Apple to target Vista at retail stores



  • Reply 121 of 128
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    What CAN'T your mini run today? Other than bootcamp?

    Since you asked...


    If I could add more than one DIMM of memory, I could get 2 GB (somehow I see that number going up with Leopard) and thus have enough for my work flow , which naturally on the mac, leads to having MANY apps open at once...For me, quicklime, preview, terminal and Firefox are always loaded even if no windows are open...I often use Word, iTunes, Bit torrent, iPhoto and stuff too. I do not think that 1GB would be sufficient for my workload so I haven't upgraded from 512 because I cant be sure how fast I will hit the same wall with only 1 GB.


    My integrated GPU has no upgrade path...I dont want a top of the line card, but I would like to screw with apps that take advantage of 3-d, and 2-d enhancements, back when I was in school, I was really thinking of buying Motion when it was a separate app, just to tinker, not to do HD real time on the local news... I couldn't...then there is just the little stuff, like no ripples in Dashboard, iTunes Cover flow and iPhoto Slide show being almost un-usable and such that a tiny bit more GPU would help...and playing back a SD h.264 would be cool too...

    Why toss out the baby with the bathwater?

    I switched as a college student who was genuinely interested in the OSX platform but couldn't justify the then $1999 entry point to a tower but wanted something that is KVM-able...
  • Reply 122 of 128
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by doh123 View Post

    What? where did you read this junk, or is your expectations completely unreal? Sure Dell announced and was shipping Core 2 Duo desktop versions early on. Dell announced mobile versions of Core 2 Duos about 2 months before they ever actually shipped any. Apple updated the Macbook Pro to Core 2 Duos and shipped them before Dell shipped any, and shipped Macbook Core 2 Duos right around the same time Dell was shipping them. Dell tricks people by advertising how great their new laptop is, but when you go to order it they give you a ship date thats like a month away.

    Apple did not have enough C2D Macbooks to stock their stores. If a salesperson at one tried to rip you off, you should complain about that person, but it sounds more like you were jumping to conclusions on your own. They were supposed to keep the old models up as display models until they had new C2D display models in. They (your store might have messed up) put up C2D spec signs with CD laptops. If you wanted to buy a CD version, they had them, but if you wanted to just buy what you saw there on the shelf, they were supposed to tell you it was going to be ordered (if they didnt have one in stock) or possibly offer you an older model (in some stores) for a slight discount. No store was supposed to be selling the old models by trying to trick anyone starting on the day the C2D Macbook was announced.

    so you are mad they aren't pushy or acting like 'used car' salesmen? Yeah, it sucks they dont offer CTO options in stores unless the store ordered some special ones that way on purpose. Usually the retail stores only sell whats in the box, if you want a custom order you have to tell them you want it custom ordered and built and shipped, or do it yourself online. Its to do with how their serial number and tracking and inventory works mainly.

    if all you know is Windows, and your used to how Windows works, sure you'll take a lot of time learning OSX, because your expecting a "computer" to work just like you've always seen them work.... you expect it to work like Windows. You would have the same problem if you used OSX a few years than went to Windows for the first time. I have never seen an Apple ad that said Never Reboot Again, so i cant comment on that. Rebooting is very rare though, only for certain updates and 3rd party software. Safari is not a terrible browser. Cant argue much because you dont put any reasons up. I like it better than I like Firefox and IE and Opera.

    The same for any company on any product, even other computer companies.

    the charge for 802.11n firmware and driver update is pretty absurd. Apple did do it for account reasons though, they just didn't explain it well. It was totally their fault with bad accounting that they charged for it later. After having to be reviewed (and still are being) they are playing safe. Yes it was accounting reasons they charged, but the account reasons were only a factor because of Apples own fault. They should have fixed it so they could do the update for free.

    Computers arent cars, and people really need to stop using that as an example. And yes if your car fails you blame the person who made it... and if you find out its from a faulty part from a certain manufacturer, you blame that manufacturer as well. on some of the forums people are discussing the actual problems and root causes, they aren't just complaint sites. Some people want to know more than just "fix it!"

    what do you call a major change? the change to OSX from OS9 I'm guessing? That did not require a new computer for all previous computers. sure some didnt work with OSX, but others did. There has been very few new OS versions that totally killed all previous hardware before it, and nothing like that in many many years. And your iPod might not be capable of it, or some werent. Don't expect new features to be added to older models, no idea why you would even expect that.

    well, if it works for you, then use it. you are entiled to your opinion. wouldnt the world be boring if everyone thought exactly the same? I like the way OSX looks and works much better than Vista.

    Excellent response. I still wonder why these Vista Fanboys don't play in their own forum?

    Oh maybe it's frozen lol
  • Reply 123 of 128
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Has anyone else noticed Vista Fanboys always have a story about how they tried a Mac and ...

    I've never met anyone who doesn't like their Mac, correction, love their Mac. I suspect these Trolls have scripts given out my MS.

    Well Vista Fanboys I use both platforms too and MS sucks!

    p.s. This is a Mac Forum OK
  • Reply 124 of 128
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    S - Sold out

    U - Under novell

    S - Soon

    E - Extinct

    Okay...moderately lame but as a distro SUSE seems to me on the same path as Caldera as a distro...and we all know that Caldera ended badly. Not that I'm a FSF fan. The latest FSF posturing on Novell is IMHO as reprehesible as what SCO attempted to do.

    Personally I'd give FSF the finger and transistion the userland to BSD atop a linux kernel for 99.99% compatibility with Linux. It would be an odd duck though. Almost as odd as OSX but I think Mach gives OSX the wierdness advantage in any discussion.

