been on some ding bat course (as in ...'I have a 'degree' in MS 'Where is the quit button' na na na') to be shown how to deal with the totally lame design and interfaces in MS software. As I say, that's why these forums have so many MS IT folk posting here.

    Ask yourself, dear Mac users, why are they even reading these Mac forums? Because in the end, they know the Mac is the enemy to their way of making a living. Loss of control is not good to them. Any small thing they can say that defends MS must comfort them. Ask your self this too, how many Mac users spend time in MS forums? I have never once even logged onto one. And yes I have several PCs as well as a load of Macs on my network. Actually I lie, I did once to see if I could easily make a bootable clone of an entire PC drive to replace a hard drive as I we can on a Mac in so easily in minutes. ... yeah right, good luck with that one.

    They love the power over the poor PC end users... "Please Mr wonderful genius IT person, where is 'Save as a favorite in IE7'? It was up there yesterday now it's gone ..." genius fiddles around for half an hour then right clicks IE menu and restores ..."Oh you are so wonderful Brad, you are sooo clever" .. "Just another thing we IT experts do Mam, here is my bill, have a nice day".

    OK now for the torrent of denials ...

    Open those eyes smart guy, there is a view favorits and add to facorits button in the tab bar...I dont particularly care for it, but hey, I use Firefox anyhow...and u should too!

    Look, I switched...I used a Mac for the last 2 years, exclusively for about 6 months...but I gave a clear and concise explanation of why I cannot justify continuing to use Macs myself...I still recomend them in a NY minute to friends and family, it is just htat for the non-money-generating power-uers, Apples desktops are just way too over the top budget wise....grow up and stop flaming.

    for the record,, at 6FT+ and ~225 LBs, I am hardly the "Awkward little geek" you seem to visualise.
  • Reply 79 of 128
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by a_greer View Post

    Open those eyes smart guy, there is a view favorits and add to facorits button in the tab bar...I dont particularly care for it, but hey, I use Firefox anyhow...and u should too!

    Look, I switched...I used a Mac for the last 2 years, exclusively for about 6 months...but I gave a clear and concise explanation of why I cannot justify continuing to use Macs myself...I still recomend them in a NY minute to friends and family, it is just htat for the non-money-generating power-uers, Apples desktops are just way too over the top budget wise....grow up and stop flaming.

    for the record,, at 6FT+ and ~225 LBs, I am hardly the "Awkward little geek" you seem to visualise.

    Sorry, my comments were not aimed at you in particular, I just happened to use your post as the reply entry point and it was in the same context.

    I never mentioned nor visualized any size with the term geek, and I wasn't flaming anyone.

    I simply state the obvious, MS IT is an industry built to serve a lousy OS and is self sustaining and self fulfilling as it has to be. What need for them (in the numbers they exist at any rate) would there be if MS was actually any good. They don't actually spend most of their time doing useful positive things, they fight problems caused my MS, be it bugs, poor design or total user confusion (due to lousy design).
  • Reply 80 of 128
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Apple has Switchers, Windows has ... um ... er ... ?

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