    But I digress...


    For an off the cuff limerick about WINDOWS, that just happened to be a delicious irony! So glad someone caught it
  • Reply 125 of 128
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Has anyone else noticed Vista Fanboys always have a story about how they tried a Mac and ...

    I've never met anyone who doesn't like their Mac, correction, love their Mac. I suspect these Trolls have scripts given out my MS.

    Well Vista Fanboys I use both platforms too and MS sucks!

    p.s. This is a Mac Forum OK

    nope, no scripts, just a 2 year old mac that for whatever reason, renders web pages slower than a 4 year old XP box...and MUCH slower than my 3 year old Linux box,

    I have over 3500 posts here, been an active user for 3+ years...I think if I were a "lamer" or "Windows salesman" I would have been found out long, long ago...paruse my post history if you want to...

    Now I must make an offer, given this opportunity (gee, I wish MS would put up classified ads for paid shills in Mac user groups...), If anyone from MS wants a paid fanboy, I could use the cash as I am in between a contract and a full time position right now...gas money to the office some ~60 miles away would be cool

    As I have said, I still recomend and would buy Macbooks and MBPs, but I am just saying that Apple really needs to get their head out of their ass and make a C2D desktop with a PCIe 16x slot and 4 RAM banks...and desktop HDDs would be cool too...and NOT AN ALL-IN-ONE!
  • Reply 126 of 128
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by a_greer View Post

    nope, no scripts, just a 2 year old mac that for whatever reason, renders web pages slower than a 4 year old XP box...and MUCH slower than my 3 year old Linux box,

    I have over 3500 posts here, been an active user for 3+ years...I think if I were a "lamer" or "Windows salesman" I would have been found out long, long ago...paruse my post history if you want to...

    Now I must make an offer, given this opportunity (gee, I wish MS would put up classified ads for paid shills in Mac user groups...), If anyone from MS wants a paid fanboy, I could use the cash as I am in between a contract and a full time position right now...gas money to the office some ~60 miles away would be cool

    As I have said, I still recomend and would buy Macbooks and MBPs, but I am just saying that Apple really needs to get their head out of their ass and make a C2D desktop with a PCIe 16x slot and 4 RAM banks...and desktop HDDs would be cool too...and NOT AN ALL-IN-ONE!

    Seems what you are talking about is more hardware related than OS related which was the discussion earlier ... for me at least. I have no issue with what you are saying above and it is not Apple bashing but constructive criticism. As CEO of a large Apple dealership chain for many years right through the DeskTop revolution era I do have experience in this area. Yes a more flexible machine for pros would be nice. Perhaps as they mature into the Intel platform (hey it's only been a year) there will be such machines coming. I suspect 'we haven't seen anything yet' as they say
  • Reply 127 of 128
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by Viscott View Post

    Being a website developer I decided this past fall that I would buy a Macbook to use for browser compatibility testing.


    Well, I guess that depends on your workflow. If you're doing a lot of ASP then a macbook is sub-optimal and a regular windows laptop better.

    But I found it really nice to simply download PHP 5 and have the entire test site on my MBP in 30 seconds. I haven't dinked around with parallels (I use BootCamp for thick client development) but I suspect I could get my windows based web services up in parallels and have everything running at once except for the thick client app that depends on MDX.

    But I use the Apache/Tomcat/Axis/PHP for the web end. If you're pure MS this is a non-issue.

    The power of unix with the OSX desktop...

  • Reply 128 of 128
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by a_greer View Post

    Since you asked...


    If I could add more than one DIMM of memory, I could get 2 GB (somehow I see that number going up with Leopard) and thus have enough for my work flow , which naturally on the mac, leads to having MANY apps open at once...For me, quicklime, preview, terminal and Firefox are always loaded even if no windows are open...I often use Word, iTunes, Bit torrent, iPhoto and stuff too. I do not think that 1GB would be sufficient for my workload so I haven't upgraded from 512 because I cant be sure how fast I will hit the same wall with only 1 GB.

    Going from 512 to 1GB will be a nice speed increase. Heck, 768MB lets my quicksilver run okay...though I'll need to bump that to 1GB for WOW:BC. But I have a lot of stuff open too when doing iLife. It's $90 from crucial.



    My integrated GPU has no upgrade path...I dont want a top of the line card, but I would like to screw with apps that take advantage of 3-d, and 2-d enhancements, back when I was in school, I was really thinking of buying Motion when it was a separate app, just to tinker, not to do HD real time on the local news... I couldn't...then there is just the little stuff, like no ripples in Dashboard, iTunes Cover flow and iPhoto Slide show being almost un-usable and such that a tiny bit more GPU would help...and playing back a SD h.264 would be cool too...

    Why toss out the baby with the bathwater?

    I switched as a college student who was genuinely interested in the OSX platform but couldn't justify the then $1999 entry point to a tower but wanted something that is KVM-able...

    Hmm...I didn't think Apple used GPU acceleration for any h.264 stuff. Perhaps that changed. And I dunno that the older Motion doesn't work in the G4 Mini given someone managed to at least get parts of Motion 2 running on the GMA950. Which must have really sucked.

    But yes, your G4 mini is stuck with the GPU it came with all the limitations. But on a practical sense it won't have a much lower practical remaining lifespan than my quicksilver. Bumping my quicksilver to 1GB is all I'll ever do. Buying bigger drives or upgrading the CPU or the vid card seems counter productive vs Intel mini with Santa Rosa.

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